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Media Manipulation  Mm11

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Media Manipulation  Mm11

Media Manipulation  Regist10

Media Manipulation

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Media Manipulation  Empty Media Manipulation

Post by Okeydokey 28.04.17 1:44

I think we have to declare Team McCann winners in terms of media manipulation don't we?

I'd rather not but then I do believe in recognising reality and they have so far won hands down on the media front.

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Media Manipulation  Empty Re: Media Manipulation

Post by Jill Havern 28.04.17 5:33

They wouldn't have won hands down on the media front without Clarence Mitchell though.

Clarence, who once boasted it was his job to control what comes out in the media, and who, according to Carlos Anjos Head of the Portuguese Police Federation, "Lies with as many teeth in his mouth."

For the government.

Just as it is in this case.

Here's Clarence at work in Australia, lying through his teeth about what happened to three-year-old Madeleine Beth McCann:

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Jill Havern
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Media Manipulation  Empty Re: Media Manipulation

Post by sharonl 28.04.17 7:52

Don't forget, the McCanns paid half a million to keep their stories in the media.  They also agreed to staged photo shoots and sold their stories. IMO, the only reason that Rebekah Brooks demanded the set up of Operation Grange, was so that her papers would have something to write about.  News international were in financial difficulty in 2006/7.  Why else would Brooks demand this review?
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Media Manipulation  Empty Re: Media Manipulation

Post by plebgate 28.04.17 8:10

They have had a lot of positivity from the media this past week but I would not call that winning - to win means that they have shut people up and they certainly have not done that.

Rocky is the winner in the biggest fight they took on - the Supreme Court ruling made him a winner and no amount of positive headlines for them in the UK press will change that.

I and I believe many others are waiting to see if they give a recorded interview for the tenth anniversary where body language and statement analysis will be discussed.  If we do not see a recorded  or live interview I certainly wouldn't say that they had won anything.

My opinion only - others are obviously entitled to theirs.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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