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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Mm11

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Mm11

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Regist10

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Tony Bennett 29.04.16 6:49

I will publish the text of the accompanying covering letter to David Cameron in a few days' time. The petition will be presented at 10 Downing Street at lunch-time today.

I am currently writing an addendum to it in view of the utterly ridiculous claims made by Operation Grange in the Star, Sun and the Daily Mail this week about what they think really happened to Madeleine McCann


29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Petiti11


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Guest 29.04.16 6:57

Great Tony!

Fantastic work as ever.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by pendragon2007 29.04.16 7:42

Brilliant Tony!!!  Have you requested full front page news coverage from CM and news headlines from BBC etc?

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by hentie 29.04.16 8:01

Well done Tony
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Guest 29.04.16 8:04

Well done and good luck for today Tony.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by sandancer 29.04.16 8:46

Well done Tony , and thank you for your continued work for a little girl with no voice . clapping
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by plebgate 29.04.16 8:48

Good Luck Tony.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Guest 29.04.16 10:41

Good man Tony. Is it possible to video the moment? I always try to get verification of receipt as a leg to stand on if they say they didn't get anything/ignore it.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by MRNOODLES 29.04.16 11:28

I expect somebody will.  TB said he'll be there at lunch time.  They'll be one or two gutter press hacks there for sure.

Good luck Tony.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by saloongirl 29.04.16 14:20

Thank you for your continued dedication.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by sombrero 29.04.16 14:51


Great work.  Well done.


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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Roxyroo 29.04.16 15:12

Well done Tony and thank you for all you do

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by dottyaussie 29.04.16 15:25

Good job, well done and good luck Tony  clapping

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Rat-a-tat-tat

Post by Tony Bennett 29.04.16 22:04

Thank you all.

The petition was handed in at just before 1pm today. There was no press interest. I hadn't contacted any of the media about it.

I should perhaps explain the procedure.

Your presentation of the petition has to be approved in advance. You must give details in advance of the petition you want to present. You are allowed up to six people to present the petition. You must give their names, addresses and date and place of birth - and they then run security checks on everyone. Then, if all goes well, you get an e-mail telling you that you have been approved to present the petition. Negotiation then takes place about a suitable time and date.

On th day, all those presenting the petition must bring their passports with them. You are then checked again at security and searched. You then walk up to a constable patrolling outside 10 Downing Street and discuss with him any photographs you want to take. If the press are interested in the petition, there may be press there as well.

When that's finished, you are invited to go 'rat-a-tat-rat' on the large heavy metal door-knocker of No. 10.

A few seconds later, a smartly dressed footman appears, and asks: 'Do you have a petition?'

You say: 'Yes, here it is' and hand the petition to him.

He then answers: 'Thank you, your petition will be passed for the Prime Minister's attention straightaway'.

You then say: 'I am most grateful', or something similar, and he closes the door. And you all walk back down Downing Street.

In answer to a query above, no, there was no video taken, but I hope to put up a photograph of the event sometime tomorrow.       

It may seem like a rather arcane procedure, but it is a little slice of our democratic procedures. And since the petition in this case was very much about the Prime Minister's personal decision to order Operation Grange to be set up, I thought it only right and proper that I knock personally on his door to bring it to his attention.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by MayMuse 29.04.16 22:19

Thank you for doing this and for the explanation on the procedure, lets hope DC gives it his full attention. 
We can but hope. thumbsup

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by MRNOODLES 29.04.16 23:36

Well done TB.

I am genuinely surprised there wasn't some hack there in light of the recent goings on.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by lj 30.04.16 0:16

Congratulations Tony, and thank you for all your hard work.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Jill Havern 30.04.16 5:39

Quite poignant to deliver a Petition to the Prime Minister seeking justice for Maddie at lunchtime on the 9th anniversary of when the Last Photo is thought to have been taken.

Well done yet again Mr B. roses
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Bishop Brennan 30.04.16 5:51

Tony Bennett wrote:
It may seem like a rather arcane procedure, but it is a little slice of our democratic procedures. And since the petition in this case was very much about the Prime Minister's personal decision to order Operation Grange to be set up, I thought it only right and proper that I knock personally on his door to bring it to his attention.

Thanks for the description of the process - it was really interesting to read - it comes across as a strangely affirming procedure - a uniquely British mix of formality, tradition and democracy.
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Tony Bennett 30.04.16 8:13


On the way, the Petition takes a rest for coffee at Wetherspoons, Whitehall (£1.25 a mug, free refills)

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   03510

The petition on its way down Whitehall

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Petiti11

The petition handed in at 10 Downing Street

29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Petiti10


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by pennylane 30.04.16 8:50

Excellent Tony!  Thank you for all your hard work, and for fighting so hard for justice!   heart  roses

and such perfect timing too! thumbup

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Tony Bennett 30.04.16 8:57

pennylane wrote:Excellent Tony!  Thank you for all your hard work, and for fighting so hard for justice!   heart  roses

and such perfect timing too! thumbup
I've just noticed that the timings on my photos are one hour out - because I haven't yet adjusted the timings for British Summer Time.

Actually, I don't know how to change the date and time settings on my Canon.

Can anyone please point me to someone who has experience of doing this? - thanks!   winkwink


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Sophiebubbles 30.04.16 9:09

Well done again Mr Bennett.....for working so tirelessly.......thankyou   clapping

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by happychick 30.04.16 9:31

Tony Bennett wrote:I've just noticed that the timings on my photos are one hour out - because I haven't yet adjusted the timings for British Summer Time.

Actually, I don't know how to change the date and time settings on my Canon.

Can anyone please point me to someone who has experience of doing this? - thanks!   winkwink

I can't wait for you to publish the letter you sent to David Cameron.

Do you think:

1. David Cameron will read it himself, or get one of his underlings to read it on his behalf?

2. You will get any kind of acknowledgement / response?



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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by plebgate 30.04.16 9:38

Tony is still dancing, let's hope it continues for many years.  Mr Mrs

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by pennylane 30.04.16 9:44

Amen plebgate!!!

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by whatsupdoc 30.04.16 9:46

Well done Tony. We are proud of you.

I have a Canon 400D and to get to the Date & Time here is what I do...

Switch on and press Menu.

Use the 4 way button on the right (3 o'clock position) to get to the 3rd choice showing a spanner and a couple of other choices.

Use the button at the 6o'clock position to scroll down to the Date & Time and press the centre button to accept.

You now can change the Date & Time. Hope you model is similar.If you haven't a full manual or can't get a copy online, let me know your model and I'll have a look.

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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by Jill Havern 30.04.16 9:48

whatsupdoc wrote:Well done Tony. We are proud of you.

I have a Canon 400D and to get to the Date & Time here is what I do...

Switch on and press Menu.

Use the 4 way button on the right (3 o'clock position) to get to the 3rd choice showing a spanner and a couple of other choices.

Use the button at the 6o'clock position to scroll down to the Date & Time and press the centre button to accept.

You now can change the Date & Time. Hope you model is similar.If you haven't a full manual or can't get a copy online, let me know your model and I'll have a look.
Or, failing that, just ask Kate how she did it. winkwink
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29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street   Empty Re: 29/4/16 - A petition critical of Operation Grange is presented at 10 Downing Street

Post by whatsupdoc 30.04.16 9:58

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
whatsupdoc wrote:Well done Tony. We are proud of you.

I have a Canon 400D and to get to the Date & Time here is what I do...

Switch on and press Menu.

Use the 4 way button on the right (3 o'clock position) to get to the 3rd choice showing a spanner and a couple of other choices.

Use the button at the 6o'clock position to scroll down to the Date & Time and press the centre button to accept.

You now can change the Date & Time. Hope you model is similar.If you haven't a full manual or can't get a copy online, let me know your model and I'll have a look.
Or, failing that, just ask Kate how she did it. winkwink

Thanks Jill, penny has just dropped, LOL. Nice one, Tony.


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