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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Mm11

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Regist10
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Mm11

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Regist10

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 3:37

I cant - admin says I don't have rights!

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 04.12.17 3:42

doisgaloes wrote:I cant - admin says I don't have rights!
That's because you are a new member here, it's not forever and is the same rule for all new members. perhaps speak to Jill about that?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 3:44

Will do.

Sorry guys/gals I am of to bed. Working week next.  catfight poke aaaah angrypcuser

Good night and thank you for listening :)

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 04.12.17 12:16

doisgaloes wrote:No Kickstarter don't manage donated funds. 

Kickstarter won't take funds from credit cards of backers unless the goal is reached! If I don't make ill figure something out how to self-publish it. The world is full of good people and I found that a lot of people support me. 

I think I won't reach my goal, but I was preparing for it.  I have a backup plan!
That makes sense. The kickstarter is just a way of trying to secure pre-orders?

There are many ways to publish a book, but the co-author/editor/printer all still need to be paid first of course before any profit can be made. I still think £26k is way too high to help write a book.

I do understand why you're all over twitter/facebook/CMOMM etc drumming up support for pledges for pre-orders and that if you don't reach that target then those people can't be paid and you can't produce your book. It's good to have a backup plan.

I'm glad you think you might consider changing the title of your book to 'Kate and Gerry McCann: Collateral Damage' - I think a lot of people might otherwise think "Oh no, not another Madeleine McCann book!" (as we did here) But they might be interested in a 'Kate and Gerry McCann' book, especially as it's not about Madeleine as you've admitted.

As Phoebe has suggested, make sure you have a lawyer give it the once over so it's not libellous, even to Amaral and the PJ, especially as you'll be wanting to publish in Portugal. It's possible that if you do change the title to incorporate Kate and Gerry as the collateral damage, then a publisher won't touch it with a bargepole in the UK because they know how litigious they are, and it would seem Clarence Mitchell has already issued a warning. Amaral couldn't get his book published here in the UK, as you know, but that shouldn't stop you getting your book published in other countries if not here in the UK.

Self-publishing on sites such as Amazon would get your book noticed around the world and not just in a few countries. And if you can't get it published in the UK then at least it could still be read in English speaking countries by selling it on the internet. You only have to look at how many hits youtube videos get to see how much people want to read anything about the McCanns.

Personally, I think the price you've set is too high. I think you'd stand a better chance of selling more copies at a lower price.

The only thing that would put me off buying it is if you intend to damage Amaral who has already been through so much, just as you have - as you know the McCanns broke up his family and almost destroyed him for doing his job and I'm sure you must be aware of the PJGA fund where hundreds, if not thousands, of us donated to his legal fund so he could fight back. Those same people will not be happy to see him discredited again.  I certainly wouldn't want to financially contribute towards damaging him even more and I would hate to see him dragged into another libel battle.

But, it's your story, and providing it's the truth then you have every right to tell it.
Jill Havern
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty MALINKA'S BOOK - A TRUE EPIC?

Post by Tony Bennett 04.12.17 12:40

I am gradually revising my opinion about Sergey's promised book. I think it could turn out to be something of an epic.

I have looked again at Sergey's two promotional videos and at what he has said in his own words in them and  on the forum about what is going to be in his book.

This, at the very least, is what he promises, and there may well be much more:



We will get a list of all the false statements he has ever made (at least those relating to the Madeleine McCann case). If these were false statements to the police, these could well constitute the crime of lying to the police. We will get the dates, details and circumstances of how he came to make all these false statements


Similarly, we will get a list of all the false accusations he has ever made (at least those relating to the Madeleine McCann case).  We will get the dates, details and circumstances of how he came to make all these false statements, including details of who ere the people he falsely accused. Some of them might sue for defamation or libel


We will get full details of WHO 'forced' him and HOW they 'forced' him.


We will get full details of WHO blackmailed him and also WHAT INFORMATION they had on Seregy in order to be ABLE to blackmail him. As blackmail is a criminal offence I believe in Portugal as wel las in the UK, if he names anyone, they could well be prosecuted.


We will get full details of WHO bribed him and HOW MUCH they bribed him i.e. he will tell us if he WAS bribed and if so how much he was paid


We will get full details of WHO threatened him and HOW. Was he threatened with violence? That could be evidence of further crimes against him


We will get full details of all the 'difficulties' 


 We will get full details of the deceits 


We will get full details of these lies


We will get full details of how the media was 'dishonest' 


We will get full details of all the media 'slanders'


We will get full details of all the 'defamation' he suffered


We will get full details of all the 'aggravation from the public' he suffered


We will get full list of those unchecked 'facts'  


[size=16]We will get full list of this information


We will get full list of these 'most revealing details


Details promised of exactly who he thinks did this and WHY



We should expect, I think, these details at least:

1.  Full details of his friendship with and association with Robert Murat 

2. Full details of his admitted business relationship with the sex-obsessed porn star Matthew Fazackerly

3. Details of any association with the boat 'Naomi Corlett' and the 'Corlett LInes company'

4. A full account of the meeting that Robert Murat testified he had with him and Michaela Walczuk at the Batista supermarket on Wednesday 2 May and afterwards when he and Murat 'went off together' - where to?

5.  A full account of all his actions from Sunday 29 April to 4 May 2007

6. A true explanation for any telephone traffic between him and Murat that week

7. Confirmation of whether he was or was not (as Jennifer Murat  claimed) at her house for part of the evening of Thursday 3 May



Sergey maintains in various places that Madeleine went missing or was abducted on 3 May. That conclusion is not supported by anyone on this forum. I think we might reasonably expect to get an idea of why he supports that theory.

A 'Young man alone in foreign country'

In the promotional film, Sergey promotes himself as a 'Young man alone in foreign country'. There is footage of him, filmed from a drone, trudging alone across the Portuguese scruband. And generally looking lost and forlorn. We know that this is a very deliberate lie, a lie to gain the viewer's sympathy. Alone??

The truth, however, is that:

1  He moved there with his mother and father
2  At the age of 15, he got a job with David S Jones, in his restaurant
3  After that, he developed computer skills and people from the village and beyond brought their computers to him for repair
4  He had business relationship with Matthew Fazackerly which would have given him many contacts and
5  According to at least one witness, he was in relationships with a 14-year-od girl and her mother.


If Sergey deliberately lied about this just in his promotional film - can we, honestly, expect the truth from him in his book?

Edited to sort out formatting! - Admin


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Tony Bennett 04.12.17 13:11

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
doisgaloes wrote:No Kickstarter don't manage donated funds. 

Kickstarter won't take funds from credit cards of backers unless the goal is reached! If I don't make ill figure something out how to self-publish it. The world is full of good people and I found that a lot of people support me. 

I think I won't reach my goal, but I was preparing for it.  I have a backup plan!
The only thing that would put me off buying it is if you intend to damage Amaral who has already been through so much, just as you have - as you know the McCanns broke up his family and almost destroyed him for doing his job and I'm sure you must be aware of the PJGA fund where hundreds, if not thousands, of us donated to his legal fund so he could fight back. Those same people will not be happy to see him discredited again.  I certainly wouldn't want to financially contribute towards damaging him even more and I would hate to see him dragged into another libel battle.
The above bolded passage is crucial in understanding what this book is going to achieve. 

We know from Sergey's words on this very forum that he claims that the menacing Amaral and his PJ henchmen 'locked him up all day without food or water'.

For starters, given Sergey's own admitted track record of 'making false statements and false accusations', how on earth is anybody supposed to believe him this time?

We know just what the British media will make of any statements like this in the book - and given Sergey's claims that he was 'forced' and 'threatened' to do this and that, how much more will there be in his book about police brutality and 'strong-arm' tactics?

Now this also raises a very serious question about those who are promoting this book, the main three being our own Ben Salmon ('April28th' here). Isabelle Mcfadden and Ben Thompson. 

EITHER they have read the book for themselves, and know that Malinka is making these accusations against Amaral and his men, yet they have no care or understanding of what the British media may make of it - and are therefore being RECKLESS

OR they have not read the book, and don't know what is in it, in which case they are equally RECKLESS.

Which is it, Ben Salmon?  You speak on Twitter of how wonderful this book is. You also claim in in two tweets that you 'know Sergey Malinka personally', and that you knew about this book 'long before it was made public' two weeks ago. Can I ask whether you met Sergey Malinka on your trip to Portugal earlier this year? Who else did you meet there please? And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Philo Beddoe 04.12.17 14:46

So far he's mentioned:

After I have been harassed by Portuguese police over a missed call from Robert on the night when Madeleine disappeared my life turned to s**t very fast.
Regarding his call: I only understood that he called me after police tortured me for the whole day asking me about his call.
A chap apparently called Dmitry Laier has posted on Mr Malinka's Youtube video the following comments “I saw the Russian version of chapter 2 and I’m sure that you can’t image what you will found inside about Goncalo”.  Following this comment Doisgaloes responded with “As I have said this is only the tip of the iceberg I am planning to release at least 1 video every 2 weeks after the campaign is finished, no matter the outcome”.

The UK media, whilst ignoring the Nessling saga, has ran with an article about Mr Malinka stating “A Russian quizzed by Madeleine McCann cops has written a book claiming his life was wrecked after he was “forced” to make “false statements.”
He said: “I was forced into false statements and accusations.” Those words are taken from Sergey's Youtube video description, which the media have already spun into their own anti PJ interpretation.
Question from here: Are you now also telling us that Amaral had you locked in a car all day, without food and water, and had you beaten up?
"Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.
“Plus he wouldn't look like a knight in shining armor after he beating up scared Russian boy, would he?" 

Quite a pattern of PJ and Amaral bashing there which in the UK media's hands, well we can all see what they would do with quotes like that and it wouldn't be pretty.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Verity 04.12.17 15:00

Exactly Mr Beddoe.

It's an Amaral/PJ bashing book.

And Mr Malinka can hardly be described as a boy. He was 22 years old at the time, and apparently old enough to sleep with an underage girl. Men go to war, and die, much younger than that age.

Madeleine, however, was only three when whatever it was happened to her. And if she really was abducted by a paedo then I'm sure she will have been much more scared by what he did to her than being locked in a car all day.

And I don't wish to minimise what Mr Malinka may have been through.

But enough of this Amaral/PJ bashing!!

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Guest 04.12.17 15:46

Tony Bennett wrote:

Which is it, Ben Salmon?  You speak on Twitter of how wonderful this book is. You also claim in in two tweets that you 'know Sergey Malinka personally', and that you knew about this book 'long before it was made public' two weeks ago. Can I ask whether you met Sergey Malinka on your trip to Portugal earlier this year? Who else did you meet there please? And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?

Once again you are only reading what you want to see. I have made no such statement that I knew about the book.

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 S11110

I said I was in personal contact with Sergei before the book was known, I made no claim to have had foreknowledge about the book, which I was made aware of the day after the Kickstarter went live. I even answered that same question 2 hours ago on Twitter, which I am sure you already saw.

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 S22210

It may seem alien to you, but if you speak to people with respect and as human beings, rather than grilling them from the off and looking for reactions to jump on, it's possible to actually have natural conversations with people. Jill has managed to develop a rapport in her interactions here, and you seem to be taking the mantle of 'bad cop' - badly.

You've been disengenuous with Sergei from the off here, down to posting glibly 'redacted' articles which leave in salacious unfounded claims which everyone here knows that you don't even believe, in an attempt to get a rise and tickle confirmation bias. For one who berates misconduct in major cases with hindsight, it's fortunate you weren't ever an investigator yourself, the FSS would blush in your presence!

People aren't going to bend to your will, and that includes me - I wont be obliging you in creating conflict on the forum so you can have another inconvenient voice to you blocked here. So once again I'll be bidding you good day heart

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Liz Eagles 04.12.17 16:26

April28th wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

Which is it, Ben Salmon?  You speak on Twitter of how wonderful this book is. You also claim in in two tweets that you 'know Sergey Malinka personally', and that you knew about this book 'long before it was made public' two weeks ago. Can I ask whether you met Sergey Malinka on your trip to Portugal earlier this year? Who else did you meet there please? And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?

Once again you are only reading what you want to see. I have made no such statement that I knew about the book.

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 S11110

I said I was in personal contact with Sergei before the book was known, I made no claim to have had foreknowledge about the book, which I was made aware of the day after the Kickstarter went live. I even answered that same question 2 hours ago on Twitter, which I am sure you already saw.

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 S22210

It may seem alien to you, but if you speak to people with respect and as human beings, rather than grilling them from the off and looking for reactions to jump on, it's possible to actually have natural conversations with people. Jill has managed to develop a rapport in her interactions here, and you seem to be taking the mantle of 'bad cop' - badly.

You've been disengenuous with Sergei from the off here, down to posting glibly 'redacted' articles which leave in salacious unfounded claims which everyone here knows that you don't even believe, in an attempt to get a rise and tickle confirmation bias. For one who berates misconduct in major cases with hindsight, it's fortunate you weren't ever an investigator yourself, the FSS would blush in your presence!

People aren't going to bend to your will, and that includes me - I wont be obliging you in creating conflict on the forum so you can have another inconvenient voice to you blocked here. So once again I'll be bidding you good day heart
Bash Tony Bennett, introduce Malinka who proceeds to bash Amaral and then have an ego punch up.

Forget the demise of a three year old girl and have a personal scrap.

I for one don't think Malinka is genuine. I don't know why he's on this forum day and night without answering any questions and his English proficiency swims with the tide. I don't know why this person (if indeed it is one person and the genuine person) chose this forum to spout his nothingness on.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Tennison 04.12.17 17:46

All of these allegations from Sergey Malinka about Amaral and the PJ happened more than 10 years ago so why has he waited all this time to write a book about it, and why didn't he write it when he got his libel settlement years ago which he says was around £80,000?

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 04.12.17 18:54

Tennison wrote:All of these allegations from Sergey Malinka about Amaral and the PJ happened more than 10 years ago so why has he waited all this time to write a book about it, and why didn't he write it when he got his libel settlement years ago which he says was around £80,000?
Indeed, and it would have been fresh in his mind, wouldn't it?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Liz Eagles 04.12.17 19:22

Add to this Malinka's excuse for being on this forum to say he'd already approached the tv companies but decided not to make a big fuss.

It's panto season.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 19:43

Right its just came to my attention that Mr. Bennett used my words taken out of context. Are you working for British media by any chance, because reading the thing from they Sunday news and other hack pieces and seeing you being super quick on copy/paste news I assume that it was you who wrote this articles or at least helped to write it?
Let's make something straight - I was never a suspect, only a witness in Portugues police investigation and despite the fact they overstepped the boundaries in interrogation I have made my peace with them. I understand now that the pressure was from above and they needed to produce results. 
I posted here in faith that my words would not be taking from content and used for personal promotion as Mr. Bennet did, so my conclusion is that he just wants to feel important by taking my words, twisting them and making a name for himself. 
I don't take any sides in this story, merely want to let people know what has happened to me.
Mr. Bennet in my point of view you already in this short days created more damages to my name then 10 years of British media.
I will not share anymore with you Mr Bennet, shame on you for using my words for achieving your personal gains.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Liz Eagles 04.12.17 19:49

Panto season is alive and well.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
Liz Eagles
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 04.12.17 19:54

aquila wrote:Panto season is alive and well.
Now, now bignono

Let's just let Sergey have his say and tell us what happened to him ten years ago. I'm interested to hear it.
Jill Havern
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 04.12.17 19:55

doisgaloes wrote:Right its just came to my attention that Mr. Bennett used my words taken out of context. Are you working for British media by any chance, because reading the thing from they Sunday news and other hack pieces and seeing you being super quick on copy/paste news I assume that it was you who wrote this articles or at least helped to write it?
Let's make something straight - I was never a suspect, only a witness in Portugues police investigation and despite the fact they overstepped the boundaries in interrogation I have made my peace with them. I understand now that the pressure was from above and they needed to produce results. 
I posted here in faith that my words would not be taking from content and used for personal promotion as Mr. Bennet did, so my conclusion is that he just wants to feel important by taking my words, twisting them and making a name for himself. 
I don't take any sides in this story, merely want to let people know what has happened to me.
Mr. Bennet in my point of view you already in this short days created more damages to my name then 10 years of British media.
I will not share anymore with you Mr Bennet, shame on you for using my words for achieving your personal gains.
Not omitting the implications here of your suggestions about Mr Tony Bennett which have no basis or foundation whatsoever. It is interesting to now see you write, Mr Malinka, that you have made " peace" with the PJ ? Is that not at odds with your produced You Tube videos and statements you have made here? 

Who is exactly twisting words, for as far as seen Mr Malinka it is you who has obviously twisted your own words?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Liz Eagles 04.12.17 19:57

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
aquila wrote:Panto season is alive and well.
Now, now bignono

Let's just let Sergey have his say and tell us what happened to him ten years ago. I'm interested to hear it.
Send him a cheque for 30,000 euros and you might get a disappointing book.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 20:30


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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT SERGEY MALINKA

Post by Tony Bennett 04.12.17 21:59


Further information has come to light about Sergey Malinka which I will now post up 

Earlier today, I pointed out on the forum that in his promotional film, which I've praised for its professionalism, Sergey portays himself as 'alone' in Portugal in 2007. He makes out that he knew no-one, amd was all alone with no-one to turn to when this frightening situation hit him. In fact, he had moved there (Praia da Luz) SEVEN years earlier with his family, had obtained work in a restaurant and then become a computer consultant and was in businese with porn king Matthew Fazackerly.

More information about this comes in a short clip on YouTube by long-time Praia da Luz restauranteur and businessman David S Jones, who is sometimes described as Sergei Malnka's co-author: see here:  ...

It seems that our Sergey has also been involved in another business venture, the design and marketing of a game called 'RACCOON MADNESS'. Note it was also funded by Kickstarter. #

According to the game designer, Sergey Makinka himself, to succeed in this game the game involves Lying, Cheating and Stealing

Details below from a Google search:


Raccoon Madness Game by Dmitry Laier — Kickstarter

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Raccoo10

22 Nov 2017 - Hello! Dear backers of Raccoon Madness game, thank you for making our game a reality, we had so much fun to work on it. WE HAVE A VERY SERIOUS PROJECT to launch on Kickstarter. One of the co-founders of Raccoon Madness - Sergey Malinka launching his book "Madeleine McCann: Collateral ...

Raccoon Madness Game by Dmitry Laier — Kickstarter

Hello! Dear backers of Raccoon Madness game, thank you for making our game a reality, we had so much fun to work on it. WE HAVE A VERY SERIOUS PROJECT to launch on Kickstarter. One of the co-founders of Raccoon Madness - Sergey Malinka launching his book "Madeleine McCann: Collateral Damage" of the ...

Images for raccoon madness sergey malinka

Raccoon Madness Game by Dmitry Laier — Kickstarter 

26 Jan 2017 - Dmitry Laier is raising funds for Raccoon Madness Game on Kickstarter! A Card Game of KGB-Agents and Poker Stars, where you should Lie, Cheat and Steal! Switch tactics and follow your own strategy to win!

Raccoon Madness Game (NSFW Edition) - Dmitry Laier - Sergey ...

Translate this pageFremdsprachige Auflagen/Editionen: Anklicken für Besitzinformationen Raccoon Madness Game (NSFW Edition) (2017) Flagge. Selbstverlag des Autors Nach diesem Verlag suchen Profilseite des Verlags anzeigen. Autor(en):. Dmitry Laier Nach diesem Autor suchen Profilseite des Autors anzeigen; Sergey Malinka Nach ...

Sergey Malinka | Board Game Designer | BoardGameGeek

Co-Creator of Raccoon Madness Game Video Guru, Polyglot, Professional joint roller.

Raccoon Madness Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

Description from the publisher: The raccoons are out of control. They've diversified into many different forms, morphing into all manner of styles. In Raccoon Madness, you'll have to be good at bluffing in order to get rid of your cards. Will another player call your bluff? Players that have no cards won! Every day we have to ...


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 04.12.17 22:07

I knew he was a "gamer", thanks for this info Mr Bennett it tells us a lot more about Mr Malinka aka "doisgalores" 

"Two gallons" of ... censored ..madness! >>>>>>>>>

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by sharonl 04.12.17 22:13

This line stood out a bit in Doesigles'post

"I understand now that the pressure was from above and they needed to produce results." 

Need I say any more?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty How can anyone promote a book when they haven't read it, Ben Salmon?

Post by Tony Bennett 04.12.17 22:21

April28th wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:Which is it, Ben Salmon?  You speak on Twitter of how wonderful this book is. You also claim in in two tweets that you 'know Sergey Malinka personally', and that you knew about this book 'long before it was made public' two weeks ago. Can I ask whether you met Sergey Malinka on your trip to Portugal earlier this year? Who else did you meet there please? And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?

You've been disengenuous with Sergei from the off here, down to posting glibly 'redacted' articles which leave in salacious unfounded claims which everyone here knows that you don't even believe, in an attempt to get a rise and tickle confirmation bias...

@ April 28th    It's a great pity that you didn't answer my main question above, which was, quote:

 "And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?"

It seems from what you say that you knew 'nothing about the book' until you suddenly learnt about it on or about 23 November, same as we all did.

In that case, it seems quite extraordinary to me that you could gaily endorse and promote the book on Twitter and elsewhere without knowing what it says. 

I also find it extremely odd that as a fellow Madeleine McCann-researcher on this fourm you kept quiet about your visit to Praia da Luz earlier this year, gave us no information at all about who you saw there or what you did, and have also had time in the past few months to cultivate a relationship with Sergei Malinka so deep that you can describe him confidently as "a good man".

Finally, I would have liked to ask you what this tweet of yours, to Malinka and Isabelle McFadden a couple of days ago, was all about:

Don't rise to [Bennett’s} flamebait. He can't get you banned from CMoMM so he's trying to poke you here, and tagging me as if I'll jump in. Tony needs to stick to his Christian dogma, his adopted personalised dogma isn't getting anywhere. #McCann

But, as it seems you have now left the building, I will probably never find out


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 23:12

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
doisgaloes wrote:No Kickstarter don't manage donated funds. 

Kickstarter won't take funds from credit cards of backers unless the goal is reached! If I don't make ill figure something out how to self-publish it. The world is full of good people and I found that a lot of people support me. 

I think I won't reach my goal, but I was preparing for it.  I have a backup plan!
That makes sense. The kickstarter is just a way of trying to secure pre-orders?

There are many ways to publish a book, but the co-author/editor/printer all still need to be paid first of course before any profit can be made. I still think £26k is way too high to help write a book.

I do understand why you're all over twitter/facebook/CMOMM etc drumming up support for pledges for pre-orders and that if you don't reach that target then those people can't be paid and you can't produce your book. It's good to have a backup plan.

I'm glad you think you might consider changing the title of your book to 'Kate and Gerry McCann: Collateral Damage' - I think a lot of people might otherwise think "Oh no, not another Madeleine McCann book!" (as we did here) But they might be interested in a 'Kate and Gerry McCann' book, especially as it's not about Madeleine as you've admitted.

As Phoebe has suggested, make sure you have a lawyer give it the once over so it's not libellous, even to Amaral and the PJ, especially as you'll be wanting to publish in Portugal. It's possible that if you do change the title to incorporate Kate and Gerry as the collateral damage, then a publisher won't touch it with a bargepole in the UK because they know how litigious they are, and it would seem Clarence Mitchell has already issued a warning. Amaral couldn't get his book published here in the UK, as you know, but that shouldn't stop you getting your book published in other countries if not here in the UK.

Self-publishing on sites such as Amazon would get your book noticed around the world and not just in a few countries. And if you can't get it published in the UK then at least it could still be read in English speaking countries by selling it on the internet. You only have to look at how many hits youtube videos get to see how much people want to read anything about the McCanns.

Personally, I think the price you've set is too high. I think you'd stand a better chance of selling more copies at a lower price.

The only thing that would put me off buying it is if you intend to damage Amaral who has already been through so much, just as you have - as you know the McCanns broke up his family and almost destroyed him for doing his job and I'm sure you must be aware of the PJGA fund where hundreds, if not thousands, of us donated to his legal fund so he could fight back. Those same people will not be happy to see him discredited again.  I certainly wouldn't want to financially contribute towards damaging him even more and I would hate to see him dragged into another libel battle.

But, it's your story, and providing it's the truth then you have every right to tell it.

Thank you admin, those are very good advises. On the other hand Mr Bennett having a ball. Very sad.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 23:15

Tony Bennett wrote:
April28th wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:Which is it, Ben Salmon?  You speak on Twitter of how wonderful this book is. You also claim in in two tweets that you 'know Sergey Malinka personally', and that you knew about this book 'long before it was made public' two weeks ago. Can I ask whether you met Sergey Malinka on your trip to Portugal earlier this year? Who else did you meet there please? And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?

You've been disengenuous with Sergei from the off here, down to posting glibly 'redacted' articles which leave in salacious unfounded claims which everyone here knows that you don't even believe, in an attempt to get a rise and tickle confirmation bias...

@ April 28th    It's a great pity that you didn't answer my main question above, which was, quote:

 "And most important, have you read the whole book? If not, why are you promoting it?"

It seems from what you say that you knew 'nothing about the book' until you suddenly learnt about it on or about 23 November, same as we all did.

In that case, it seems quite extraordinary to me that you could gaily endorse and promote the book on Twitter and elsewhere without knowing what it says. 

I also find it extremely odd that as a fellow Madeleine McCann-researcher on this fourm you kept quiet about your visit to Praia da Luz earlier this year, gave us no information at all about who you saw there or what you did, and have also had time in the past few months to cultivate a relationship with Sergei Malinka so deep that you can describe him confidently as "a good man".

Finally, I would have liked to ask you what this tweet of yours, to Malinka and Isabelle McFadden a couple of days ago, was all about:

Don't rise to [Bennett’s} flamebait. He can't get you banned from CMoMM so he's trying to poke you here, and tagging me as if I'll jump in. Tony needs to stick to his Christian dogma, his adopted personalised dogma isn't getting anywhere. #McCann

But, as it seems you have now left the building, I will probably never find out

I see you been busy slagging me! Noone takes you serious man. Give it a rest!

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 04.12.17 23:22

No Kickstarter don't manage donated funds. 

Kickstarter won't take funds from credit cards of backers unless the goal is reached! If I don't make ill figure something out how to self-publish it. The world is full of good people and I found that a lot of people support me. 

I think I won't reach my goal, but I was preparing for it.  I have a backup plan!
That makes sense. The kickstarter is just a way of trying to secure pre-orders?

There are many ways to publish a book, but the co-author/editor/printer all still need to be paid first of course before any profit can be made. I still think £26k is way too high to help write a book.

I do understand why you're all over twitter/facebook/CMOMM etc drumming up support for pledges for pre-orders and that if you don't reach that target then those people can't be paid and you can't produce your book. It's good to have a backup plan.

I'm glad you think you might consider changing the title of your book to 'Kate and Gerry McCann: Collateral Damage' - I think a lot of people might otherwise think "Oh no, not another Madeleine McCann book!" (as we did here) But they might be interested in a 'Kate and Gerry McCann' book, especially as it's not about Madeleine as you've admitted.

As Phoebe has suggested, make sure you have a lawyer give it the once over so it's not libellous, even to Amaral and the PJ, especially as you'll be wanting to publish in Portugal. It's possible that if you do change the title to incorporate Kate and Gerry as the collateral damage, then a publisher won't touch it with a bargepole in the UK because they know how litigious they are, and it would seem Clarence Mitchell has already issued a warning. Amaral couldn't get his book published here in the UK, as you know, but that shouldn't stop you getting your book published in other countries if not here in the UK.

Self-publishing on sites such as Amazon would get your book noticed around the world and not just in a few countries. And if you can't get it published in the UK then at least it could still be read in English speaking countries by selling it on the internet. You only have to look at how many hits youtube videos get to see how much people want to read anything about the McCanns.

Personally, I think the price you've set is too high. I think you'd stand a better chance of selling more copies at a lower price.

The only thing that would put me off buying it is if you intend to damage Amaral who has already been through so much, just as you have - as you know the McCanns broke up his family and almost destroyed him for doing his job and I'm sure you must be aware of the PJGA fund where hundreds, if not thousands, of us donated to his legal fund so he could fight back. Those same people will not be happy to see him discredited again.  I certainly wouldn't want to financially contribute towards damaging him even more and I would hate to see him dragged into another libel battle.

But, it's your story, and providing it's the truth then you have every right to tell it.

Thank you admin, those are very good advises. On the other hand Mr Bennett having a ball. Very sad.
Also, I think I was a bit harsh in my last saying about PJ and GA, Bennet had a field day :)
In fairness to the situation, I didn't like how I was treated by PJ, but I understand why they have done it. I don't hold a life to GA!

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 05.12.17 10:02

As with all these events, it’s always worthwhile exploring the question why now?

Mr Malinka had the last 8 years or more, post the end of the Portuguese investigation, to tell his side of the story. There were times when this would have been very helpful.

But now? Whilst his story is of interest and some would argue possibly a significant part, he wasn’t on the agenda in recent years in any way, shape or form. Unless there is a big story Mr Malinka has to tell us about developments in this case rather than an inane series of whinges and moans.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 05.12.17 10:18

Sergey seems to have backtracked a bit after complaining about "torture", now he's saying, in fairness, he was a bit harsh!

I hope you put that in your book Sergey.

Anyway, it would seem Sergey was banned again during the night (not by Verdi, who seems to get the blame for everything these days) and I won't be reinstating him this time because he didn't stick to his side of our 'deal'.

He wasn't here to help us with more pieces to the jigsaw of what really happened to little Maddie. But if Maddie really was abducted, as Sergey thinks, then she's already been waiting for more than ten years with her paedophile chum anyway, who's apparently treating her like a princess, so what's another seven months?

As you say Rogue-a-Tory, he's had at least eight years to write his book, especially when he had his compensation money to fund it, as Tennison pointed out.

I'm sure the question of "why now?" will become apparent nearer to Christmas, as aquila pointed out.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 4 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Tony Bennett 05.12.17 10:46

I thought it would be seasonal and fitting to celebrate Sergey's departure from the forum new book with this little adaptation of the popular Christmas-time song: 'Tis the season to be jolly':

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

Tis the season to be jolly,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.


Buy the champers - pop the cork,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

Sergey Malinka’s goin’ to talk,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala  


Come along now, have a little look  

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

A few little titbits, ahead of his book.

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala


Follow me in merry measure,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

Sergey’s book will be a pleasure

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.


Tales of missed calls, Rob and woe

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

10 years’ secrets: ready, steady, go

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.


Sing we joyous, all together,

Fala la Fala, Fala Fala.

Tireless, following Sergey’s blether

Fala la Fala, Fala  F - A-  L - A.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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