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Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Mm11

Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Regist10
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Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Mm11

Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Regist10

Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund

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Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Empty Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Jill Havern 03.07.18 10:33

This has been posted on the forum before but not all new members will have read it, and it's way too long to post the whole article so am just posting the link as it's always worth a read:

A forensic examination of the (McCann's Find Madeleine) company accounts

A review of the background to setting up the limited company Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned and a forensic examination of the company accounts

by Enid O’Dowd FCA
Jill Havern
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Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 03.07.18 15:57

If Enid had the time, it would be nice to see this article updated with all of the accounts brought together up to date, to include the last couple of years 'no details at all' accounts.

Surely someone somewhere is going to take notice sooner or later, or is that just wishful thinking?

Seems they forgot about this one from 2009 Clarence!

Their spokesman Mr Mitchell said: ‘People will be able to see that every penny of the money they so generously donated has been spent properly in the hunt to find Madeleine.’
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Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Enid O'Dowd's forensic examination of the (fraudulent) Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 13.07.18 9:37

For what it’s worth (nothing at all), the Confirmation Statement showing no changes, seemingly backdated to the technical due date of 15th May, was eventually received and has been posted by Companies House on 9th July.

For a completely worthless document, it almost seems that they post things late just to keep the wind-up going. There are no penalties for filing this document late.

The 'open and honest' accounts that let people 'see that every penny of the money they so generously donated has been spent properly in the hunt to find Madeleine', although in accordance with relaxed regulatory procedures, show virtually bugger all of any worth, and then this Confirmation Statement, which is purely a paper exercise, is filed late for no obvious good reason, other than shoddy accounting procedures.
Doug D

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