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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Mm11

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Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Guest 25.06.18 13:52

Disregarding any personal opinions of past and present machinations, it can't be denied that Steve Marsden is a staunch crusader in the quest for justice in the mysterious case of missing Madeleine McCann.  So please put aside personal animosity and read this for what it's worth - an interesting perspective I think..

Gerry’s Tunnel Vision

Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Gerrytunnelvision-300x199

New Year’s Day 2012 kicked in with the gruesome news of the body of a murdered woman found on Royal property at Sandringham in Norfolk, England. The following day I overheard a US television station reporting the story. The American presenter was talking to a reporter in England and he asked how this would affect the Royals. The response was the mind-boggling, “Oh…well, the Royal Family will not come under suspicion.”

This is incredible. Now excuse me, but if a murdered body was found in your backyard, do you really think the police would immediately rule you out of any suspicion? Does it mean that the Royal Family are exempt from prosecution in homicide cases? When did that law come to pass?

Haven’t we encountered a similar situation with the McCanns? Weren’t the McCanns impervious from prosecution and surrounded by similar blind-support of innocence?

The New Year’s Day story came at an appropriate time for Truth for Madeleine. Late in 2011 an alleged, credible source in British intelligence communicated information that would seem to finally explain why the McCanns were given assistance from the highest echelons of the Establishment.

For almost five years, followers of the Madeleine McCann mystery have debated back and forth wondering why the British Establishment stepped in to assist the Tapas 9 in a way never seen before. There have been many missing British children. There have been missing British children abroad. Many Brits have found themselves in legal pickles abroad but they have never had the red carpet treatment. Not, that is, until the McCann Roadshow came along.

A vast array of former policemen spoke of the McCanns’ innocence without having full knowledge of the circumstances. Murdoch owned newspapers like the Sun and the News of the World fawned over Kate and Gerry. Private planes were brought in to ferry the McCanns around like they were superstars. Gerry was nominated for “Scot of the Year” and both he and his wife were on first name terms with two successive British Prime Ministers.

None of it made sense.

When the police file became public in the summer of 2008 we learned that the Portuguese Police were far from the bungling Keystone Cops they were made out to be. They were diligent, thorough, and they were hampered because of an interfering British Government. Evidence was withheld from the Portuguese. A semen sample suddenly turned into a saliva sample after the British Forensic Science Service looked at it. The samples were, in turn, destroyed by the FSS so the investigators have no chance of a second opinion. The McCanns’ financial and medical details were withheld by British government intervention.

Bombshell testimony implicating Gerry McCann and David Payne as potential paedophiles was deliberately withheld from Portugal for about five months.

The investigation was never botched by Portugal. Moreover, it was an investigation that was controlled and steered in one direction from day one by the British Establishment. This has never been in doubt as the Portuguese confirmed the presence of MI6 throughout their enquiries in 2007 and 2008.

Forum debaters and amateur sleuths spent hours trying to figure out what was so special about the McCanns. McCann benefactors were scrutinized and their backgrounds explored in an effort to find out why these child-neglecting parents were being let off the hook so easily. There were obvious Freemason connections, pharmaceutical connections, paedophilia connections and hundreds of other possible reasons why the McCanns and their friends were not being investigated properly.

Despite all this, one thing was certain: Gerry McCann had the British Establishment over a barrel. He had some kind of explosive information that was ensuring freedom for him and his wife Kate. This information was so damning that it was to create a gross miscarriage of justice.

Poor little Madeleine was forgotten. The case became a battle against prosecution for Kate and Gerry.

The information received here at TFM is damning but credible. It explains a lot about the case but it requires more study. I can’t reveal the name or contact details of the source and the reader will have to take it for what it is.

The gist of the bombshell information received here is this: Gerry McCann is privy to information implicating the Royal Family in the murder of Princess Diana. This was his leverage.

Let’s look at this chronologically:

Madeleine dies in the first week of May 2007. Reputations and careers would be in tatters, not to mention jail terms for child abuse and possibly murder.

Frantic phone calls and text messages are made back to England and Gerry has his famous “tunnel vision” incident in the church in Praia da Luz. Disclosed later in an interview with Catholic Magazine “The Tablet”, the “tunnel” was his cryptic reference to the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris. Gerry said “I had this mental image of being in a tunnel and instead of the light at the end of the tunnel being extremely narrow and a distant spot, the light opened up…That is when I really felt I had a clear path.

Gerry did have a clear path. A path that resulted in the British Government assigning Clarence Mitchell to the case on Monday, May 7, 2007.

Sir Tim Bell (now Lord Bell) offered one of his lackeys to assist the McCanns for two weeks until Mitchell was ready to go out to Portugal. This was a pressure time for the McCanns. Daily interviews were taking place and Praia da Luz had become an overnight media circus. In addition, the police were conducting interviews with those present at the time of the disappearance.
Assurances that the Establishment were taking the McCann threat seriously were already coming in. British diplomats in Portugal were being manipulated. Pro-Royal, Murdoch started to spin pro-McCann stories on Sky and in his newspapers. Former cops were drafted in as pro-McCann spin-doctors who blindly asserted that Madeleine’s parents were innocent of anything.
By the time Mitchell arrived in Portugal three weeks after Madeleine’s disappearance, Gerry needed assurances from the Establishment that he was being taken seriously. To this end, Prince Charles and Camilla made a press release that came out of Clarence House on May 27, 2007. They were giving their full support. The single sentence press release said

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall said they had been following the case of missing Madeleine McCann “closely and with deep concern” and “fervently hoped” she would be reunited with her family.” Another indication of Royal influence came from McCann in his blog when he wrote “The rest of us attended mass which was very emotional as a priest from RAF Lossiemouth was visiting and further prayers were said for Madeleine.”

RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland is a significant location for Prince Charles having been flown there as a boy when he attended school at Gordonstoun which is just a mile from the military base.

June was when the McCanns did the bulk of their Grand European Tour and a plethora of Sirs and Lords appeared on the scene. Sir Richard Branson, Sir Philip Green, Sir Tom Hunter, Sir Christopher Meyer, Lord Stevens and not forgetting that Lord Tim Bell had already given his support the previous month. The connection between these people is that they were all endorsed by the Royal Family. They were knighted by the Queen. While the credentials of these people were discussed on the Internet, everyone overlooked the fact that the benefactors had all been honoured by the Royal Family.

Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Npia_mccann-252x300

July proved a difficult month for the McCanns. Three of their Tapas friends were reinterviewed in Portimão on Wednesday July 11, 2007. Gerry McCann returned to London the same day as a guest of Gordon Brown and Prince Charles at the Police Bravery Awards sponsored by the Sun Newspaper. Gerry tried to disguise this because in his blog he didn’t mention who had invited him and he entered the blog entry on Thursday July 12, 2007. Gerry’s presence there was to meet with Brown and Prince Charles.

In early August, the British police took the cadaver dogs to Portugal and arranged to search properties occupied by the McCanns. This resulted in some incriminating finds that were subsequently disclosed in the media in the first week of September. This was a time of maximum heat for the McCanns. Press coverage was at fever pitch and the case had turned on its head. Now the McCanns were public enemy #1 and the Establishment spin looked like it wasn’t working. Upon fleeing Portugal on Sunday September 9, 2007, we saw signs of the Establishment’s influence on British soil. Special Branch escorted the McCanns home from East Midlands Airport and the Masonic big gun lawyers enter the scene. Kingsley Napley had represented General Pinochet and HRH Princess Michael of Kent. The press speculated that Kingsley Napley’s Michael Caplan QC was helping the McCanns because he was successful in defending Pinochet against extradition to Spain although the real reason was that they were ordered by the Establishment.

The heat didn’t die down in September. The McCanns feared prosecution and they were looking for some monumental change in direction. For all the power plays shown in the previous four months, the Portuguese police were diligently carrying out their homicide investigation. The damning witness statements from the Gaspars had been deliberately delayed [after ‘internal’ directives] and Portugal was still unaware that McCann and Payne had been described as possible sexual perverts by their doctor friends from Birmingham. The main problem with the case from the McCanns’ point of view was their adversary: Inspector Gonçalo Amaral.

While the McCanns were sweating out the summer of 2007, something was developing in England: the Inquest on the death of Princess Diana. The spotlight was about to turn on the British Royal Family once again. Al Fayed and the Daily Express was adamant that Diana had been murdered by the Royal Family. The Inquest was set to start and the Royals could not have Gerry McCann upset the apple cart. On October 1, Prince Charles entered the fray once again. A press release claimed:

AN anonymous tip-off to the Prince of Wales has sent UK police on an urgent hunt for a new suspect in the Madeleine McCann case.
The email – sent via Prince Charles’ website – claimed a disgruntled former employee of the Portuguese resort where the toddler went missing, could be behind her disappearance. It claimed Madeleine was abducted from the Praia da Luz apartment in revenge against the complex’s owners.
It is understood police have confirmed the woman named in the email did work at the resort when Madeleine was last seen 150 days ago. Royal aides have passed the email on to Scotland Yard, which is now trying to trace the author.
A police source told London newspaper The News of the World: “There have been hundreds of Madeleine theories, sightings and tips sent into UK cops from members of the public. But this one is different. “It’s incredibly detailed and so far, from the inquiries being made in Portugal, it appears to be based on factual events.”
Police believe that the tipster entrusted the information to Prince Charles because he and wife Camilla came out in support of Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry.

In the biggest power play of the Establishment so far, their next move demonstrated to Gerry just how far they could operate. The British Establishment arranged for Gonçalo Amaral to be sacked on the day the Inquest on the death of Princess Diana commenced.

Unknown at the time, the public waited for months in expectation of a result from the Forensic Science Service. It never came.

It was buried and destroyed. Once the investigation was on British soil there was no way the Establishment would allow the incriminating evidence to see the light of day. Not until the public could see the police file in the summer of 2008 would we realize that the FSS participated in a monumental cover up. But then this was par for the course. The same forces that manipulated the Princess Diana evidence were at work here.

The McCanns were all smiles come April 2008. They were not part of the rogatory interviews and instead of staying close to home and Leicester, they set off for the European Parliament on their pretendy Amber Alert campaign. The key date here is April 7, 2008. This is the day that the Princess Diana Inquest returned a verdict:

Diana and Dodi were unlawfully killed by the “grossly negligent driving of the following vehicles and of the Mercedes” adding that additional factors were “the impairment of the judgment of the driver of the Mercedes through alcohol” and “the death of the deceased was caused or contributed to by the fact that the deceased was not wearing a seat-belt, the fact that the Mercedes struck the pillar in the Alma Tunnel, rather than colliding with something else.
Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Alisa
17-year old Alisa Dmitrijeva found dead at Sandringham on New Year’s Day.

Beyond April 2008, the Royals were under no more significant threat from Gerry. They had played their part in helping to keep the McCanns from prosecution and the threat hanging over their heads vanished once the Inquest returned that famous verdict. It is sad but true that the power of the British Establishment can cover up death as easy as it can take a life.
Today, the dead girl found on the Sandringham Estate was finally identified as 17-year old. Sadly, there will be little help from the Royals. USA Today reported

Buckingham Palace has declined to comment saying it is a matter for the police.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by willowthewisp 25.06.18 15:18

hi Verdi, you know the conspiracy theory lunatics will dismiss this article as  poppycock for what it exposes, but if the"State/Establishment" can Cover Up the deaths of innocent people,Princess Diana,Dodi Fayed,then have the Metropolitan Police Force simply reiterate,Car accident with a now dead drunk driver being Guilty,job done,clink cheers?

Then seemingly have the Royalty carry on as though,"it won't effect your future Life",just pull your self together and look at what awaits you,stiff upper lip time!?

As the article states,"Royalty are a Law unto themselves",the UK Police have to swear an "Oath,to the Queen,King & Country"protection racket?

Did Gerry McCann have personel knowledge of who was involved in Princess Diana's,Dodi,Henri Paul deaths,perhaps he didn't know but if you cast aspersions when there is still doubt about an untimely event to have appertained in 1997,Ten years of investigations,now where are the similarities to these facts,May 2007 to June 2018, Operation Grange,nothing to see here people,move on please,is that what is about to happen,case shelved,lack of evidence,watch this space?

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by polyenne 26.06.18 14:53

Did Gerry McCann have personel knowledge of who was involved in Princess Diana's,Dodi,Henri Paul deaths...…

Oh come on Willow, I expect more of you than that. A bridge waaaaaaayy too far

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by dartinghero 26.06.18 18:52

polyenne wrote:Did Gerry McCann have personel knowledge of who was involved in Princess Diana's,Dodi,Henri Paul deaths...…

Oh come on Willow, I expect more of you than that. A bridge waaaaaaayy too far

Agree polyenne. The original post feels like a reach too.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by JRP 27.06.18 10:29

The McCann couple have, from the very beginning, had help from the British Government. That help spans the Tony Blair government, the Gordon Brown government, the Conservative/Lib Dem government under David Cameron, and they still receive help today from the Theresa May government. 

The amount of help this couple have had is unprecedented, British government backed help in aid of scuppering a proper police investigation into what really did happen to Madeleine on that holiday.

While the opening post might seem a little far fetched to some, my own opinion is that governments only "cover-up" when the "establishment" is under threat. Those lords, those knighted or members of parliament who are into something murky, dirty, or even just embarrassing.

I don't know if the above theory is accurate, but the McCanns sure knew somebody who got this circus moving all those years ago, and it's still performing today.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Steve Marsden

Post by willowthewisp 27.06.18 11:10

Hi JRP,fellow posters thanks for your replies.

In reply to did Gerry know what happened to Princess Diana Spencer,ok it is absurd.

The main point is do you believe the unexpugated version for Princess Diana's Death alongside Mr Dodi Fayed,Henri Paul by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mr Stevens?
Instigated by the Royal family,you know the Ones who were stuck at Balmoral,failing to Fly the flag at Half mast for Diana's death?

Who do you now believe in the Jeremy Thorpe trail,the original Court procedures or what has finally emerged or did No One try to Murder Mr Norman Scott,where four defendants very quickly absconded from the Old Bailey Court house as, "Free Men"?

What happened at "Dunblane" was all down to One person,Thomas Hamilton,no collusion from government sources,Special D-notices,Michael Forsyth,George Robinson,guarantee of fire arms licence for Mr Thomas Hamilton and his "Full Metal Jacket Bullets"?
Now who was supposed to have been involved in the supply chain organised by Mr Hamilton?
alas just like what has been,"Covered Up" the child abuse,where Alexis Jay can never investigate the "Kincora Boys Home", where One former British Army Officer( Mr.Colin Wallace) was Jailed on Framed evidence on Murder charges,as to what he did or did not know about Kincora and the latest phase,Enoch Powell,Village Magazine,Suffer You Little Children?

Yes we are all, "Conspiracy Theorists" in the non believers eyes who see the "Official Establishment" as being ever so Snow white,not covering up Crimes that have happened,"Birmingham Six" Paul foot uncovered!

Or the still Un-Solved Murder of Mr Daniel Morgan 10th March 1987,it's still not gone away, Prime Minister Theresa May,still allowing the Metropolitan Police force to obfuscate the case,the same Police Force who have failed the "Morgan family",that you gave promises to,eh Theresa?

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Guest 27.06.18 13:54

JRP wrote:While the opening post might seem a little far fetched to some, my own opinion is that governments only "cover-up" when the "establishment" is under threat. Those lords, those knighted or members of parliament who are into something murky, dirty, or even just embarrassing.

It only needs one little leak, it doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to a specific major potential scandal - and down comes their house of cards!  The moat is sealed, up goes the drawbridge and down goes the portcullis. 

Only these days not within the castle walls but within the corridors of Westminster.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by kittykat 29.06.18 15:48

I don't think we will ever know the truth about this case unless Madeleine, as an adult, turns up somewhere alive which is extremely unlikely. What I do think is that any parent who leaves their kids unattended to go down the pub with their mates should be prosecuted for child neglect. Take a look on the richplanet website for lots of interesting thoughts on potential government cover ups on a variety of topics.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Imari 29.06.18 21:10

Gerry might not know any of those posh people, but he might know a cardiologist or other medic who saw what really went on in the ambulance or at the hospital.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by dartinghero 29.06.18 23:27

Verdi wrote:
JRP wrote:While the opening post might seem a little far fetched to some, my own opinion is that governments only "cover-up" when the "establishment" is under threat. Those lords, those knighted or members of parliament who are into something murky, dirty, or even just embarrassing.

It only needs one little leak, it doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to a specific major potential scandal - and down comes their house of cards!  The moat is sealed, up goes the drawbridge and down goes the portcullis. 

Only these days not within the castle walls but within the corridors of Westminster.
It does seem a little far fetched and just feels tenuous to me although I have nothing against the idea that cover ups happen.
I would recommend the Norman Baker book about Dr David Kelly (although I feel he pulls back a little at the end) and a book called "The Franklin Cover-up" which relates to a massive child sex abuse coverup in America. The book is interesting (and horrifying) and relevant to Universal cover-ups in that it shows how organisations and high powered individuals make the system work for them.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Steve Marsden

Post by willowthewisp 30.06.18 16:07

dartinghero wrote:
Verdi wrote:
JRP wrote:While the opening post might seem a little far fetched to some, my own opinion is that governments only "cover-up" when the "establishment" is under threat. Those lords, those knighted or members of parliament who are into something murky, dirty, or even just embarrassing.

It only needs one little leak, it doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to a specific major potential scandal - and down comes their house of cards!  The moat is sealed, up goes the drawbridge and down goes the portcullis. 

Only these days not within the castle walls but within the corridors of Westminster.
It does seem a little far fetched and just feels tenuous to me although I have nothing against the idea that cover ups happen.
I would recommend the Norman Baker book about Dr David Kelly (although I feel he pulls back a little at the end) and a book called "The Franklin Cover-up" which relates to a massive child sex abuse coverup in America. The book is interesting (and horrifying) and relevant to Universal cover-ups in that it shows how organisations and high powered individuals make the system work for them.
Hi Dartinhero,Ref; Cover ups,Do you now believe that Jeremy Thorpe and Three individuals never conspired to kill or harm Mr Norman Scott,but ended up killing" Rinka",whilst Norman ran for his life?

The"Official State,UK Government" will in no way find in Mr Norman Scott's favour,but wouldn't that prove once and for all a "Miscarriage of Justice" involving Government officials?

The"Establishment" cannot be found to be wrong,it's just a few, "Bad Eggs",Not collusion!

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by dartinghero 30.06.18 17:10

willowthewisp wrote:
dartinghero wrote:
Verdi wrote:
JRP wrote:While the opening post might seem a little far fetched to some, my own opinion is that governments only "cover-up" when the "establishment" is under threat. Those lords, those knighted or members of parliament who are into something murky, dirty, or even just embarrassing.

It only needs one little leak, it doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to a specific major potential scandal - and down comes their house of cards!  The moat is sealed, up goes the drawbridge and down goes the portcullis. 

Only these days not within the castle walls but within the corridors of Westminster.
It does seem a little far fetched and just feels tenuous to me although I have nothing against the idea that cover ups happen.
I would recommend the Norman Baker book about Dr David Kelly (although I feel he pulls back a little at the end) and a book called "The Franklin Cover-up" which relates to a massive child sex abuse coverup in America. The book is interesting (and horrifying) and relevant to Universal cover-ups in that it shows how organisations and high powered individuals make the system work for them.
Hi Dartinhero,Ref; Cover ups,Do you now believe that Jeremy Thorpe and Three individuals never conspired to kill or harm Mr Norman Scott,but ended up killing" Rinka",whilst Norman ran for his life?

The"Official State,UK Government" will in no way find in Mr Norman Scott's favour,but wouldn't that prove once and for all a "Miscarriage of Justice" involving Government officials?

The"Establishment" cannot be found to be wrong,it's just a few, "Bad Eggs",Not collusion!

I do not know anything about the Thorpe situation so haven't commented on it. You have the advantage on me.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Yorkshirgel 30.06.18 21:26

It was probably blackmail of someone in high places, but not necessarily about Diana.  Not that I believe her driver was in any way drunk the night she died.  I would like to know for instance why it took an hour to get her to a hospital when it was not far away from the accident.  There was also something suspect about the PM too and the bodyguard has kept noticeably quiet too all this time.
Connecting this with Diana does not explain why there were so many doctors, scientists, businessmen at a 3rd rate holiday resort out of season for example.  I think there was a 'meeting of minds' which for some reason they wanted to keep secret.  There has definitely been a cover up from the top imo. Anyone else would have been arrested for much less than this.  I would like to know why Gerry McCann said 'I am not here to enjoy myself' on the airport bus.  If you do not go on holiday to enjoy yourself why do you go in the first place.  Smacks of premeditation.
The McCanns were brassic before they went to Portugal, then they moved in to a massive house and also paid for a big extension.  Where did that money come from?  Members of their family were on the board of 'The Fund' which was set up immediately, all members being able to benefit from 'The Fund' which was funded by charitable gifts to be spent on finding Madeleine. Pensioners and little children gave everything they could afford. By this time Madeleine was forgotten about.  How did they manage to get this 'Fund' organised so quickly? How could they make money out of their missing daughter?  I think the paedophile link is probably the reason there was a cover up.  Freud had a villa in Portugal. The Macs were known to have visited 'for tea'.  I read in a book about London recently that there was a special club where peadophiles can go. I do not live in London so I am not certain that is a fact.  If it is, and the club is frequented by 'special guests' then there might be a connection with this case?

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Yorkshirgel 30.06.18 21:37

Deleted because of repeat post.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Yorkshirgel 30.06.18 21:38

Here is an example of Government 'cover up', not connected to the case but it just proves that this happens.

FYO30/1048  PY53  (declassified secret document you can find on the internet via google)

It is about how the Government covered up Ted Heath keeping from us the true intention of what he called 'The Common Market'.  They have known from the beginning what it was going to lead to.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Guest 30.06.18 22:11


In one post alone from one paragraph to another, you think a meeting of minds (where on earth does that ridiculous expression come from) comprising so many doctors, scientists and businessmen for reasons they wanted to keep secret and then you think premeditation and then you think a paedophile link as the reason for a cover-up. That is some theorizing if I might say.

Indeed you are posting the same mixed opinions on just about every current active thread.

I keep reading about all the high powered and wealthy guests staying at the Ocean Club during the same week as the McCanns - I've yet to see any evidence! If you have anything to contribute to the subject, i.e helping to identify the guests, it's being discussed here..

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Hobs 30.06.18 23:48

Diana died because she was not wearing a seat belt. if she had, she would in all probability survived as did her bodyguard.
As with  many severe car crashes it can take time to move the patient or patients as they have to be stabilized and then removed from the vehicle.
Diana had a torn aorta which is usually instantly fatal due to severe blood loss.
That she survived an hour is bloody amazing.
The medics would have been working flat out to see what her injuries were (after checking the other casualties) and trying to stabilize a dangerously unstable casualty so that she could be moved and transported safely and alive.

If they had wanted to kill Diana and Dodi there would have been more surefire ways than a car accident.
Given she was known to wear seatbelts, there was no guarantee the crash would have killed her let alone injure her or any of the passengers.
Shooting or a bomb would have been more reliable and expected since they would have been targets for terrorists, she for dating a muslim and he for dating a christian.
Suicide by her since she was known to have attempted it and was also known to have mental health issues, something which runs in her family, drugs or jumping as she had previously thrown herself down the stairs.

Suicide would also not have been unexpected given how much she hated Charles and wanted to get her revenge on him and the Royal family.

She had been investigated for stalking and harassing phone calls to Oliver Hoare though no charges were pressed (that would have been ruinous for her reputation  (and could not be blamed on Charles, the rest of the Royal family or Camilla)and damaging to her sons who were already being damaged by her neediness, clinginess and parentifying)

Diana died because of an accident and not wearing a seat belt.

The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Jill Havern 01.07.18 10:37

Good post Hobs!

I also believe Diana, and the others, died because they weren't wearing seatbelts.

However, a torn aorta doesn't necessarily mean "instantly fatal". Torn aorta's can be repaired.

My father died of a torn aorta and it did take about an hour, if not slightly longer. He had time to go from the shower to the bedroom, call for an ambulance and lay down on the bed. The paramedics couldn't get in to the house as it was locked, they had to call for police assistance who went round the back of the house to break in. The police then went to collect my mother from work a few miles away and drove back to the house with their blues and twos. My mother then called my sister and I to get to the house quickly. We also lived a few miles away.

During this time the paramedics had gained access to the house and they treated him for a heart attack, did some tests then did a tracheotomy, he was becoming unresponsive so carried him downstairs (just as my sister and I arrived) to the ambulance by which time we could see that his face was grey but he was still alive...we followed behind the ambulance, however the ambulance stopped en route to the hospital to try to revive him when he died. This must have taken about an hour or so from when his aorta ruptured in the bathroom.

It wasn't known until the post mortem that he died from a ruptured aorta - we all thought at the time he'd died of a heart attack.

If the house hadn't been locked maybe the paramedics would have got him to hospital in time for emergency surgery...who knows?

In comparison my second husband also suffered a ruptured aorta and was rushed from Northampton to the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford (!) where, despite the 43 mile journey, he had emergency surgery and survived. He then had elective 14 hour surgery 5 years later to repair his aorta but then suffered a second ruptured aorta 4 years after that but because of the extent of scar tissue from two operations it was impossible to do another emergency operation, so he died.

I also have a friend in Chicago who suffered a torn aorta in 2001 and is still alive today and doing well.

Clunk Click every trip.

Maybe Diana, like her bodyguard, would still be here today if she'd worn her seatbelt.
Jill Havern
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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Hobs 01.07.18 11:27

Jill Havern wrote:Good post Hobs!

I also believe Diana, and the others, died because they weren't wearing seatbelts.

However, a torn aorta doesn't necessarily mean "instantly fatal". Torn aorta's can be repaired.

My father died of a torn aorta and it did take about an hour, if not slightly longer. He had time to go from the shower to the bedroom, call for an ambulance and lay down on the bed. The paramedics couldn't get in to the house as it was locked, they had to call for police assistance who went round the back of the house to break in. The police then went to collect my mother from work a few miles away and drove back to the house with their blues and twos. My mother then called my sister and I to get to the house quickly. We also lived a few miles away.

During this time the paramedics had gained access to the house and they treated him for a heart attack, did some tests then did a tracheotomy, he was becoming unresponsive so carried him downstairs (just as my sister and I arrived) to the ambulance by which time we could see that his face was grey but he was still alive...we followed behind the ambulance, however the ambulance stopped en route to the hospital to try to revive him when he died. This must have taken about an hour or so from when his aorta ruptured in the bathroom.

It wasn't known until the post mortem that he died from a ruptured aorta - we all thought at the time he'd died of a heart attack.

If the house hadn't been locked maybe the paramedics would have got him to hospital in time for emergency surgery...who knows?

In comparison my second husband also suffered a ruptured aorta and was rushed from Northampton to the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford (!) where, despite the 43 mile journey, he had emergency surgery and survived. He then had elective 14 hour surgery 5 years later to repair his aorta but then suffered a second ruptured aorta 4 years after that but because of the extent of scar tissue from two operations it was impossible to do another emergency operation, so he died.

I also have a friend in Chicago who suffered a torn aorta in 2001 and is still alive today and doing well.

Clunk Click every trip.

Maybe Diana, like her bodyguard, would still be here today if she'd worn her seatbelt.

Hi Jill.
I think it would also depend on where in the aorta the rupture was and how big the hole was.
A tiny hole in the aorta would not be as bad as one where the aorta had been torn from the heart.

Diana had suffered massive internal injuries when the car crashed
The “compressive right haemothorax” in turn put pressure on the Princess’s right lung and her heart and her heart stopped when she was removed from the car.
They performed CPR which got her heart restarted but it stopped again en route to the hospital.

Diana was already unconscious and, although she did have a heartbeat, she quickly needed artificial help to breathe.
“Upon her arrival, the Princess was 'intubated-ventilated’ which means that a piece of apparatus was making her breathe,”
She was unconscious and on artificial respiration.
“She was in shock, but nevertheless had a heart rhythm.
This means that her blood pressure was very low but that her heart was still beating.

Staff at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris constantly carried out cardiac massage as surgeons tried to repair a ruptured blood vessel next to her heart which was causing massive internal bleeding.
Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine News-graphics-2007-_650925a
But after repeated electric shocks also failed to revive the Princess, doctors accepted they could do no more to save her life.

Given she suffered such massive internal injuries  which would not have been visible/obvious since she would have been bleeding into her chest, i am amazed she lasted as long as she did.
They fought for hours to keep her alive but sadly they could not save her.

Some people have a ruptured aorta and manage to survive, it could be due to size of injury, location, how fast they get treatment, others it almost explodes and they bleed out within seconds with no visible wounds on the outside, they appear to simply collapse.

Clunk Click is so embedded in me that when i was in the passenger seat of a car and we turned round at the bottom of the  cul de sac/grove to make the car more accessible for something or other and i hadn't got my seat belt on i felt so unsafe.
The seat belt makes me feel secure and safe.
I have seen the results of someone not wearing a seatbelt when  a lorry going down a 1 in 4 hill had its brakes fail.
The people inside  were ejected from the cab and sent flying into the tree tops.
it was a messy but instant death.

The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Jill Havern 01.07.18 12:11

All very sad, and probably avoidable if she'd only listened to her husband's mate Sir JS and buckled up.

Funnily enough, it would have been her 57th birthday today.
Jill Havern
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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Steve Marsden

Post by willowthewisp 03.07.18 14:26

Jill Havern wrote:All very sad, and probably avoidable if she'd only listened to her husband's mate Sir JS and buckled up.

Funnily enough, it would have been her 57th birthday today.
Hi jill,what we will now never know is,just how much did Diana know about the activities of a"Reptile" who changed like a chamelion between the different classes,this reptile was known to have been able to "Procure" most things for special friends?

Remember Prince Charle's Butler,"Rape Charges",did the Police investigate, or they had No power to Investigate on a Royal Residence,but Diana had to"Comfort" the distraught victim,whilst the accused person sent on Over seas duties?

For some reason,the"Reptile" never set of any alarm bells or warnings of preying on minors,hidden behind his"Charity Work",but alas people are now being made aware of the high salaries to the CEO's often pleading for Volunteers to fill the vacant roles in the shops,unpaid of course!

Yes of Course,"Diana" had to be made quite!

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Steve Marsden:  Truth for Madeleine Empty Re: Steve Marsden: Truth for Madeleine

Post by Imari 03.07.18 16:14

And going back to the first part of this page, we don't know whether the Mccanns may know the background, or reality, of news from Leeds Infirmary, and other hospitals, and where dubious deaths have perhpas taken place. Having worked in NHS I know that while confidentiality is demanded in relation to one's 'clients' there is a powerful gossip stream between staff members at times, and they do know lots of private stuff about people. Blackmail might easily be within their power.

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