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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Mm11

Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Regist10
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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Mm11

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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training

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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Empty Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training

Post by worriedmum 24.10.15 11:28


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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Empty Re: Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training

Post by jeanmonroe 24.10.15 14:25

Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training
By Sam Smink

•   October 22, 2015

Sam Smink
News Reporters

cadaver dogchance walshcharlotte countyjoseph walshkristen buryPeace River Search and Rescue AssociationPort Charlottesarasota county jailSouthwest Floridawink news

PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla.- A new arrest report details the tragic final hours of baby Chance Walsh’s life.

Authorities revealed Chance gasped for breath for hours after his father beat him, and eventually choked on a diaper wipe.

Chance’s parents, Kristen Bury and Joseph Walsh, are locked up in Sarasota County Jail, facing murder charges. The arrest report reveals, the couple buried their child’s body days after he died.

Cadaver dogs were used to sniff out clues near the couple’s North Port home, allowing authorities to obtain a warrant to search the house.

Peace River K9 Search and Rescue (PRSAR), a non-profit out of Charlotte County, allowed WINK News to take an inside look at cadaver dog training, telling us a dog’s nose is “about 300,000 times better than the human nose.”

A cadaver dog is a dog trained to pick up the scent of human remains. Trainers mix cadavers in different materials, like hot concrete, to help train their noses. A dog will lay down when he finds the cadaver.

In Chance’s case, cadaver dogs showed deputies someone had died in Walsh and Bury’s home, despite the investigation taking place many days later.

“We have worked graves almost up to 200 years old,” said Mike Hadsell, with PRSAR. “If it was there, they try to clean it up with Clorox, paint over it, the dogs will still find it. It’s very hard to get rid of the odor and destroy it completely.”

The dogs are even trained on the water. We watched as one dog found remains 12 inches under water. Another was taken out on a boat, leading us to the exact area of a cadaver.

“There’s a yellow marker in the water, and that’s where the source has been sunk. What the dog is doing, is finding the odor, once it breaks on the surface. When she gets close, she starts getting very agitated,she starts salivating and circling. We have to know where the current is, and what the wind is doing, to track back where the source is,” said Hadsell.

It doesn’t matter how big the area is, “just matters if the odor is escaping from where it is buried,” said Julie Starbuck, a volunteer. “Most circumstances, they work best if we just let them off lead and do their thing.”

Peace River Search and Rescue dogs were not used in the baby Chance investigation, but are trained the same way.

"In Chance’s case, cadaver dogs showed deputies someone had died in Walsh and Bury’s home, despite the investigation taking place many days later."

The McCann's were certainly 'incurious', 'incredulous' even, when dogs 'alerted' in their apartment G5A, that possibly 'indicated' that 'SOMEONE HAD DIED' in 'their' apartment.

And they've spent the last 8 1/2 YEARS 'saying' the dogs 'found' NOTHING.

They are not even 'curious' if, IF, 'someone' had 'died' in their 'apartment' PRIOR to their 'arrival'

IF dogs had 'alerted', in my 'apartment', and my 'child' was 'missing', i'd have been 'all over' the 'dog handlers' like a 'rash'!

AS WOULD........... ANYONE!



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Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training Empty Re: Cadaver dogs & baby Chance investigation; Exclusive look at training

Post by jeanmonroe 24.10.15 14:50

Madeleine McCann: An Official Secrets Act ...'No evidence to implicate US in her death' !

Gordon Brown had plenty of sleaze on Tony Blair and I would imagine David Cameron has plenty of sleaze on Gordon Brown with regards the Maddie Affair. FSS and altering forensic reports perhaps ?

Somewhere there are two forensic reports 1) With evidence to the death of Madeleine and the other that Gerry McCann repeats like a mantra ' There is no evidence to implicate us in her death/disappearance !...Listen to the video starts at  0.20...McCann confirms Maddie is dead BUT there is nothing to implicate them !

'There is NO evidence to implicate us in her DEATH'.............................. the chilling words of Madeleine's father, Gerry McCann.

Kate 'the search' McCann!

Kate 'whether that involves re-opening the case, (into her 'abducted' daughter, Madeleine)  or NOT, it DOSEN'T MATTER' McCann.


Kate "It may sound odd, but in some ways WE WERE GLAD THE INVESTIGATION (into their 'abducted' daughter, Madeleine) HAD BEEN CLOSED" McCann



jta: Madeleine 'might' very well have been 'watching' her parents, at that Lisbon 'conference'.

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