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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Mm11

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Another look at Sergey Malinka

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Jill Havern 12.12.17 21:22

Posted on CMOMM facebook

Alan Vinnicombe
37 mins
Netflix the Russian and fireman sam!
Russian computer expert Sergey Malinka was quizzed over Maddie’s 'disappearance' but was released.
He was questioned again in 2013 by British cops as part of Operation Grange but was never charged.
Now, Mr Malinka has teamed up with British author David S Jones, to write “Collateral Damage” about his ordeal, which is due to be published next year.
Mr Jones lives in Luz and as a teenager, Mr Malinka worked in a restaurant he owns there.
Writer David, said he teamed up with Malinka because “A lot of bad things happened to him and it was very wrong,
He came to me and asked if I would work with him, co-author a book he wants to write to let people know the truth about what happened.
He wants his child to grow up not being named and blamed as the child of the Russian guy who was involved in the McCann saga".
Mr Jones, was originally from West London and a former member of the Household Cavalry, he left after falling out with an aristocratic fellow officer and became a personal bodyguard to an American businessman, he also spent time in the London fire service.
I would like to thank Praia website 'Shining in Luz' for shedding light on why everyone's scratching their heads thinking why now after 10 years?.............[see map ]
Bar Carib is the dot in green. It is fairly close to the circle in pink, which is 27 Rua das Flores, the villa used by Kate and Gerry McCann when they left the Ocean Club
The yellow dot on the map is apartment 5A, close to Baptista supermarket (and the Tapas Restaurant). The blue dot is the Millennium, around a 650m walk from apartment 5A.
The orange dot beside the Millennium is the Mirage.
If you look at the map, the Mirage is not best placed for general business. There is car parking, though not a huge amount. The Mirage is adjacent to the Ocean Club, and it is an obvious connection that as the Ocean Club went into terminal decline, the Mirage would struggle badly.
If the McCanns went jogging from 27 Rua das Flores there is a good chance they ran up Rua dos Hibiscus, and if so, they would have passed the sign for the Bar Carib.
Madeleine – Netflix
Mr Jones was in the Bar Carib recently, and the locals do enjoy a good gossip when they socialise.
Mr Jones said that he had indeed been in touch with Netflix. He told them that he had no significant knowledge regarding Madeleine’s disappearance.
In my opinion, he is in error on that point, but I assume he does not know the slivers of gold he is sitting on, like many a person in this incident.
The owner of the 'Mirage' is David Jones. The Mirage has been closed since 2014, because it was losing money.
His interview with Netflix was restricted to whether Madeleine’s disappearance had an impact on his business. Since I was not at Bar Carib to hear his story first-hand, I will simply say he does indeed think there was a Madeleine effect, a very detrimental one.
That appears to have killed off the 'Mirage'.
Could Netflix be the real reason for Jones/Malinka, to suddenly come blinking into the glare of MSM after all this time? are they soon to be awash with Netflix money for interviews? the more high profile the witness the more money you get. oh no, its not a book about getting back at the PJ or backing the McCanns yet again it, IMO is all about the money.
or is it?
Mr Jones “A lot of bad things happened to him and it was very wrong”.
Sergey Malinka, ''Ten years later I am about to become a father for the first time. My family is my life. I will no longer allow the lies of others to poison our future.”
what do you think?
the PJ report on his computer said that “nothing was found of relevance for the case”. Yet when they examined 27 ‘optical disks’ [CD ROM] belonging to Malinka, these were found to contain pornography and, on one disk, 'bestiality’. That may be of no relevance to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, but it is at least worthy of note.
MADELEINE McCann’s parents are warning a witness computer expert Sergey Malinka, who claimed the probe into her disappearance was riddled with 'blackmail, bribery and threats'
McCann spokesperson Clarence Mitchell warned: “Beware! If any defamatory claims are made Kate and Gerry’s lawyers will be assessing them, as they do with any book which has any potential defamation against their clients. (Was her book defamation to GA & the PJ ! do as I say not as I do perhaps? )
THERE IS NO BOOK only money-making opportunities due to the McCann circus rolling back into town, after all, they cost Mr Jones his business and exposed Sergey Malinka to the world !

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6 Debbie Jane Kirsten, Michael Shaw and 4 others
Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 24862091_10155454921906185_8354571917315647981_n
Alan Vinnicombe Added this post from Abscam last week to complement the textusa post , this is what I know is happening in Praia and yes I totally agree IMO .. GA is going to be under attack.

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· 21 mins · Edited
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Guest 12.12.17 21:46

Why does this case always attract people who claim to be in the know every time something new hits the headlines?

Sergey Malinka was clearly a fraud as far back as the summer of 2007, only he was only seen as a bit part player at the time.  Now he's hit the headlines and out crawl the 'wise ones' from under all those previously unturned stones.

The Australian exposé earlier this year was a five minute wonder, it was at the time fodder for the hungry - now we have Netflix to fill the void, which will be as enlightening as every other five minute wonder of the moment.

Textusa?  No comment!


The CMoMM bashers however are in need of remedial attention.  They clearly have an unscrupulous agenda which must be exposed.

If the ultimate intention is to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, these pestilent distractions must be segregated and appropriately filed under 'trash' - otherwise they win and CMoMM is left floundering under the fire!

They come - they go, good riddance to rotten rubbish.  Meanwhile business as usual.

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by sharonl 12.12.17 22:15

Back in the early days, probably 2007 or 2008, I vaguely remember a reference to a key being found in Murats Villa. The key belonged a friend of his ( I believe that this was Malinka) and was the key to a garage of some sort, where chemicals were stored.

Does anyone else remember this?
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Jill Havern 12.12.17 22:25

From Gonçalo Amaral's book, The Truth of the Lie:

Chapter 7



On May 10th, the crisis unit’s meeting goes on until 2′oclock in the morning.

I receive a phone call from Sofia, who insists on my going home: our Shitzu dog is dead. She found it that morning, lifeless on the ground, with a head injury. She did everything to make sure the girls did not see it, but she didn’t have the courage to remove him. When I arrive, everyone is already in bed. I place the Shitzu in a plastic bag, not sure about where I am going to be able to bury him. The ground is hard here. it’s not easy to dig a hole and I hardly have the time for it. I decide to drop his remains into a bin. The animal is small, but he seems to weigh more than usual. I use my car to take her. As I am getting rid of it, I realise just how easy it is to hide a body – and how difficult it is to bury….When I get back, I discuss it with Sofia: she is afraid. She asks me to abandon the investigation and to worry about our daughters rather than other people’s. For her, the dog’s death is a bad omen. I reply that she is unfair, that her fears are irrational. Justice must be done for Madeleine, as for all other children and adults. It’s my duty as a police officer: to seek the truth so that justice may be done.

At around 8 o’clock that morning, I drive towards Portimão. I could drive with my eyes closed; this helps me to focus on the latest developments in the investigation. All I notice is the impasse we find ourselves in. I have the impression that we are chasing a ghost. The previous night, we had reviewed Jane Tanner’s witness statement in detail: the individual whom she saw parading around in the open street with a child he had just abducted seems less and less credible to us.

– And where would he go then? If, as we have assumed, he didn’t have a vehicle, he must have hidden in an apartment in the area.

– On the route he took, there are several apartment blocks and two houses. They were all searched on May 5th, but nothing was found.

– A thorough search?

– More than 500 apartments were visited that day; in those conditions, only a general examination can be conducted, except where something seems suspicious. The houses in the area have gardens, swimming pools, numerous hiding places that are not easily spotted during a first visit.

Instead of taking the exit road for Portimão, I continue my journey on the motorway. I need to reconstruct the individual’s path. If he had planned his crime, he probably wouldn’t have taken this direction. And if, on the other hand, he hadn’t planned it? I need to work it out for myself. In Vilada Luz, I park my car below the apartment blocks. Journalists are on the lookout around the apartment; fortunately, they don’t see me. I walk the same route that the stranger must have taken. I arrive in front of a house with a neglected garden. Inside, there are two parked cars, whose registration numbers I note down. I communicate the numbers to the police in Portimão and wait there for the result of the check. After a few minutes, a green vehicle, driven by an individual wearing glasses, stops in front of the entrance to the house. The driver goes in quickly. His face is familiar to me but I don’t know who he is. I notice a child’s seat inside the car. The man comes back out a little later, supporting an elderly lady whom he accompanies towards the area of the swimming pools and the Tapas restaurant. They cross a park where a few buildings have been erected. Madeleine’s parents took this route to take their children to the play centre, near the main reception area of the hotel complex. Since the start of the investigation , a team has been permanently on the premises and an apartment has been placed at their disposal. I am about to make enquiries of the police officer on duty when the individual comes back from his walk and greets him as he passes.

– You know that man?

– Yes, he presented himself to the GNR on Friday morning and offered his services as an interpreter. He is of English origin but speaks good Portuguese. He’s called Robert Murat.

As the law demands, all foreign people interviewed by the police must have the benefit of an interpreter. In this investigation, the considerable number of interviews we had to conduct in record time forced us to call on the services of volunteers.

– And this guy, you checked him out? No criminal record or trouble with the law?

– No, no, it’s all OK, but I didn’t know he lived here. It’s true that his house is on the route taken by the abductor.

– Stay here, carry on being friendly with him; I’m going to Portimão to see what we’ve got on him: we’ve got to find out more about this guy.

I immediately telephone the team to alert them. The Director of the Department of Criminal Investigation in Faro has to be involved in a meeting the same morning, where we will discuss the case of Robert Murat. We decide to request the latter’s help again in order not to lose sight of him. We must act with the utmost speed, because Madeleine could be in one of the houses he has access to. The investigators continue to check the information we have about him. He is English, aged 33 and is separated from his wife. The latter lives in Great Britain with their daughter; the latter is nearly the same age as Madeleine and looks like her. The English journalist to whom he gave this information during an interview was immediately distrusting of him and the reasons that motivated him to help the police. Murat has lived with his mother in Vila da Luz for several years, but he goes to England regularly. Back from his last stay in Exeter on May 1st, he has to return there on the 9th. He is ready to postpone his departure, desirous above all, he states, of helping the police to find Madeleine.

His behaviour starts to seriously intrigue us. He often makes reference to similar cases that happened in the United Kingdom and which he seems to know in detail. He displays suspicious curiosity and seeks to know more. He offers to help us identify possible suspects. He knows the workings of the Ocean Club and the habits of the holiday-makers very well. He even, allegedly, tried secretly to access the investigation files. It is also known that he visits web sites of a pornographic nature.

His mother has set up a desk near the Tapas restaurant in order to gather and give out information about Madeleine. We don’t know if this woman’s actions are philanthropic in nature, or if she is hoping to keep well-informed of all the information circulating about the case. Members of the British agency CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), take a close interest in Murat and work to develop his psychological profile.

If it’s him that’s holding Madeleine, we must monitor all his contacts and places he has access to. His house is therefore being closely watched. Technicians arrive from Great Britain with sophisticated equipment, capable of detecting the presence of people inside a building. Unfortunately, the characteristics of the building make this computer display impossible. So, stick to the investigations and conventional tailing. This is how we discover his relationship with a married woman of German origin, Michaela Walczuch. She is 32 and works as an estate agent. She is the wife of Luis Antonio, a Portuguese man aged 33, a technician responsible for the maintenance of swimming pools. The couple have an 8 year-old daughter and live in Faro. The relationship is strange. Michaela is still living with her spouse, and Robert visits them as if it’s no big deal. All of them seem happy with this situation. And the little girl? What does she think about it?

On May 12th, the suspect rents a car, in which he drives kilometres over rough tracks for basic essentials. He explains later: that day, his mother had needed his car for her information desk. We are assuming that he noticed he was being followed.

We then decide to search his residence and the vehicles he uses. During the night of May 13th, the Prosecutor of the Republic and the judge go to the court in Portimã0, where, in view of the growing suspicion and the urgency of the situation, a search warrant is issued to them.


Before the search, we want to assure ourselves that Jane Tanner recognises him as the individual she saw on the night of the disappearance. She is sitting inside an unmarked car, whose tinted windows allow her to see out without being spotted. The vehicle is parked at the exact spot where she was on the night of May 3rd. Robert Murat, anonymous amongst plain clothes police officers, goes up the road in the same way as the alleged abductor. Jane Tanner is adamant: it certainly is Robert Murat that she saw that night. She definitely recognises his way of walking. But does he resemble the description she painted previously?

The investigator, with whom Murat is on friendly terms, is with him in a bar until 2 o’clock in the morning. We are not about to relax surveillance. As soon as he gets home, police officers are stationed around his house in order to monitor all entrances. The crisis unit is buzzing; the teams are preparing for the search. It will be carried out at 7am – the legally designated time -, when the journalists are not yet on the streets. The operation is kept secret. We request reinforcements from the GNR. For the moment, we have no evidence against Murat, only suspicions. If we had been certain that Madeleine was in the house, we wouldn’t have had to wait for daylight to intervene. Scenes of crime specialists accompany us in the search for evidence. Outside, two rainwater recovery tanks are explored with the help of divers. We pack up a few items of clothing to send to a laboratory that will carry out the search for fibres, hair, traces of blood that possibly came from Maddie. The cars are also gone over with a fine tooth comb. Laptops are seized and their contents examined by specialists. We find a cutting from a British newspaper, dated 23rd September 2006, that refers to a case of paedophilia.


Robert Murat is placed under investigation and interviewed at the offices of the police in Portimão from 10am. He does not wish for the presence of a lawyer. He is the first suspect who will be declared arguido. As such, he benefits from certain rights, one of them being to remain silent. But he does not assert that right and responds to all questions put to him. Despite obvious nervousness, his statements are clear and precise.

We ask about the reasons for his arrival in Vila da Luz on May 1st, four days after the McCanns’ – the hypothesis of planned abduction is considered. Murat could have entrusted the observation to an accomplice, who would have chosen Madeleine and observed the parents’ habits as well as their pattern of monitoring the children.

We want to know more about his circle of friends and the places they frequent. During the evening of the disappearance, he remembers having heard a siren shortly after 10.30pm. He was then in the kitchen with his mother. The next morning at around 9 o’clock, he asked a passer-by what had happened, and that was how he learned about Madeleine’s disappearance. He then decided to go and offer his help.

All Murat’s statements are immediately checked. We check the places he says he went to with Michaela, looking for CCTV cameras or witnesses able to describe the clothes he was wearing that day. We would like to compare them with the description provided by Jane Tanner.

We ask him about a telephone call intercepted after the announcement of the disappearance. His response is very vague. We know that towards 11.30pm, Michaela phoned Murat. Then, he called a certain Sergey Malinka, and straight afterwards, Michaela. We will never know the content of these conversations; no one will give us plausible explanations. The answers are evasive: “I no longer remember,” or “that was about the web site for the estate agency.” Sergey Malinka is Russian, aged 23. He works in computers and lives with his parents in Vila da Luz, 300 metres from the Ocean Club. His mother, a housewife, is employed by a cleaning company that does certain apartments for the club. He is seeing a young Portuguese woman, aged 33, mother of a teenager. The wife of one of his associates, of British origin, states that in 2006, he boasted about having had sexual relations with a minor, aged 14, and related how the father had surprised them; he allegedly stated that currently he maintains a relationship with an older woman and her daughter at the same time. Interviewed, he refuted these allegations: he claims that it’s vengeance on the part of his associate, unhappy with the way their shared company worked out.

Murat and Michaela intend to open an estate agency together. They were looking for a computer engineer to build a web site and had thus met Sergey. It was to discuss this that they arranged a get-together near the Ocean Club on May 2nd. Luis Antonio was seen in the area. Was he watching his wife? That speculation is hardly credible since he seemed to accept his wife’s relationship with Murat.

On May 14th, the home and vehicles belonging to Michaela and Luis Antonio are searched. The couple are interviewed in the afternoon. Michaela hints that she suspects her husband. Luis Antonio, as a person responsible for maintaining swimming pools, has access to a great number of hotel or private residences, spread throughout the Vila da Luz and Lagos area. Certain buildings are closed for a good part of the year, but in spring, the pools are prepared before the summer season. Searches are ordered of all the residences concerned, without success. No trace, anywhere, of Madeleine. We’re back to square one.

The discovery of a key at Murat’s house revives the hope of finally getting a lead. He tells us that it belongs to Michaela, and that it must have been dropped accidentally. Where was that key before it was found at his house? In Michaela’s pocket? In her bag? We learn that it opens the door of a garage where Luis Antonio stores his maintenance products. A team is sent immediately to the part of Lagos where this garage is situated. The search proves as disappointing as the others. Nothing is found. Once again, no evidence of Madeleine’s presence.


Since Murat’s first interview, which they attended, the specialists have continued to refine the profile of the suspect. They have heard about the statement from one of his so-called childhood friends, put on file by the police department: according to him, Murat had an affirmed penchant for bestiality. He recounted his attempts at sexual relations with a cat and a dog, subsequently killed, he states, with cruelty. Moreover, he allegedly attempted to rape his 16 year-old cousin. This individual describes Murat as someone violent with behavioural problems, a sexual pervert, sadist, and misanthropist. We are somewhat sceptical. All the same, according to the English profilers, there is a 90% chance that he is the guilty party. That seems to us to be a bit too easy. We think that drawing conclusions based essentially on the statement of an ex-convict is rather dangerous.

As if the memory of the McCann family’s friends suddenly came back to them, all – Rachael Mampilly, wife of Matthew Oldfield, Fiona Payne, wife of David Payne, and Russell O’Brien Jane Tanner’s partner – recall having seen Murat on the night of May 3rd, shortly after the announcement of the disappearance, in the immediate vicinity of apartment 5A. Meanwhile, of course, Murat’s picture has been shown on television and in certain newspapers. They themselves were in direct contact with him during the previous days. However, it is only on May 16th that they deliver this information to us. As for the officers of the National Guard who were on the spot, they didn’t see him that night, only the next morning, when he came to offer his services as interpreter.

On July 11th at 10am, a confrontation is organised between the witnesses – Rachael Mampilly, Fiona Payne and Russell O’Brien – and Robert Murat. Nothing new comes out of it. The former persist in stating that the suspect was definitely in the area on the night of the disappearance. Murat denies the whole thing and even accuses them of lying. Each side stands its ground. The only positive aspect of this meeting: the McCanns’ friends undertake to return to Portugal for the purpose of the investigation. That will not happen.

Jill Havern
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by MayMuse 12.12.17 22:28

sharonl wrote:Back in the early days, probably 2007 or 2008, I vaguely remember a reference to a key being found in Murats Villa.  The key belonged a friend of his ( I believe that this was Malinka) and was the key to a garage of some sort, where chemicals were stored.

Does anyone else remember this?
I recall something about a key and Madeleine's DNA being found at Murats, however I think it was reported by a Portuguese news 24horas or something like that, sorry I don't remember anymore.

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Jill Havern 12.12.17 22:29

I've just posted a chapter of Amaral's book where it's mentioned.

The discovery of a key at Murat’s house revives the hope of finally getting a lead. He tells us that it belongs to Michaela, and that it must have been dropped accidentally. Where was that key before it was found at his house? In Michaela’s pocket? In her bag? We learn that it opens the door of a garage where Luis Antonio stores his maintenance products. A team is sent immediately to the part of Lagos where this garage is situated. The search proves as disappointing as the others. Nothing is found. Once again, no evidence of Madeleine’s presence.

Jill Havern
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by MayMuse 12.12.17 22:42

All appear close links? 
Sergey Malinkas mother Svetlana, a  cleaner for Blue Ocean also cleaned apartments in the ocean club specifically some at the top of the Ocean club complex of the same block as the McCanns stayed?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by sharonl 12.12.17 22:57

Get'emGonçalo wrote:I've just posted a chapter of Amaral's book where it's mentioned.

The discovery of a key at Murat’s house revives the hope of finally getting a lead. He tells us that it belongs to Michaela, and that it must have been dropped accidentally. Where was that key before it was found at his house? In Michaela’s pocket? In her bag? We learn that it opens the door of a garage where Luis Antonio stores his maintenance products. A team is sent immediately to the part of Lagos where this garage is situated. The search proves as disappointing as the others. Nothing is found. Once again, no evidence of Madeleine’s presence.

Thanks Get'em thumbsup
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Guest 13.12.17 1:02

MayMuse wrote:All appear close links? 
Sergey Malinkas mother Svetlana, a  cleaner for Blue Ocean also cleaned apartments in the ocean club specifically some at the top of the Ocean club complex of the same block as the McCanns stayed?

Svetlana Malinika [mother of Sergey Malinka] - Witness Statement

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Cammerigal 13.12.17 1:13

MayMuse wrote:All appear close links? 
Sergey Malinkas mother Svetlana, a  cleaner for Blue Ocean also cleaned apartments in the ocean club specifically some at the top of the Ocean club complex of the same block as the McCanns stayed?
The secret to the PJ unlocking this case and moving for underneath the British establishment cover up is via the secondary players in the shadows. They are inter-connected and these need exposing. This key is now a local confession by a Portugese resident (expat?) and that could simply come from the PJ making 'inquiries' into allegations such as Malinka was beaten by the PJ and/or that he was pressurised into making false statements to them.
The 2nd level players did play a part, be simply 'helping' the primary players (tapas 9, the 3 arguidos). Eg Malinka to Murat, malinka's mother the OC cleaner, malinka to fireman Sam. Players to geography eg Exeter, leicester, players to professions eg medical, players to real estate interests or just to Golf. Does HideHo have charts for all of this? 
Malinka's attempted disruptive coup here with his crowd funding bewk of non-revelations has actually exposed him (a BH own goal by the 'simples meerkat'  Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 609562) and we need to follow up on his tracks and associations.
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by MayMuse 13.12.17 1:48

Verdi wrote:
MayMuse wrote:All appear close links? 
Sergey Malinkas mother Svetlana, a  cleaner for Blue Ocean also cleaned apartments in the ocean club specifically some at the top of the Ocean club complex of the same block as the McCanns stayed?

Svetlana Malinika [mother of Sergey Malinka] - Witness Statement
Svetlana's statement follows on from her sons, mobile did not allow the separation of the's quite easy to follow, my point was all the connections, the possible facilitators who could know more?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by MayMuse 13.12.17 1:53

Cammerigal wrote:
MayMuse wrote:All appear close links? 
Sergey Malinkas mother Svetlana, a  cleaner for Blue Ocean also cleaned apartments in the ocean club specifically some at the top of the Ocean club complex of the same block as the McCanns stayed?
The secret to the PJ unlocking this case and moving for underneath the British establishment cover up is via the secondary players in the shadows. They are inter-connected and these need exposing. This key is now a local confession by a Portugese resident (expat?) and that could simply come from the PJ making 'inquiries' into allegations such as Malinka was beaten by the PJ and/or that he was pressurised into making false statements to them.
The 2nd level players did play a part, be simply 'helping' the primary players (tapas 9, the 3 arguidos). Eg Malinka to Murat, malinka's mother the OC cleaner, malinka to fireman Sam. Players to geography eg Exeter, leicester, players to professions eg medical, players to real estate interests or just to Golf. Does HideHo have charts for all of this? 
Malinka's attempted disruptive coup here with his crowd funding bewk of non-revelations has actually exposed him (a BH own goal by the 'simples meerkat'  Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 609562) and we need to follow up on his tracks and associations.
Players in the shadows, most definitely!

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by roz 13.12.17 7:49

Pages 1305-1306 (2 pages)
Section / Brigade:
 No 4 Section 
 John Carlos 
External Diligence performed on 15 May 2007 at a garage on Rua Manuel Joao Paulo Rocha in Lagos by two PJ Inspectors.

Within the scope of the house search at the residence of the arguido R.J.Q.E.Murat on 14 May, last, a 'Yale'-type key was seized which was on a metal keyring with a plastic label holder on which was written 'Garage 4'.
Attempting to obtain a definite address to which the object pertained, an informal conversation was carried out with Robert Murat in which it was determined that the garage was situated in a residential zone, specifically on Rua Manuel Joao Paulo Rocha, in the city of Lagos, and that it was used to store various materials.
When the arguido was told that it was necessary to search that location he made himself immediately available to accompany members of the PJ such that the garage was located and duly searched.

05-Processo, VOLUME V, page 1306

Official document of search and seizure

Date: 15 May 2007
Place: Rua Manuel Joao Paulo Rocha, unnumbered garage, in Lagos
Officers: Jose Luis and Marques Bom, Inspectors
Identity of person searched: R.J.Q.E.Murat
Starting time: 18h15
It is a garage designed to securely preserve a motor vehicle, having a PVC gate with a 'Yale'-type lock, and a manually-operated vertical sliding door system.
Having walked the full extent of the unit it was confirmed that it contained packaging of various things related to swimming pool maintenance and foodstuffs, objects whose ownership, according to the search, was linked directly to Michaela Walczuch, partner in the firm 'Romigen', a company founded and property of the person searched.
All the objects there having been looked at and physically examined by hand, nothing useful to the case was found and therefore seized.
End of activity: 18h45

Why was the key of Luis Antonio’s garage in Robert’s house?
Robert had obviously been there previously as he was able to take the PJ there.

Why had he been there previously?

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Phoebe 13.12.17 10:53

Robert seemed to know immediately what this key opened and where the lock-up was located. Coupled with the fact that Michaela tried to cast suspicion on her husband it seems incredibly fortuitous that she just "happened to drop" this key out her pocket in Murat's for the police to find during a search! It looks like they were setting up a fall guy lest anything that incriminated them was found. The search of the lock-up does not seem to have used Eddie and Keela. Pity! The stories of Murat, Michaela and Malinka and their inability to remember where they went, when they met and what they spoke about stretch credibility beyond breaking point. They are definitely hiding something, whether it is connected to Madeleine's removal or some other illegal activity which might be uncovered due to the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance I don't know, but they have something to hide for sure.

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by roz 13.12.17 11:56

I would be concerned that Robert M had access to swimming pool cleaning materials (Luis A’s) which would contain chlorine.
I would be interested as to why Robert M and Michaela W went to the Baptista supermarket/cafe approx. 20 minutes early for a meeting with Sergey Malinka at 10am?

RM: 10.7.07 (snipped) The defendant intended to clarify that on the morning of 02 [May] he did not leave the house by 10:00-10:30, as stated previously but in fact he had met with Sergey Malinka on 02 [May], Wednesday, in the Baptista supermarket, at 10:00, he having arrived 15 to 20 minutes before and accompanied by Michaela whom he had gone to collect at her home in the VW. 

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by NickE 13.12.17 13:24

"Back from his last stay in Exeter on May 1st, he has to return there on the 9th. He is ready to postpone his departure...."

That Murat had to return to the UK have passed me by.
This raising even more questions to me regarding his real purpose with his Pdl visit.

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Phoebe 13.12.17 19:32

Murat's given reason for his return to Luz on May 1st was, if I recall correctly, to discuss the Romigen website (these discussions had already been going on for eight months) and to placate Michaela about his divorce. Pretty expensive way for an unemployed man to do things isn't it? Couldn't he have telephoned Malinka and his lawyer from Exeter rather than jetting over to Portugal for just a week? I'd love to know what he had been living on. He had been unemployed for quite a while, Michaela (also jobless) was living off the husband she was cheating on. Jennifer Murat was a pensioner and, although she may have had some income from her late husband's estate and was about to sell the Exeter property, the Murat house in Luz was described as rather dilapidated by all accounts. Murat was facing the cost of a divorce and child support yet he wastes money hot-footing it home for a week to talk to a chap about a website?

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Verity 14.12.17 5:27

Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Sergey10

His English is much better on twitter than it was here.

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Mark Willis 14.12.17 7:01

Not sure we had the "kosher" Malinka on here. Anyway, he can go help, oh what's her name, with that documentary, "Untold Nonsense",  something like that.
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Jill Havern 14.12.17 7:35

Mark Willis wrote:Not sure we had the "kosher" Malinka on here. Anyway, he can go help, oh what's her name, with that documentary, "Untold Nonsense",  something like that.
According to the email addresses supplied at registration it was Sergey - unless he lets other people have access to his emails because the activation links would go directly to him.

Have to admit it was all rather odd.
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Tony Bennett 14.12.17 7:37

@ Mark Willis

Oh yes it very much was the one-and-only Sergey Malinka on here. I am very surprised that you or any other member here should doubt it.

Malinka's project has suffered a huge setback - make no mistake about that - and this was due in no small measure to his hypocrisy and outright lies being well and truly exposed here on CMOMM.

Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 WkdqgYUq_biggerDOISGALOES   @ doisgaloes




I am canceling my Kickstarter campaign tonight. Thank you all who supported me in this venture. I will continue to write the book by myself for now and keep you all updated. Kickstarter would no charge any of backers credit cards. Thank you all for your support. #mccann #McCann

Another successful CMOMM campaign


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Jill Havern 14.12.17 7:40

Apart from Ben Thompson, Isabelle McFadden and Ben Salmon, almost everyone else has withdrawn their excitement for his book once it was discovered he was going to accuse the PJ and Dr Amaral of torture.
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty MALINKA - CMOMM proved right again - and not for the first time, either.

Post by Tony Bennett 14.12.17 7:47

Get'emGonçalo wrote:Apart from Ben Thompson, Isabelle McFadden and Ben Salmon, almost everyone else has withdrawn their excitement for his book once it was discovered he was going to accuse the PJ and Dr Amaral of torture.
Yes, these three sought to lead McCann-doubters astray - and follow a cunning, conniving wrong 'un.

And, in each case, not for the first time, by a very long way.

All three were proved wrong.

And CMOMM was proved right.

Again, not for the first time, by a very long way


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Mark Willis 14.12.17 7:48

Tony Bennett wrote:@ Mark Willis

Oh yes it very much was the one-and-only Sergey Malinka on here. I am very surprised that you or any other member here should doubt it.
We are all very wary of imposters who infiltrate forums. After all, there have been a few over the years.
We have a bogus David Jones on Twitter, for instance; ok, that's Twitter not here, but you get the point.

Malinka's project has suffered a huge setback - make no mistake about that - and this was due in no small measure to his hypocrisy and outright lies being well and truly exposed here on CMOMM.
Yes, given a platform here to orate he demolished his own motive(s)/case, instantly.

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Mark Willis 14.12.17 7:51

Get'emGonçalo wrote:Apart from Ben Thompson, Isabelle McFadden and Ben Salmon, almost everyone else has withdrawn their excitement for his book once it was discovered he was going to accuse the PJ and Dr Amaral of torture.
Which is, I reckon, his actual motive. Well done to those who dug out his CV which did rather question his intimated impecunious state. And the rest.
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Cammerigal 14.12.17 10:41

Verity wrote:We Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Sergey10

His English is much better on twitter than it was here.
So ‘simple Sergey the meerkat’s villainy has been exposed. His bewk as ghost written by fireman Sam is no longer Kickstarter crowd funded for the planned €30k.
I can’t fully comprehend why he (or his puppet master) thought there was advantage in appearing in this forum, as he crashed and burnt. Furthermore, We are now 1. forewarned and 2. Aware that fireman Sam Is privy to the conspiracy and should be subject to follow up investigation.
On a final note, why does he hashtag twitter Mccann? Should we reciprocate with our own hashtag  Mcann supporter Neesling is a convicted paedo, aka a nonce ?
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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Guest 14.12.17 12:05

Verity wrote:Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Sergey10

His English is much better on twitter than it was here.
It's like his memory recall - it fluctuates!

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by Guest 14.12.17 12:16

I have a gut feeling Mr Malinka will now skulk off into the sunset never to be seen or heard of again.

He's successfully scuppered any chances of a best seller - another one for the ever increasing book burning piles.

Hoisted by his own petard - well and truly cutthroat.

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by MayMuse 14.12.17 16:24

Apparently Mr Malinka will offer his book FREE on Amazon and iTunes if he can afford to write it. 
[list="stream-items js-navigable-stream"]

[*] Get 'em Gonçalo liked
Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 WkdqgYUq_biggerDOISGALOES‏ 

 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @S100Maggie
If i can afford to do it myself it will be free on amazon and tunes #McCann
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“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 Empty Re: Another look at Sergey Malinka

Post by sar 14.12.17 17:42

MayMuse wrote:Apparently Mr Malinka will offer his book FREE on Amazon and iTunes if he can afford to write it. 
[list="stream-items js-navigable-stream"]

[*] Get 'em Gonçalo liked
Another look at Sergey Malinka - Page 8 WkdqgYUq_biggerDOISGALOES‏ 

 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @S100Maggie
If i can afford to do it myself it will be free on amazon and tunes #McCann
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can't wait!

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