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Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business? Mm11

Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business? Mm11

Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business? Regist10

Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business?

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Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business? Empty Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business?

Post by Jill Havern 13.10.15 12:37

Shared courtesy of Frances Gallagher

Have the McCanns turned Madeleines disappearance into a lucrative business?

Posted on Publicity Online

Now that they have opened an online shop to sell Madeleine memorabilia (RM has the link) and the Madeleine fund/Ltd Co. as well as the seperate account where all the interest from the fund goes. Has this become a lucrative business for them as very little money is being spent on finding Madeleine. The new 80'000k publicity campaign never materialised and do you think that they will continue milking this "disappearance" with book deals and perhaps a film or do you think they will give all the money to childrens charities?

Skidoo: Follow the link on the fund webpage to the FAQ page - take note of the 'family expenses' and 'payments' approved by the board to Kate and Gerry.

I'm not a betting person, but I'd lay odds that their mortgage, food, clothing and day-to-day living expenses are all being 'approved' by the board, and most if not all additional expenses they choose to submit are also paid.

Add to that the online shop, and it smacks of profiteering to me. There's a line in the sand that has been crossed here, and if the McCann family and team can't see that, they need to re-examine their priorities.

Kate and Gerry are obviously aware of what goes on in their website - and they obviously approve of the online store, otherwise it would've been pulled from the minute they started charging for items. They obviously have approved the sale of the t-shirts and phone charms and wristbands…

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edit: oh, and even though they didn't officially ask to have their legal costs paid, there's no doubt what Gerry (at least) was thinking:

"It seems like a disaster that we've got this huge donated fund and now we're not allowed to use it for legal costs because we're under suspicion," said Gerry.

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