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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Mm11

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Regist10
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Mm11

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Regist10

'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 4:02

doisgaloes wrote:I blame for that irresponsible parent, who couldn't spare 10€ for the babysitter for the sake of the babies, Portuguese police for being stupid in how they handled it, British police for being silly posers and the general public who believe the above.
"....."...?..??????....? bn

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 4:03

The point was proven!


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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Liz Eagles 03.12.17 5:44

doisgaloes wrote:Since I have registered here I didn't get any more backers. Easy as that. I never said I was told what to do. Mirror took my word without my consent from the video and put it how they liked, my lawyers would have a field day by the way. What i have said in the video is: I was forced into false statements and accusations. What I meant is that media made false statements and accusations about me. They forced me into accusations.

Where do you see lies here?
Why does your grasp of the English language waver so much? You seem perfectly capable of fluency at times and then resort to polyglottic semantics when the UK media quote your own words back at you. You are the one seeking crowd funding for your project. You are the one who says your life has been mired. You are the one who is seeking publicity. You are the one demanding terms of engagement on this forum. You are the one....and I'll repeat it in are the one.

I still don't understand what you are trying to achieve and I must add that your approach to garnering public funding and support is lacking but then again perhaps you don't need public funding after all when you can sell your story to a newspaper - the opportunity for income is perhaps already on the table. You could of course simply publish your account for free and as you are a computer specialist it would be very easy for you to achieve.

Why is it I feel I've stumbled into some sort of spy movie/pantomime campaign?

So, for the sake of transparency, please explain in detail where you get the figure of 30,000 euros. Did you obtain quotes?

Mr Malinka , from your time on this forum I don't believe you to be genuine and as you are the one asking for donations it is for you to prove that you are. You did not come to this forum in your own name, a name that you claim has been besmirched.

I will not engage in this or any other thread concerning your book as I believe it to be a complete and utter waste of time and has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a three year old girl's life.

I bid you an English goodbye.
Liz Eagles
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by NickE 03.12.17 7:45

doisgaloes wrote:I blame for that irresponsible parent, who couldn't spare 10€ for the babysitter for the sake of the babies, Portuguese police for being stupid in how they handled it, British police for being silly posers and the general public who believe the above.
Do you have any idea who the bald guy might be?
'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Murat

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 9:56

doisgaloes wrote:Since I have registered here I didn't get any more backers. Easy as that. I never said I was told what to do. Mirror took my word without my consent from the video and put it how they liked, my lawyers would have a field day by the way. What i have said in the video is: I was forced into false statements and accusations. What I meant is that media made false statements and accusations about me. They forced me into accusations.

Where do you see lies here?
It looks like the Sunday Express have taken your word (without your consent?) too:

I was forced into false statements and accusations concerning her disappearance. I’ve lost everything – jobs, friends and hope."
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 10:38

Comment posted by Andy Hopkins on CMOMM facebook:

I'm thinking all of this is no coincidence. A week before nesslings lack of sentence, he launches this kickstarter except he doesn't use the maximum 60 days that kickstarter allow for fund raising instead sets an unlikely achievable target, some have called it a publicity stunt. He's made mention of police harassment, even mentioned the word 'tortured', context unknown as yet. Nessling is getting a press blackout, yet sergey is getting coverage now. What a coincidental and convenient timing. I suspect it's another distraction/misdirection from the so called other side possibly. Is it an attempt to discredit the Portuguese police? I'm smelling a rat somewhere.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 13:20

The Mirror and Sunday Express wrote about me without my consent, I am dealing with them. I don't tell you how to run a forum, why you criticize how to rum my Kickstarter campaign.

Before launched the book I have approached all major tv channel and all wanted my interview about the book. After careful consideration, i have launched my campaign only through online means not to create too much fuss. 
Portuguese police discredited itself the long time ago, and believe you me I could easily go to the media or ministry of justice and would tell how I was treated by Amaral and his coworkers that day in an interrogation room. And if I would he would more problems that defending his book from McCanns. Plus he wouldn't look like a knight in shining armor after he beating up scared Russian boy, would he?
I want to clear my name, but only a few people out of many actually ready to listen.  I am truly sorry to see that.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 13:32

doisgaloes wrote:The Mirror and Sunday Express wrote about me without my consent, I am dealing with them. I don't tell you how to run a forum, why you criticize how to rum my Kickstarter campaign.
Ah, but you do tell me how to run the forum Sergey.

1. You told me to remove your threads
2. You told me to make sure they weren't referenced on Google
3. You told me to ban a moderator
4. You wanted a moderator to apologize to you before you answered questions.
5. You told us not to mention the 'S' word

All of this was done. I have even moved this thread off the main forum as per my part of the deal.

If the Mirror and Sunday Express wrote about you without your consent you can sue them - and now you say tv channels are interested, all of which should help pay for your book.

Plus, that comment was posted on the facebook group, and not written by me.
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 13:39

I guess you are right - only you can criticize my Kickstart Campaign.


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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 13:44

doisgaloes wrote:I guess you are right - only you can criticize my Kickstart Campaign.

Only me? I'm the only one?

Have I personally criticized your campaign?

Or have I actually allowed your campaign to be advertised on this forum?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 13:55

You have helped and I am grateful for that. 

I didn't see this "Comment posted by Andy Hopkins on CMOMM facebook:"

My Apologies Admin. 

I was on the other side of this forum battling with "Maymuse" so still am upset a bit, when saw your post didn't see it was a comment from someone else, so i lashed out without even getting into details.


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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 13:58

Are you now also telling us that Amaral had you locked in a car all day, without food and water, and had you beaten up?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 14:09

Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 14:10

doisgaloes wrote:You have helped and I am grateful for that. 

I didn't see this "Comment posted by Andy Hopkins on CMOMM facebook:"

My Apologies Admin. 

I was on the other side of this forum battling with "Maymuse" so still am upset a bit, when saw your post didn't see it was a comment from someone else, so i lashed out without even getting into details.

Erm Sergey there was no battle as all can see by reading that thread, which was hours ago! 

You continually change or add to your story of woe it's hard to catch up with this merry go round! 

Do not make me your excuse for not reading posts properly, take responsibility for your own actions.... Sorry but I'm not buying any of this!

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 14:13

doisgaloes wrote:Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.
So why didn't you go to the Ministry of Justice?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 14:20

doisgaloes wrote:Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.

Which is the truth ? 

You said about Amaral in your previous comment 

" Plus he wouldn't look like a knight in shining armor after he beating up scared Russian boy, would he?" 

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 14:32

Have you ever spent any time in the UK Mr Malinka?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by polyenne 03.12.17 14:47

A strange comment from one for whom English is not their language.....”bang out of order”

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Tony Bennett 03.12.17 15:16

doisgaloes wrote:Get'emGoncalo wrote:   Are you now also telling us that Amaral had you locked in a car all day, without food and water, and had you beaten up? 

doisgaloes (Sergey Malinka) replied:  Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.
Sergey, Sergey, well you know now how the British press treat you, don't you? Stories in the press quoting the words of yours in those two videos you uploaded on 21 November.

So what will the media do to the above passages in your book, I wonder?

Let me give you the headlines right now:


And who will benefit from those headlines? Why, the McCanns!

And one day your son will probably read that story on the internet. And perhaps ask you: "Why did those men do that to you, Daddy?"

ETA: Just to quote your actual words in one of the two videos you uploaded:


So the Mirror and Express reports weren't unfair to you in any way, were they? They simply quoted your own words in your own video. Nobody could complain about that!

I am left wondering just how many false statements you made and just how many false accusations you made, and whether we will hear about them all in your book?

In fact, you are STILL making false accusations! e.g. calling me  a 'fake researcher'.

Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything about these false allegations or try and stop you.

Inevitably, they say far, far more about you, and your supporters, than they ever will do about me.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 16:29

I think ill speak with people who I trust from now on as I see Mr. Bennet and MayMuse use my words twist them and feed to the media desperate to get some importance back in the corner. Both of your statements here are useless coz none of you know anything regarding this case and myself besides what media sold to you.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Jill Havern 03.12.17 16:46

Is 'coz' a Russian or Portuguese word Sergey?

Have you spent any time in the UK?

Where has Mr Bennett and MayMuse fed any of your words to the media?
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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 16:50

doisgaloes wrote:I think ill speak with people who I trust from now on as I see Mr. Bennet and MayMuse use my words twist them and feed to the media desperate to get some importance back in the corner. Both of your statements here are useless coz none of you know anything regarding this case and myself besides what media sold to you.
Mr Malinka just stop it! 
No one has twisted your words or fed them to the media as can be seen in the posts! 

What do you know about the case other than your experience? 

You supposedly worked on a website Romigen, always thought that an odd name for an estate agency/business card production when it is a known Generic solvent remover? Has that website ever materialised? 

I think you are losing a sense of perspective here, no one here bought in to what the media were selling. This is a truth forum!

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 16:51

Get'emGonçalo wrote:Have you ever spent any time in the UK Mr Malinka?

Only after all that, I went to the UK for Xmas with my friends.

Coz - is short for "Because", a lot of online gaming would make one write short words.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by NickE 03.12.17 16:55

doisgaloes wrote:Not him, but his colleagues did. The officer who got physical with me was called Pereira. Amaral was bang out of order as well at the end of the interrogation, to be honest.

How did Metodo 3 treated you?

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 16:59

doisgaloes wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:Have you ever spent any time in the UK Mr Malinka?

Only after all that, I went to the UK for Xmas with my friends.

Coz - is short for "Because", a lot of online gaming would make one write short words.
Are you proficient at online gaming? 

Christmas in England, that's an experience, what part of the Uk did you visit ?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by doisgaloes 03.12.17 17:05

I play sometimes. The parts the UK were East Midlands and Edinborough.

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by MayMuse 03.12.17 17:10

doisgaloes wrote:I play sometimes. The parts the UK were East Midlands and Edinborough.

Would you class yourself as a "gamer?" 

East Midlands and Edinburgh Airports?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by JRP 03.12.17 17:13

East Midlands, Leicester?

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by polyenne 03.12.17 17:18

Is “bang out of order” a gaming phrase too ?

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'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life" - Page 2 Empty Re: 'Sunday Mirror', 3 Dec 2017: "Innocent man", Sergey Malinka, says "Madeleine McCann case ruined my life"

Post by Tony Bennett 03.12.17 18:28

doisgaloes wrote:I see Mr. Bennett [sp.] and MayMuse use my words twist them and feed to the media desperate to get some importance back in the corner. Both of your statements here are useless coz none of you know anything regarding this case and myself besides what media sold to you.

High time you stopped by for a bit longer here and have a good long browse through the thousand-plus discussion, analysis and research threads on CMOMM, Sergey. That would tell you 1,001 things that you don't know.

One thing nearly all of our 8,018 members on this forum will tell you is that we do not compile our research from our mainstream media here


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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