The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Mm11

The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
Welcome to 'The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann' forum 🌹

Please log in, or register to view all the forums as some of them are 'members only', then settle in and help us get to the truth about what really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann.

When you register please do NOT use your email address for a username because everyone will be able to see it!

The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Mm11

The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Regist10

The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British

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The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Empty The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British

Post by Jill Havern 05.08.18 12:39

The right to inform is not to speculate and that is not what is expected from our journalists, who knew how to distinguish themselves from the British Goncalo+1Sighting of the Truth

The so-called “Maddie Case” process was made public last Monday. On that day, a new era in the relationship between the Portuguese Justice and the public was started. Journalists from all over the world jumped on the thousands of pages, looking for secrets as if they were the key to a mystery. It did not take more than a few hours for the brilliant minds to discover what a vast team of Portuguese and English investigators and experts hadn’t found in 14 months.

Leads and sightings jumped up in great numbers – all of them credible and despised by the police, obviously. It is only elementary commonsense that the process is read and re-read, so it can be understood completely and in a serene manner; criticism, if it exists, should come afterwards, or we risk to fall into the gratuitous sensationalism that some of the press victimized us to (us, incautious citizens). The right to inform is not to speculate. And that is not what is expected from our journalists who, truth be told, always knew how to distinguish themselves from the British. Do not lose reason now. You are thanked by Justice, by the citizens – and, let’s not forget, by the child that disappeared on the 3rd of May 2007.

source: Correio da Manhã, 09.08.2008
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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