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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Mm11

(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Regist10
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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Mm11

(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Regist10

(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty And when was the Rothley meeting?

Post by tigger 28.10.11 13:10

Bebootje wrote:Interestingly the news on the bag found near Faro broke on November 5.

And the news of 2 Tapas about to break ranks on 7 november.

Wasn't the Rothley meeting of the T 9 plus others in a hotel just after this rumour? Weren't all those present handed the same song-sheet by Clarrie?

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Guest 28.10.11 13:36

Stella wrote:Did you notice the sign-offs in the top right hand corner? The person at the top on 43 & 44, is at the bottom on all the other pages. I think this means that this document was changed at a later date. winkwink

I bet they didn't think we would notice this. big grin

Im not sure what you mean here. I see sign offs in the top right corner on all the pages ? And none in the bottom?

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Bebootje 28.10.11 15:49

tigger wrote:
Bebootje wrote:Interestingly the news on the bag found near Faro broke on November 5.

And the news of 2 Tapas about to break ranks on 7 november.

Wasn't the Rothley meeting of the T 9 plus others in a hotel just after this rumour? Weren't all those present handed the same song-sheet by Clarrie?

Yes, the Rothley meeting was in December 2007

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Thanks Bebootje,

Post by tigger 28.10.11 15:57

Bebootje wrote:
tigger wrote:
Bebootje wrote:Interestingly the news on the bag found near Faro broke on November 5.

And the news of 2 Tapas about to break ranks on 7 november.

Wasn't the Rothley meeting of the T 9 plus others in a hotel just after this rumour? Weren't all those present handed the same song-sheet by Clarrie?

Yes, the Rothley meeting was in December 2007

I read somewhere that it was likely that ROB and JT were about to jump ship. Most likely I think, because I've always felt that ROB behaves like someone who's been tricked into a situation. If JT was deeper in he'd have been obliged to come to the rescue. He wasn't at the court hearing re damages and from his rogatory interview it seems that he felt his career had taken a hard knock. I bet he wishes he'd never seen hide or hair of the McCanns.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Guest 29.10.11 8:29

(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Tannerpg46
(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Tannerpg43

Moa, do you see the sign-off at the top of page 43. If you look at page 46, it is now underneath another sign-off? If you check all the other pages, they are all in the same position as page 46. Page 43 is the odd one out. I thought it was two pages, but it is only one that is different and I'm betting that something on the original page 43 was changed and what we now see is perhaps a replacement.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Guest 31.10.11 7:50

Stella wrote:(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Tannerpg46
(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Tannerpg43

Moa, do you see the sign-off at the top of page 43. If you look at page 46, it is now underneath another sign-off? If you check all the other pages, they are all in the same position as page 46. Page 43 is the odd one out. I thought it was two pages, but it is only one that is different and I'm betting that something on the original page 43 was changed and what we now see is perhaps a replacement.

Yes I see now what you meant. Looks like a replacement could have been done here ..

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Dogs

Post by Guest 31.10.11 7:58

since this thread is about the dogs I want to show a case going on in my country right now.

Last week a dead body was found hidden in a abanded house, wrappet in plastic.
Only a few days after this mans ex girl friend was arrested, and her best friend.
Didn't take many days before she came clean , and she had murdererd him with an axe while he slept .
Her friend had helped her clean the blood and hide the body...

Today this article came , and it says that after she killed him, she not only cleaned the room, she also painted it.
After she was arrested, they used a special trained dog to sniff the house . And the dog marked many places for blood, and he was spot on.
He marked all the places blood had been. this backed up with forensic and that she confessed...

I can't believe that the dogs in this Mccann case are not taken more seriouse.. ( they where probably more special trained than the dog used in this boyfriendkilling case)

(use google translate to read :) )

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Nina 31.10.11 12:02

Re embalming. This can only be carried out on a fresh corpse. Sorry if this sounds callous.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Nina

Post by tigger 31.10.11 14:01

Nina wrote:Re embalming. This can only be carried out on a fresh corpse. Sorry if this sounds callous.

I totally agree. Embalming could not be what they were after, I'm sure it's buried (the Freudian slip of Kate when the DNA results from the Renault came through) and my feeling is that someone else did it.
'Find the body and prove we've done it' I would love to find a really reliable source for that, it sounds totally like Gerry and like the 'they've got nothing on us!' is worthy of a Glaswegian gangster. But I digress.

Point is, embalming would preserve the body, that's why my money is still on Huelva. Proper burial, three months later due prayers at the 'graveside' and no more worries. By now there's nothing left, no DNA, no bones, nothing.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by PeterMac 31.10.11 16:02

Which is why he twists his face into that sneer and supercilious smile when asked about sightings.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by anil39200 31.10.11 17:20

just a thought but which one of them "insinuated" themselves into the investigation as a witness by "spotting" the mystery "abductor"?

could this be the very person who is actually being protected along with the "holy mother and father".....?

once again, more mystery!

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Fossilfuel 31.10.11 18:48

tigger wrote: By now there's nothing left, no DNA, no bones, nothing.

I would have thought that there would definitely still be bones there, if it was a straight forward burial?

I remember a case where a childs skeleton was found in Portugal, which was apparently a hybrid of Neanderthal and modern man, it was well preserved and was around 20000 years old. I believe the child was about 4 years old at the time of death.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Huelva soil Ph

Post by tigger 31.10.11 19:17

Fossilfuel wrote:
tigger wrote: By now there's nothing left, no DNA, no bones, nothing.

I would have thought that there would definitely still be bones there, if it was a straight forward burial?

I remember a case where a childs skeleton was found in Portugal, which was apparently a hybrid of Neanderthal and modern man, it was well preserved and was around 20000 years old. I believe the child was about 4 years old at the time of death.

The soil in the area of Huelva is unbelievably acid, see the Huelva topic. For bones to survive the soil has to be very alkaline. Many prehistoric skeletons have been found in caves and in calcareous ground, such as the chalk downs of the Wessex area. But e.g. Suffolk sandy soils for some reason haven't preserved anything apart from a stain in the graves from Anglo Saxon times.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Fossilfuel 31.10.11 19:32

tigger wrote:
The soil in the area of Huelva is unbelievably acid, see the Huelva topic. For bones to survive the soil has to be very alkaline. Many prehistoric skeletons have been found in caves and in calcareous ground, such as the chalk downs of the Wessex area. But e.g. Suffolk sandy soils for some reason haven't preserved anything apart from a stain in the graves from Anglo Saxon times.

Thanks tigger, I didn't realise that about Huelva, I was just thinking too generally.
I will find the thread on Huelva (hopefully!) I am still trying to find my way around the site.

I would love to go to Suffolk, it's somewhere I've never been, some of the beaches look gorgeous and unspoilt. The dropping away of the land is worrying though.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Land loss.

Post by tigger 31.10.11 19:35

Fossilfuel wrote:
tigger wrote:
The soil in the area of Huelva is unbelievably acid, see the Huelva topic. For bones to survive the soil has to be very alkaline. Many prehistoric skeletons have been found in caves and in calcareous ground, such as the chalk downs of the Wessex area. But e.g. Suffolk sandy soils for some reason haven't preserved anything apart from a stain in the graves from Anglo Saxon times.

Thanks tigger, I didn't realise that about Huelva, I was just thinking too generally.
I will find the thread on Huelva (hopefully!) I am still trying to find my way around the site.

I would love to go to Suffolk, it's somewhere I've never been, some of the beaches look gorgeous and unspoilt. The dropping away of the land is worrying though.

Just showing off here, but Britain is still recovering from the last ice age and the whole island is tilting slowly, I'm not sure, but I think the West Coast is rising and the East Coast is sinking. Could be the other way round, but it's supposed to explain the crumbling coastline.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by mmmlindz 15.03.12 14:00

probs been said before...

It is revealed that Portuguese police are investigating a mobile phone call from Russell O'Brien to Gerry McCann that was made on 10 June 2007. A team of telephone surveillance officers highlighted the call as it is understood to have contained key words that aroused police suspicions.

Investigators are concentrating on the exact whereabouts of Dr O'Brien when the call was made. It is understood Gerry McCann told detectives the call was made within a 4km radius of Praia da Luz but technicians working on the mobile phone network have dismissed this after examining records. It is believed the call took place 28km from Praia da Luz

If you look on google maps 28km is the exact distance to all of the scrubby farm land area on the outskirts of PdL and strangley a junction on the A41, long way to go to make a phonecall...

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by Searcher 24.10.13 0:53

On the Daily Mail article, Sept. 2007 (appreciation to TB for link) is it relevant (juxtapositioning does happen in the media) to see the order in which the Tapas 7 are listed?  Take a look, and in relation to other threads here and posts this week.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by worriedmum 04.07.16 15:48

Just wondering if this was ever mentioned again.

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(Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7 - Page 2 Empty Re: (Sep 2007) Eddie and Keela found the scent of death on the clothes of one of the Tapas 7

Post by nazech22 06.10.18 13:08

What a shame that the article doesn't state if the blue fleece jacket and adult jeans belonged to a male or female adult!


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