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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Mm11

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Mm11

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

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How did Robert Murat become a PJ translator?

Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_lcap6%Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 6% 
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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_lcap6%Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 6% 
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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_lcap6%Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 6% 
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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 17.08.16 11:56

Ambassador John Buck and local Consul Bill Henderson talk to Sky News (Murdoch empire) on 4th May 2007 - the day following Madeleine's reported disappearance..

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Liz Eagles 17.08.16 12:10

Verdi wrote:
MayMuse wrote:I think that "lady" journalist was the same one who reported in the Holly & Jessica murder by Ian Huntley, forget her name and stand to be corrected. 

Either way, the media in the beginning got it very very wrong; always baffled that those well travelled journo's took the McCanns story verbatim!
It was Ms Lori Campbell of the Sunday Mirror, she first reported Robert Murat's suspicious behaviour to Leicestershire police on the 6th May, 2007 I believe.  She was later interviewed by Ian Woods of Sky News on 14th May 2007 [a journalist interviewing a journalist, how ironic is that] - this is the transcript..

Lori Campbell: I was so suspicious by the Monday that I just felt I had a duty to pass those suspicions on. I spoke to my news desk back in London and then they said they thought that that was the right thing to do.

Ian Woods: Now, let's discuss why we were a little suspicious of him, because your suspicions were aroused first of all and you shared those suspicions with me. I then talked to him, investigated it, tried to find out whether his story was true and I have to say I came back and said his story checked out. What first of all made you suspicious of the fact that he was spending so much time around the scene?

LC: It was just very reminiscent of the Soham murders was my first instinct. There was a local guy. He was hanging around the scene an awful lot. He was asking us questions about what was going on in the investigation, maybe trying to find out what we knew and he just seemed to be giving an air that he was authoritative and he was working in an official capacity for the police. And I was just very suspicious about that, that they would take on board a man who was just a local guy. They have many people, I am sure, who speak Portuguese and English. Why would they ask him to, you know, go into the apartment, speak to the family and have that sort of contact with them?

IW: Now, how co-operative was Robert when you were talking to him, because first of all he wouldn't do any interviews with me. I have asked him to do interviews on camera. He declined and you approached him to do a proper interview and asked his identity and things like that?

LC: Well, he was very vague when I tried to ask about his background. He would chat to me quite openly, but he wouldn't give me his surname. He wouldn't tell me really where he was from, where he lives over here. He wouldn't give me a telephone number for him. And then I asked him what he did for a living. He was very vague. He said he worked for real estate. And I just had a really uneasy feeling about him from day one.

IW: You reported him to who and what was the response?

LC: My first call was to Leicestershire police back in the UK and they took all my details. A detective constable called me back and she suggested that I also speak to somebody out here. We didn't really have a police contact last week. So, I called the British Embassy and they said to speak to a policeman on the scene. So, I walked up to a GNR policeman and said, you know, "I've got suspicions about a gentleman who's been near the scene and I'd just like to pass those on." And one of my main suspicions was that he said he was translating witness statements and I asked them if that could be true and they said, "No, that's highly unlikely."

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Have you ever experienced a situation where a little vomit springs into your mouth and you have to swallow it?

That's what this interview does to me.
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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 17.08.16 12:17

So, Lori Campbell of Sunday Mirror is suspicious about the behaviour of Robert Murat which she discusses with Ian Woods of Sky News (also on location) who takes it upon himself to check out Murat.  Sky News interview the Ambassador and local Consul on 4th May and yet..  there is that curious telephone conversation between Martin Brunt (Sky News), Jenny Murat (Robert's mother) and Robert Murat (designated arguido on 15th May 2007) on 15th May 2007..

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The plot thickens.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Ref;Robert Murat Patsy?

Post by willowthewisp 17.08.16 14:01

Not forgetting how DCI Andy Redwood had Interviewed Robert Murat whilst the Portugal,PJ were present during Operation Grange,imagine if PJ wasn't present what new Revelations could have been revealed(Crime Watch October 2013,Tick,Tocking moving forward clock)?
The Three Portuguese people they wished to re- interview further,needing a Sixth Rogatory letter confirming specific reasons for the Sixth letter,which was never pursued(Their DNA)aka Gun Residue Jill Dando Case,Barry George,Modus Operandi?
Now no further analysis of Scientific evidence needed on Operation Grange,they couldn't re- analyse DNA thought to have to belonged to Madeleine McCann,as they had"Allowed" for it to be destroyed on "Health Grounds",this DNA must have been "Nuclear" for a Police Force to no longer store it as a future reference inquiry,in a still missing child case?
Scotland Yard's Finest,UK based FSS,now combined into the Police Force,covered by know doubt,"Official Secrets Act?
I think the deleted texts and unobtainable phone records may prove one way or another who was involved in Madeleine's disappearance but I could be wrong on this point,but why did(DP)contact UK Authorities on the evening 3 May 2007,also claiming to have seen the Three children alive and well at 18.30 hrs on the same day(like Three little Angels,dressed in White)where as the Dogs alerted to a Red Top?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 17.08.16 15:42

Robert Murat talks to the Daily Mail 2nd June 2007...

"Basically, I'm just an ordinary, straightforward guy who's the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet - if you'll excuse the language."

Extraordinary choice of words for someone shackled by arguido status only 18 days prior.  Murat is also quoted to have said…

“The only way I’ll survive this is if they catch Madeleine’s abductor"

Abductor Mr. Murat?  Having acted as interpreter for the PJ and having some knowledge of the proceeds of the PJ investigation, didn't it immediately occur to you that something was radically wrong with the abduction theory?  You had an idea what was being claimed by the Tapas group and you had an idea how the investigation was unfolding, so why do you talk of abduction?  Don't you in any way blame the McCanns and their friends for the situation you find yourself in?  Aren't you in some way critical of their behaviour - haven't you got a single harsh word to say against them?

Still, maybe it's okay for you to have this temporary hiatus - maybe the substantial out of court settlement in your favour was adequate compensation for the inconvenience.

[ Posting malfunction addressed and corrected - Mod ]

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by MRNOODLES 17.08.16 21:32

Just my opinion...

Murat before '07 was a bit of a 'copper's nark'.  

Around 20 years ago, areas of Norfolk/Suffolk had a huge influx of Portuguese workers many going to Bernard Matthews and various chicken factories.  With that high number of people, said businesses and local authority agencies would employ literally anybody who was bilingual to explain working details and local authority stuff like paying council tax etc etc. 

Just my opinion, it naturally followed he 'helped' the police out if any criminal activity occurred. It was reported Murat had a shady past.  So it crosses my mind Murat being 'helpful' had more than a hint of 'had to be helpful' mixed with it.  

Spin forward to '07 this incident occurred.  And there was Murat helpful local bloke on the case with the brief of.  Help them out, we'll put a word in for you.  But pass on to us any juicy stuff that would interest us.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by listener 17.08.16 22:51

Murat had to be used as translator?

None of the local cops, working in a predominantly English tourist/timeshare resort, could speak English?
None of the team sent in the first few days, to investigate a missing child of an English speaking family, could converse in English?

That has always seemed very odd to me because during my visits I found that most Portuguese, working in the tourist areas, shopkeepers, taxi's, hotel/bar-staff, all sorts of jobs/professions including the staff at the resort - they can all converse in English! But the local police can't???
They had to use Murat? Why not one of the MW staff?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Tony Bennett 17.08.16 23:40

listener wrote:Murat had to be used as translator?

None of the local cops, working in a predominantly English tourist/timeshare resort, could speak English?
None of the team sent in the first few days, to investigate a missing child of an English speaking family, could converse in English?

That has always seemed very odd to me because during my visits I found that most Portuguese, working in the tourist areas, shopkeepers, taxi's, hotel/bar-staff, all sorts of jobs/professions including the staff at the resort - they can all converse in English! But the local police can't???
They had to use Murat? Why not one of the MW staff?
I think a good word from good ol', trusty Bill Henderson of the British Embassy to the PJ would have clinched it.

"E's an official interpreter, yer know. Just the man for yer. So 'elpful an' that"


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 17.08.16 23:41

I see a degree of confusion trying to rear it's ugly head over this issue - the difference between speaking English and interpreting witness statements in an official capacity for the PJ.  You are quite right [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] in thinking that many people in the vicinity would have spoken English or at the very least understood a little of the spoken word but that doesn't qualify them to act as a translator and/or interpreter for the purpose of recording witness statements.

In my view, in normal circumstances the police would not engage the services of an unqualified local just because the person happens to be of dual nationality and bi-lingual - in this case British and Portuguese.  I know others don't agree with my view and I can't prove myself to be correct but if you think about it logically, such a move would be open to abuse by either side, the police and/or the interpreter.  I posted a link recently showing the expected level of education for an an accredited translator/interpreter applying to work in the field as a professional.  Robert Murat does not qualify - not even close.

Clearly the PJ did engage his assistance but the question remains - why!

Just to add, the British Ambassador to Portugal and the local Consul arrived in Praia da Luz on Friday 4th May - what I wonder did they think of this extraordinary arrangement. Whilst officially Embassy staff have no authority to interfere with a police investigation, which did happen here to a certain extent, they were clearly aware of how matters were developing - why didn't they intervene rather than seemingly condoning such an unorthodox mode of appointing a translator/interpreter?

What he did in his turkey days is only of passing interest but his involvement with the PJ is paramount.  In my opinion.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 18.08.16 14:17

Tony Bennett wrote:
Jorge da Silva was someone Murat claimed to have met several times on 1st, 2nd and 3rd May, mostly in cafes here and there IIRC. Murat claimed that they were discussing his internet website for his proposed new company, 'Romigen'. To put it kindly,  this seemed a most unlikely tale. 

May be of note that both the numbers linked to Murat late on the 30th (between 2320 and 2340) belonged to Michaela Walczuch (2 calls from, one to) and Sergei Malinka (one to, 30 second call). All of these calls were from the Luz Centro tower.

Unlike Sergei, Michaela did not live in Luz, she lived in Lagos. What urgent business did she (who 'hardly interfered with business' according to Malinka) have with future property mogul Malinka in Luz past 2300 on April 30th?

Da Silva was supposedly visited 'out of the blue' by RM and MW at his store (which was closed) on the 1st. Then followed two days of meetings in and around the Lagos Marina (with the final meeting being moved to the Palmares golf course because it was 'too noisy' at SouthWest bar). Da Silva heavily implied in his statement that the final meeting was needlessly extended and he couldn't wait to leave;

'They remained there conversing for about 3 hours, very much at the insistence of Robert. In spite of the witness and his son being hungry, Robert prolonged the conversation, saying that he was not hungry. Only at about 16.00 did Robert and Michaela drop the witness and his son near to their shop.'

Michaela gives a different timeline altogether - for instance she doesn't mention the bank holiday visit to Da Silva (Murat did), and she places herself and Robert at Palmares on the 2nd not the 3rd, saying that after visiting Palmares she had lunch/picked up her child from school, then they went back to the marina to continue meetings with 'the Silvas' between 1600 and 1900 (Da Silva had stated 1600 as the time the Palmares meeting ended - Murat in his 'amended statement' states that this time was spent in Michaela's home - at least he agrees with Da Silva on the date!). She then adds a meeting with the Da Silvas at 'Restaurant Antonio' on the 3rd - a venue some 2.5km from the Marina.

Another odd element - Da Silva mentions that they wanted to arrange a reimaging of the 'Romigen website', which had previously been Sergei Malinka's responsibility, by Jason (Jorge's son). Yet Sergei was obviously in full contact with Michaela and Robert. It's a shame Jason's statements are not public record.

I get the feeling the meetings with Da Silva may have been 'killing time' (how much time needs to be spent discussing business card printing?), and it was his business with Pagarete (also based in Lagos) which was of real importance. Perhaps a fuller examination of Michaela, Sergei and Jorge's statements will unravel some more of this. At least one of them appears to be reading from a different script.

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Post by Guest 18.08.16 20:47

What was that name again - M-u-r-a-t ?

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Tough competition.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Robert Murat,Patsy?

Post by willowthewisp 18.08.16 21:16

Hi April28th, Thesis,If things were being set in motion on the dates and timings you mention,person's likely to be spoken to of their whereabouts by the relevant Authorities,would need to have Alibi's confirm where they were at certain parts of any investigation to possible connections as to what followed after your arrival and up to the 3 May 2007,Suspects or Witness,Golf Club third meeting,did Eucendes work at this Golf Club?
One Mystery which sticks out,is the Car Robert Murat owned,is suddenly out of Commission and Mr Murat had to hire a replacement car?
So Robert Murat leaves the UK and arrives in Portugal 1st May 2007,then finds out his car cannot be used during the arranged meetings,as his Mother is using her own vehicle during this period,Coincidence? bignono
So your a resident and have no close friends able to lend or give you a vehicle to borrow for a short time of usage?
Did anyone have access to his own car,whilst he was using the Hire Car,verification of his own cars mileage during this period?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 19.08.16 0:07

Leveson Inquiry - Witness statement of David Pilditch December 2011.  News reporter for the Daily Express [snipped]..

Before the main course, thought I'd slip in this as a starter

David Pilditch:  "In the critical early hours and days after Madeleine McCann disappeared there were no public appeals...."

Gerry McCann speaks late 4th May 2007..

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Not a very good start - so much for accuracy, still on with the Murat saga.

David Pilditch:  "In their evidence the McCanns, referring to the press in general terms, said that many stories had been "made up" and that they did not believe "police  sources" were genuine. In the case of every story I wrote, the police sources I quoted were genuine.

I had three sources in Portugal who provided me with information. Two were Portuguese journalists who were in daily contact with the most senior officers investigating Madeleine McCann’s disappearance. The third was a translator who worked for the Portuguese Police and translating and interpreting in the Portuguese legal system...."

"Despite the barriers thrown up by the Portuguese criminal justice system, I was able to obtain an accurate and truthful insight into on-going developments within the police investigation at that time. Indeed, by this point in time, one of my contacts was informing me of day-to-day developments as they were taking place and before they were being written about in Portuguese newspapers. This enabled me to verify the accuracy of the information I was being given. For example, I was told of a series of operations and searches that would betaking place at particular times and on particular days - and was able to personally witness these events taking place...."

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So much for Portuguese secrecy laws (snort!) but that aside, could translator he refers to be Robert Murat?  I know there were other interpreters used for some of the witness statements taken but I believe they were Portuguese nationals - the person in close contact with David Pilditch I presume would have been English.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Tony Bennett 19.08.16 7:25

Good posts indeed, April28th & Verdi.

All statements by Robert Murat, Michaela Walczuk and Jorge de Silva are very much worth re-examination in detail.

And NO, they did NOT spend hours and hours what was to go on the Romigen website!

Also, we shouldn't forget the Jehovah's Witnesses connection between Robert Murat, Michaela Walczuk and Brian Kennedy (he who built a Kingdom Church' for the JWs in Cheshire!). Many children in JW families have been sexually abused, there have been many scandals involving organised preying on the children of vulnerable JW families


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 19.08.16 12:31

Minister of Justice
Portimao Department of Criminal Investigation

Of the many elements collected, and pointing out, that at this moment in the investigation, the occurrence of an unusual situation, relative to an individual identified as Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.

This individual, voluntarily, went to the GNR post alleging that he was an interpreter of the English language, and could be useful in helping to realise diligences. He was directed to the elements of this police which were at the locale.
Right on this day and on the following days, he helped in various diligences realised by this police, namely in the inquires of the British functionaries of the LOC.

At this point in time we noted immediately a strange comportment, especially with the press/media, alleging that he did not want to be photographed, or to make allusions to this presence.

We stress that at this time, we were contacted by various journalists, who alleged that they had noticed his strange comportment, and that he showed himself to be extremely curious. When they tired to capture his picture, he repudiated this vehemently, alleging that he was father to a little girl, the same age as Madeleine and was in the middle of a divorce.

Confronted with this incoherent comportment, Robert Murat, showed much nervousness and offered to stop providing services, if that was our desire.

For the investigative strategy, in order to better control and collect relevant elements, we opted to continue to use his services. Also via communication with the Leicester police authorities, the locale where the McCann family lives in the U.K., we were informed that an English reporter had suspicions regarding Robert, for the reason of his evasive comportment when she tried to take his picture and from a telephone call, which he said was to his daughter, making it in a loud voice, as if he wanted to demonstrate something.

Portimao, 13th May, 2007
The Inspector - Joao Carlos

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Roxyroo 19.08.16 12:37

Verdi wrote:Minister of Justice
Portimao Department of Criminal Investigation

Of the many elements collected, and pointing out, that at this moment in the investigation, the occurrence of an unusual situation, relative to an individual identified as Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.

This individual, voluntarily, went to the GNR post alleging that he was an interpreter of the English language, and could be useful in helping to realise diligences. He was directed to the elements of this police which were at the locale.
Right on this day and on the following days, he helped in various diligences realised by this police, namely in the inquires of the British functionaries of the LOC.

At this point in time we noted immediately a strange comportment, especially with the press/media, alleging that he did not want to be photographed, or to make allusions to this

We stress that at this time, we were contacted by various journalists, who alleged that they had noticed his strange comportment, and that he showed himself to be extremely curious. When they tired to capture his picture, he repudiated this vehemently, alleging that he was father to a little girl, the same age as Madeleine and was in the middle of a divorce.

Confronted with this incoherent comportment, Robert Murat, showed much nervousness and offered to stop providing services, if that was our desire.

For the investigative strategy, in order to better control and collect relevant elements, we opted to continue to use his services. Also via communication with the Leicester police authorities, the locale where the McCann family lives in the U.K., we were informed that an English reporter had suspicions regarding Robert, for the reason of his evasive comportment when she tried to take his picture and from a telephone call, which he said was to his daughter, making it in a loud voice, as if he wanted to demonstrate something.

Portimao, 13th May, 2007
The Inspector - Joao Carlos

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Well now, that's a very juicy snippet, he didn't want to be filmed/photographed! Sounds very spy like to me.
All this skullduggery, and still no justice for Madeleine McCann!

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Robert Murat,Patsy?

Post by willowthewisp 19.08.16 12:47

Robert Murat is supposed to have let one of his Cars to an English Couple to be used with "Madeleine Posters"fixed within the Car,according to the Hire agent worker,Maria Rocio,where Mr Murat desperately needed to Hire an Hyundi Getz?
As per a daily"Mirror" article now Whooooshed away,Mr Murat was just being an Helpful Soul wasn't he?
Wonder which one of the Three cars allowed to be used to advertise Madeleine's disappearance,his Kia?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by sallypelt 19.08.16 13:03

willowthewisp wrote:Robert Murat is supposed to have let one of his Cars to an English Couple to be used with "Madeleine Posters"fixed within the Car,according to the Hire agent worker,Maria Rocio,where Mr Murat desperately needed to Hire an Hyundi Getz?
As per a daily"Mirror" article now Whooooshed away,Mr Murat was just being an Helpful Soul wasn't he?
Wonder which one of the Three cars allowed to be used to advertise Madeleine's disappearance,his Kia?

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snipped from above article:

"Hire firm worker Maria Rocio says Murat rang her on Saturday and asked to rent a Hyundai Getz for three days, insisting he needed it immediately and could not wait".

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by NickE 19.08.16 14:41

Michaela Walczuch
--- Between 12:00 and 12.15 pm ROBERT phoned a Mr. JORGE Sxxxx, the witness believing that he used his mobile phone 91918xxxx, admitting however that Robert may have used any one of the mobile phones of the witness. She does not remember what she did or where she went by between the 11:00 and 12:00. They then went with Jorge Sxxxx and his son JASON to the Restaurant Antonio on the beach of Porto Mos - Lagos, where they had lunch.
--- Around 15:30 she went with ROBERT to get Cxxxxxxxx from school. 

Then, as far as she recalls, they went to her house, and that Robert left between 18:30 and 19:00 as the witness had to deal with her daughter quickly for them to be at 20:30 in a biblical meeting/lecture in Ameijeira-Lagos. That ended at 22:30, she staying there to fraternise with other people until they reached home at 22:45/23:00. She used the dark blue VW PASSAT car (more than 10 years old) of LUIS, who was at home. 
When they left at 20:20 LUIS was not yet at home. 
She does not remember if she returned to speak to Robert that night, nor if they exchanged messages. She did not leave home, going to to bed.

Jorge Da Silva
On the following day May 3rd they met at the South West bar in Lagos marina at about 11.30. He does not remember whether Robert or Michaela phoned him to ask for the meeting or if they had agreed upon it the day before. The witness and J**** went to the place on foot. When they arrived Michaela and Robert were already there. 
They talked there for half an hour, but as it was very noisy, Robert suggested they went elsewhere. 
The four of them left in the VW transporter to Palmares Golf, about 5 minutes away by car, a place where the witness and his son had never been. They remained there conversing for about 3 hours, very much at the insistence of Robert. In spite of the witness and his son being hungry, Robert prolonged the conversation, saying that he was not hungry. Only at about 16.00 did Robert and Michaela drop the witness and his son near to their shop. On that day they had no further contact, neither personally or by phone.

....and Michaela states that she and Murat left from Restaurant Antonio at 15:30 to pick up Cxxxxxxxx from school and after that they went home in a VW Passat.
She doesn´t say anything about Palmares golf club.

...and Da Silva states that they left  from The South West bar to for Palmeres GC at ~12:00 with Murat and Michaela in a VW Transporter and they drop him and his son at 16:00

Someone is lying.

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 21.08.16 13:20

Interesting to note that Robert Murat did not act as interpreter for any on the Tapas group according to the witness statements.  The only anomalies are the following which do not identify the name of an interpreter..

Fiona Payne - 4th May 2007
Matthew Oldfield - 10th May 2007
Dianne Webster - 11th May 2007
Rachael Oldfield - 11th May 2007

Off the top of my head, I know he was the interpreter used for the Catriona Baker (6th May 2007) and Charlotte Pennington (7th May 2007) interviews - I will check out others later.

What immediately springs to mind is why, when he allegedly walked in the police station on 4th May to offer his services as translator/interpreter, was he not used to assist on that day and the following week.  I know that there was reference to his suspicious behaviour someway connected with a Dianne Webster interview (posted up-page), so it's possible he interpreted for the above mentioned and for some reason his name was omitted.

This element requires more scrutiny I think.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Ref; Murat,Patsy?

Post by willowthewisp 21.08.16 13:58

Hi Verdi,(RM) was the Translator for the fitness instructor,Miss Chekaya, Quiz Night Hostess Sunday 29th April and Tuesday 1st May 2007!

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 22.08.16 20:12

willowthewisp wrote:Hi Verdi,(RM) was the Translator for the fitness instructor,Miss Chekaya, Quiz Night Hostess Sunday 29th April and Tuesday 1st May 2007!
Thankee villowdasvisp  howdy   all donations gratefully received
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On with the motley..

Hayley May Crawford:  Pool bar worker - 7th May 2007
George James: Gardener - 12th May
Amy Tierney - 6th May
John Sholto Young:  Bar Worker - 8th May
Emma Wilding:  Child Care worker - 7th May
Jacqueline Mary Williams:  Pre-school teacher - 8th May
Kirsty Maryan:  Child educator - 7th May
Leanne Danielle Wagstaff:  Nanny - 6th May
Lynne Rhiannon Fretter:  Child educator - 7th May
 Pauline Frances McCann:  Infant educator - 7th May
Shinead Maria Vine:  Nanny - 7th May
Stacey Portz:  Creche worker - 6th May
Susan Bernadette Owen:  Infant educator - 7th May
Daniel James Stuk:  Tennis coach - 8th May
Georgina Jackson:  Tennis coach - 8th May

This was only a quick check so I may have missed someone but it matters not, it's clear that Murat was assigned to assist with the interviews of some of the Warner staff.

I've just checked the record of Inspector Pedro Varanda's informal conversation with Robert Murat which confirms he acted as interpreter for the PJ during the interview with Dianne Webster on 11th May 2007.

I still can't understand why the PJ agreed to use Murat as translator/interpreter when they had their own contacts to hand for the purpose.  As for Murat, I'm more and more convinced that his purpose was to look listen learn and pass on.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Ref; Robert Murat

Post by willowthewisp 22.08.16 20:46

He certainly didn't hang about busying himself,collecting the Juicy nectar for the Queen Bee's worker drones to digress back home, did he?
bignono It looks as though Mr Goncalo Amaral found out too late about Robert's heplfullness,then suddenly,he(RM)was thrown to the Lion's as a tasty Morsel to feed on by the"Special Tapas 3-9"stating sighting him hanging around 5a on the 3/4 May 2007?
I Wonder if it was ever put to Robert Murat knowing our Gezza,before Madeleine disappeared,aka Gerry's I'm Not going to comment on that,cough,Sandra,prompted by a swift scuttle away with the puckering Pink Sphincter in very close proximity!?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 22.08.16 23:27

I meant to say 'English speaking' Ocean Club employees.  You know - those who may or may not have some incriminating information to impart.  Such as absence from tennis sessions;  absence from childcare;   absence from the Tapas restaurant;  absence of Madeleine McCann during the week.

Always a good idea to refer back to Inspector Pedro Varanda's report relating to an informal conversation with Robert Murat on 11th May 2007..

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Equity 23.08.16 14:34

It would make perfect sense for the GNR to accept the help of a local who was bilingual on the night of the disappearance. As far as they were concerned, time was of the essence and the GNR officers would jump at the chance to have properly translated information from the parents and friends so as to coordinate the immediate search.

What makes no sense is the PJ using RM between 4 and 8 days AFTER the disappearance.

Was this the first time the PJ dealt with a case involving a non Portuguese speaker in such an internationally renowned holiday destination? Of course not.

Why didn't MW supply a bilingual employee for the taking of witness statements from OC staff - instead of agreeing to the PJ using the 'bloke who lives with his mum down the road'?

Surely the PJ had either bilingual officers or a standard procedure for drafting in a translator in these circumstances.

All very, very odd...

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 23.08.16 15:24

Equity wrote:
Surely the PJ had either bilingual officers or a standard procedure for drafting in a translator in these circumstances.

All very, very odd...
Well of course they did Equity didn't they - evidenced by other statements taken for English speaking witnesses, including the McCanns themselves, from 4th May 2007 onwards.

According to Kate McCann's novel, Murat appeared on the night of the 3rd/4th May (not sure about the time) and offered his services but all other sources suggest he walked in the local cop shop on 4th May.

Very very odd indeed, compounded by his impertinent interest in the investigation and the particular staff he interpreted for - all of whom could have information that might compromise the McCann defence mechanism.  Add his muvver's street stall to the mix and it all appears more than a bit suspicious.

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Ref; Robert Murat

Post by willowthewisp 23.08.16 17:24

Hi Verdi,out of the staff that RM was the Translator for,suddenly departed to Greece by Mark Warner,becoming concerned about their well being of the effect of the Abduction of Madeleine?

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Guest 23.08.16 21:02

willowthewisp wrote:Hi Verdi,out of the staff that RM was the Translator for,suddenly departed to Greece by Mark Warner,becoming concerned about their well being of the effect of the Abduction of Madeleine?

Party girl Catriona Baker who declined to join her friends for a night out on Thursday 3rd May 2007 because she was tired.

Only having seen press reports concerning her reaction to Madeleine's disappearance and her after-life so to speak, I can't be 100% convinced without some more reliable corroboration.  Whatever, one things for sure, she struck-up a sort of friendship with the McCanns which in my opinion is rather surprising under the circumstances - a young woman I would expect to try and put the experience behind her and move on with life.

Not everyone agrees with me but I find it astonishing that she was so traumatized by Madeleine's disappearance, said to have been because she was Madeleine's nanny.  Madeleine was just another child in a group that attended the childcare facilities on an ad hoc basis for a notional five days.  Realistically she wouldn't have developed a close bond with a single child or have any inclination about the parent/s relationship with each other and/or their child.  Let's face it, all the parent/s did was drop her off at the creche and and later collect her - again, just one of a group of children on one weeks holiday.  How many children drift through their work in any one season, there is no occasion nor reason to become emotionally attached to any one child.  I venture to suggest that Ms Baker has prior knowledge of the McCanns and/or their friends.

It doesn't stop there - the nanny Charlotte Pennington appears to live in a fantasy world, Amy Tierney had a problem with the whereabouts of her computer and printer, to name but two and all placed in the care of the interpreter Robert Murat and apparently as you say, swiftly whisked away from prying eyes.

Something very fishy going on here and it's not rotting sea bass..

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by Roxyroo 24.08.16 0:24

Verdi wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:Hi Verdi,out of the staff that RM was the Translator for,suddenly departed to Greece by Mark Warner,becoming concerned about their well being of the effect of the Abduction of Madeleine?

Party girl Catriona Baker who declined to join her friends for a night out on Thursday 3rd May 2007 because she was tired.

Only having seen press reports concerning her reaction to Madeleine's disappearance and her after-life so to speak, I can't be 100% convinced without some more reliable corroboration.  Whatever, one things for sure, she struck-up a sort of friendship with the McCanns which in my opinion is rather surprising under the circumstances - a young woman I would expect to try and put the experience behind her and move on with life.

Not everyone agrees with me but I find it astonishing that she was so traumatized by Madeleine's disappearance, said to have been because she was Madeleine's nanny.  Madeleine was just another child in a group that attended the childcare facilities on an ad hoc basis for a notional five days.  Realistically she wouldn't have developed a close bond with a single child or have any inclination about the parent/s relationship with each other and/or their child.  Let's face it, all the parent/s did was drop her off at the creche and and later collect her - again, just one of a group of children on one weeks holiday.  How many children drift through their work in any one season, there is no occasion nor reason to become emotionally attached to any one child.  I venture to suggest that Ms Baker has prior knowledge of the McCanns and/or their friends.

It doesn't stop there - the nanny Charlotte Pennington appears to live in a fantasy world, Amy Tierney had a problem with the whereabouts of her computer and printer, to name but two and all placed in the care of the interpreter Robert Murat and apparently as you say, swiftly whisked away from prying eyes.

Something very fishy going on here and it's not rotting sea bass..

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Verdi, I had to log in to check if that was actually a fish in the emoticon! And it is! big grin

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Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator? - Page 3 Empty Re: Murat revisted: 2 - How did he become a PJ translator?

Post by skyrocket 24.08.16 8:49

The following report from the pj files and written by PJ officer Inspector Manuel Pilar(?), dated 7 May 2007, gives some insight into Murat's involvement with the investigation:

02_VOLUME_IIa_ Page_328
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02_VOLUME_IIa_ Page_329
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--- I make it known that on 04.05.2007, about 09h30, in the company of my colleague Irene Trovao, I went under higher orders to the "Ocean Club", in order to, among other things, establish contact with GNR officers who were in the area, from where the minor Madeleine had been abducted.
--- One of the objectives would be to put off the track of [clear up'; resolve'] possible useful information for the discovery of the whereabouts of the minor, that in the meantime had become known to those officers.
--- An individual named Robert Murrat was already in the area, who had presented himself to the GNR, making himself available to help should he be needed, particularly as an interpreter.
--- When I asked he told me that his mother is English, hence he knows that language perfectly having spent much time in England. He added also that he had a daughter more or less the same age as the missing girl.
--- That this individual collaborated [worked] with the police on 4 and 5 May 2007, namely in the Mobile Police station based in the area.
--- That at a certain time, when we made it known [to him] that his collaboration with the police was not required, he made contact with numerous journalists who were in the area.
--- On 06.05.2007 the undersigned was contacted by some of the journalists who said they thought the behaviour of that individual was suspicious during his contact with them, namely he always displayed extreme curiosity, and when they tried to take his picture he refused vehemently, showing much fear [alarm] stating that he did not want his photo taken because he had a daughter the same age as the missing child and was in the middle of a divorce.
--- Later, when confronted with [questioned about] his behaviour, Robert Murrat was extremely nervous, affirming that it was our choice, immediately left the area and did not come back.
--- Given the suspicions raised it was thought convenient [appropriate] to keep him relatively close, for the purpose of, simultaneously and immediately, beginning a detailed investigation into this individual to confirm or dispel the suspicions raised about him.

Despite the PJ officer above stating that Murat was told early on that his services were not required, he was still being used on the 8 May (nanny Jaqueline Williams).

Not completely on topic - Murat was picked up by his mother Jenny from Faro airport at around about 9.30 am on the 1 May. The drive back to Luz was under an hour by car. The following is taken from his 14 May interview:

'At the airport he was met by his mother, in the VW that the respondent drove. He went to a petrol station at the airport exit, that had closed the toilets. He didn't eat anything or fill up the car. He then drove to the A22, where he stopped at the first service station on the way, M24. He drank a "galao" [a typical breakfast drink comprising 50% coffee and 50% hot milk] as did his mother. He ate a meat pie and his mother a "folhado misto" [a cheese and ham croissant]. They resumed the journey, having stopped at another M24 station [NOTE: "M24" is the name of the 24 hour convenience shops at many GALP service stations], where they drank coffee. Soon after they went directly to Casa Liliana in Luz, where he arrived at 11:30-12:00.'

OK - the first stop RM says the toilets were closed; the second stop at a motorstop on the A22 both RM and his mother eat and drink; they then stop AGAIN at a second motorstop for another hot drink; finally getting back to Casa Liliana about 2 - 2 1/2 hours after they'd left the airport. Really?! Read the rest of RM's recollections (and Michaela's/Michaela's husband, Luis Antonio), and the whole of the 1 May is basically unaccounted for. Murat says he went to Michaela's house for the afternoon and that both Luis Antonio and Michaela's/Luis's daughter were there - he gave Michaela and her daughter presents; Michaela says that she picked her daughter up from school later and she is very vague about Luis's presence; when interviewed on the 14 May, Luis says the following, 'It being asked of him, he clarifies that, except for yesterday night when he dined with ROBERT MURAT, he has no memory of the last time when he saw him or was with him.' - wouldn't he remember his wife/daughter receiving gifts from a man (particularly as he had previously barred all male visitors after Michaela's earlier marital indiscretions, only apparently permitting Murat's visits after he'd got to know him). At 4pm Murat has returned to Casa Liliana in Luz and can't remember what he did for the rest of the day/evening; likewise, Michaela, after a JW meeting at 4pm, can't remember if she saw Murat that evening or not. 

What was happening on the 1 May?

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