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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Mm11

Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Regist10
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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Mm11

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by YNG 06.11.10 20:28

Judge Mental wrote:Team McCann are under no illusions, and know that the case will continue to be investigated very shortly. Therefore they are making a huge fuss and kerfuffle, to make it appear as if it is they who have instigated it.

I agree JudgeMental and of course it serves one or two other purposes , top up money which may well be needed for legal costs and attempts once again to cast them in the victim role and promotes the abduction theory in an attempt counter anything Mr Amaral believes happened., more so now he has regained freedom of speech.

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by Guest 06.11.10 20:52

Judge Mental wrote:Team McCann are under no illusions, and know that the case will continue to be investigated very shortly. Therefore they are making a huge fuss and kerfuffle, to make it appear as if it is they who have instigated it.

I agree Judge, I think the case will be reopened imminently, it also makes me believe the 3 judges may have been aware of this when they made their ruling. They may be aware of new evidence. I keep thinking about this PDL at dawn, and what HC said. It seems to me they have seen or heard something and it could be new evidence. This is the quote from HC

I strongly advise you to go to Praia da Luz- at dawn. It’s interesting, you’ll gain an entirely different perspective of life. And of the facts.

Someone has seen something at dawn and has talked imo

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by kangdang 06.11.10 21:38

I have asked before, I will ask again - At what time does daybreak in PdL during late April / early May?

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud smug By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by Guest 06.11.10 21:58

kangdang wrote:I have asked before, I will ask again - At what time does daybreak in PdL during late April / early May?

I've tried googling but can't get an answer. From reading other forums it seems sunrise is around 6.30 am. Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 526998

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by Guest 06.11.10 21:59


I hate that feeling of helplessness... when you feel like you're a lone voice struggling under a tide of disbelief and absurdness. As all around, the madding crowd give airtime and column inches to one of the most bizarre press releases yet in the history of this off the wall case.

This week we've been treated to the well planned press conference in quaint Quorn with wispy, atmospheric photo shots taken in some obscure, leafy grounds. The details of this press conference and its accompanying choice shots were (in true McCann fashion) delayed and embargoed for release.

Details of this latest appeal included a request for a review of the case because they 'STILL dont have ALL the information', the request that the public sign their online petition for a review and the customary appeal for more money.

There are a few things that niggle me about this latest appeal - one is the statement 'we STILL don't have ALL the information". Why should they? They're not part of the Portuguese or British authorities responsible for the case. This case is not closed... and even without the 'suspect' tag, they're simply members of the public - there's no way they should have access to ALL the information. It does make one wonder how Mr McCann knows there's still information there that he wants, and makes one wonder just what it is...

The other niggle I have is the latest news on the fund - the fund which is the McCanns own COMPANY, registered at Companies House and of which has their questionable presence as directors, counting the coins and deciding how they're spent - along with other directorial family and friends. Anyway, why is the balance of the account such a mystery? An acurate balance is never readily available, always a round pound. It's easy enough to do, we all know how much we have in our accounts most of the time, why can't we get a precise figure from them. If you were laden with such an important bank account as the Madeleine Fund, to aid the search for your beloved missing daughter surely you would be checking that amount on a daily basis.

We've been told how much money is spent on various bits and bobs, from t-shirts to prayer cards, rubber bands to 24hr telephone lines. But please would someone get to the nitty gritty and tell us how much was spent on those lawyers and how much those mortgage payments were. The 'transparent' accounts are as clear as mud, and I would really like to know how much Dave Edgar spends on the search. Mr McCann stated in the Channel 4 interview that Mr Edgar was accountable for that side of things. Is Mr Edgar even aware of this?

We have a figure of £300,000 being bandied around. The fund will be empty by next Spring and they need more money. There is forward planning, but they seem to always know in advance that Madeleine won't be found by a certain time. Amongst many, the one year anniversary event springs to mind... the event that was being planned just 4 weeks after Madeleine vanished. Can we safely say that Madeleine won't be found by next Spring then? How bloody awful!

The impromptu reappearance of the begging bowl also has strange timing. The bowl is back only a short time after we online nutters discovered that the banning of Dr Amaral's book, Maddie - the Truth of the Lie had been overturned, was to be deposited back on the shelves and that the McCanns had to pay all court costs. In some cynical quarters that could be construed as deliberate timing... they lose the appeal, have to pay court costs then decide to make an appeal for more money? Even though they have over a quarter of £1m in the bank. According to Channel 4, the book is soon to be on the shelves in the UK.

What are they doing about this depleting money? Are they doing what most of us would do - making savings and cost cutting here and there? Doing the local Sunday car boot? Selling their belongings on eBay? Has Mr McCann got his own standing order or direct debit from his monthly wage at Glenfield direct into the fund account? Or what about his other wage with Spire Healthcare at the private Spire Leicester Hospital? Have any family members remortgaged or sold their houses, like Philomena McCann stated they would way back in the day? Or is the Madeleine Fund providing support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family and allowing them all to stay in their own homes? Are they doing any of these things to preserve the account, or do they just want everybody else's money? Questions, questions. Another trend... never answered.

That takes us onto the petition for the review of the investigation. It's been said before that a review won't help Madeleine, it's simply a paper-pushing exercise. Madeleine is missing NOW, today and needs the official investigation into her disappearance to be OPEN and currently investigating all leads. I don't understand why the McCanns aren't screaming this from the rooftops and demanding the reopening. Instead they want a review. How can you review something that's incomplete?

Wouldn't you expect a petition of such importance to be hosted on the Number 10 petition site, the official government site. After all, this petition is to be presented to the government. Bizarrely enough it's not hosted on the official site, but on a basic one whose default settings are set to accept multiple signings from any name, email or IP address. A comment on the petition states that duplicate names will be removed when the petition closes. Does this also apply to duplicate IP addresses? Giving the benefit of the doubt, as the Number 10 site doesn't accept non-British signatories, perhaps the McCanns chose this site to appeal to a wider audience. However, wouldn't the rapid count still have been achieved with the 'support' the McCanns claim to have from their fellow Brits. Or perhaps it would still have been achieved anyway...

I came across another petition whilst I was visiting one of the many forums. This petition is calling for the reopening of the case instead of a review and I have it on good authority that it's default settings have now been changed to accept unique IP addresses only. It's plodding away as we speak at just over 200 signatures, which is a small voice gaining momentum and supporting the reopening of the case.

One comment (which has now been removed) was of the opinion that the petition had been set up by the 'enemies of the McCanns' and 'not to waste your time signing' with a link to the McCanns' petition... what a bizarre and slightly unnerving thing to say. An individual supporting the McCanns yet encouraging people NOT to support the reopening of the case. There is something quite dark and sinister about that side of things which at the moment cannot be explained.

In the interests of fairness, I'll provide links to both petitions - sign whichever you prefer.

Petition to REOPEN the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance

Petition to REVIEW the case files in the Madeleine's investigation

I'll leave you with this one thought... just how can you review something which is incomplete?

Posted by Me, Myself, Moi... at 13:19

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by littlepixie 06.11.10 22:06

Sunday Express reporting re-opening!

Even muratfan is tweeting it

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by coppernob 06.11.10 23:46

littlepixie wrote:
candyfloss wrote:This is very, very interesting about the petitions site the McCanns are using. ..... worth a read[/quote

They mentioned on MCF that a vistor from the Vatican City has been visiting Brens blog and also thepottingshedder. I just looked and they've been on again recently!!

Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 890363 Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 195540

Hi Littlepixie, that was me in the early hours, had to look twice to make sure I was reading correctly and then my virus programme flashed up I had a maleware threat, don't know if there was a connection or not. Interesting times ahead, hoping justice is not too far away Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 847771

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by littlepixie 07.11.10 9:38

I saw it too yesterday at about 11.57 in the morning. So someone is doing their research I think.

(Bet the Pope is fuming!!) Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 110921

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by kangdang 07.11.10 11:42

candyfloss wrote:
kangdang wrote:I have asked before, I will ask again - At what time does daybreak in PdL during late April / early May?

I've tried googling but can't get an answer. From reading other forums it seems sunrise is around 6.30 am. Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 526998

Excellent Candyfloss, many thanks.

The McCanns often went jogging at around 6:30am post Madeleine's disappearance, the halfway point was a specific marker on the cliff tops to the left of PdL. If I recall correctly they once proudly stated that they achieved this run in 17 or 18 minutes Gerry McCanns made point of relaying achievement time information through his blog in the early days.

Images can be seen here

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by Daoud 07.11.10 12:21

kangdang wrote:I have asked before, I will ask again - At what time does daybreak in PdL during late April / early May?

Hi Kangdang,
Have only just seen your request. I've been unable to find meteorological data for PdL, and have had to go with that for Lagos which is some 5.6 kms fruther east - so this is only a rough estimate.

Sunrise in Lagos on 4/05/07 was 6.35 ... dst=1&ck=1

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by kangdang 07.11.10 14:17

Daoud wrote:
kangdang wrote:I have asked before, I will ask again - At what time does daybreak in PdL during late April / early May?

Hi Kangdang,
Have only just seen your request. I've been unable to find meteorological data for PdL, and have had to go with that for Lagos which is some 5.6 kms fruther east - so this is only a rough estimate.

Sunrise in Lagos on 4/05/07 was 6.35 ... dst=1&ck=1

Fantastic Daoud, many thanks.

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud smug By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty I think....

Post by soulthief 07.11.10 14:27

that the McCanns have started to lose control and the upper hand, starting with Jim Gamble quitting, he would have been a good supporter to have given his job...Then the ban on Amarals book being lifted..The funny part was the ban being over turned was not reported or not where I read...but the McCanns going to watch Everton was..I think the latest blitz of asking for money and asking for a reopening is more spin to hoodwink the public and muddy the waters, it will make people think they must be innocent less why ask for a reopening and risk getting caught, well they know full well they covered their tracks well..they know a reopening wont be worth a toss, the crime scene as it was can never be replicated, the lab cant suddenly find the samples..its will make people not sure what to think and it also knocked Amarals victory off the front pages of a google search.

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Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Empty Re: Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Post by Guest 09.11.10 12:37

Hadn't seen this video from Clarence Mitchell being interviewed on 3rd Nov the day the petition was announced

Death Toll in McCann Case
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Brunt_10
Gerry McCann called for an example to be made of 'trolls'. SKY reporter Martin Brunt doorstepped Brenda Leyland on 2 October 2014 after a 'Dossier' was handed in to Police by McCann supporters. She was then found dead in a Leicester hotel room two days later having, apparently, taken her own life. Brenda paid the price.
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Jim_ga11
Ex-Deputy Chief Constable, Jim Gamble QPM congratulated SKY reporter Martin Brunt for doorstepping Brenda Leyland.
A Risky Gamble
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Colins15

Colin Sahlke died suddenly in mysterious circumstances with a significant amount of morphine in his system. At the Inquest the coroner said there was no evidence as to how he had come to take morphine, and no needle mark was found. Gerry McCann had met Sahlke before he helped with the search but did not show any concern for his death. Link
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Ricard10
Snr Gonçalo Amaral's cousin, Ricardo Cunha, shot dead in London Sept 2010. Murder still unsolved. Link
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Kevin_10
Bloodied body of Kevin Halligen, who conned Maddie Fund of £583,00, is found dead at his Surrey mansion. Daily Mail
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Martin11
Ex-Met DCI Colin Sutton: "The most likely scenario is that Madeleine was stolen to order by slave traders and smuggled into Africa for a rich family who wanted a white child."
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Andy_r10
Ex-Met DCI Andy Redwood had a "revelation moment" on BBC1's Crimewatch on 14th October 2013 when he announced that Operation Grange had eliminated the Tanner sighting - which opened up the 'window' of opportunity' from 3 minutes to 45 minutes, in accordance with their remit, to allow the staged abduction to happen.
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Rowley14
Former Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley made public on national TV that Operation Grange is a complete fraud.
Pat Brown, Criminal Profiler
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Operat11
More than £12million spent so far on one victim.
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Grenfe12
Grenfell: £5million shared between families of the 72 victims.

Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 9_mp_t11
Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 10_og_10

Petition for a full public enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance - Page 4 Sudden13