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Crimewatch timeline Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Crimewatch timeline Mm11

Crimewatch timeline Regist10

Crimewatch timeline

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Crimewatch timeline Empty Crimewatch timeline

Post by Jill Havern 17.08.15 19:42

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New timeline: The Crimewatch special revealed that police were now looking at Madeleine's abduction as being at 10pm and not 9.15pm

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Jill Havern
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Crimewatch timeline Empty Re: Crimewatch timeline

Post by Tony Bennett 17.08.15 20:43

@ Get'emGoncalo

Your OP should carry a prominent warning to members and guests.

Something like this:


1. You really believe that a bloke who looked like Wojcek Krokowski and 'Tannerman' was

* carrying his toddler daughter back from the crèche alone - without her mother
* in the dark
* on a cold night
* without a buggy
* barefoot, in pyjamas
* with no covering
* going a long way round to wherever he was going to
* didn't come forward for some SIX YEARS to identify himself


2. That the Smith family really produced those two e-fits

* of two differet-looking men
* produced one year or more after
* they saw a bloke for a few seconds at the most
* in the dark
* with weak street lighting
* and said that
* they would never be able to recognise him if they saw him again.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Crimewatch timeline Empty Re: Crimewatch timeline

Post by Liz Eagles 17.08.15 20:46

Tony Bennett wrote:@ Get'emGoncalo

Your OP should carry a prominent warning to members and guests.

Something like this:


1. You really believe that a bloke who looked like Wojcek Krokowski and 'Tannerman' was

* carrying his toddler daughter back from the crèche alone - without her mother
* in the dark
* on a cold night
* without a buggy
* barefoot, in pyjamas
* with no covering
* going a long way round to wherever he was going to
* didn't come forward for some SIX YEARS to identify himself


2. That the Smith family really produced those two e-fits

* of two differet-looking men
* produced one year or more after
* they saw a bloke for a few seconds at the most
* in the dark
* with weak street lighting
* and said that
* they would never be able to recognise him if they saw him again.
Why people don't find this whole scenario bonkers completely baffles me.
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Crimewatch timeline Empty Re: Crimewatch timeline

Post by Jill Havern 17.08.15 20:52

sharonl wrote:If we believe that it was Gerry and Madeleine that he saw that night, then Madeleine must have been alive up until tea time on May 3rd and that within an hour or so, the group got over the shock, cleaned her up, cleaned the apartment, staged an abduction, wrote out a timeline, sorted the other children out for bed and got ready to party at the tapas. Gerry would be walking the streets of PDL carrying the corpse of his daughter just as the alarm was raised and everyone was looking for her. Hardly a credible scenario

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Crimewatch timeline Empty Re: Crimewatch timeline

Post by Liz Eagles 17.08.15 21:16

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
sharonl wrote:If we believe that it was Gerry and Madeleine that he saw that night, then Madeleine must have been alive up until tea time on May 3rd and that within an hour or so, the group got over the shock, cleaned her up, cleaned the apartment, staged an abduction, wrote out a timeline, sorted the other children out for bed and got ready to party at the tapas.  Gerry would be walking the streets of PDL carrying the corpse of his daughter just as the alarm was raised and everyone was looking for her.  Hardly a credible scenario
Operation Grange, the super squad have been delving into this case for several years with a bespoke team who do nothing other than dedicate themselves to the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and have come up with diddly squat. What does that tell you?
Liz Eagles
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Crimewatch timeline Empty Re: Crimewatch timeline

Post by Guest 17.08.15 22:43

It probably tells us that someone is treading water in abeyance of the Appeals Courts decision in the GA case

Haven't we seen how any inquiry so far has flared up when something was (starting to be) afoot in PTL?

And/or until someone sees fit to bury David Cameron for his - and Teresa May's- personal efforts in this file

Might be interesting to find out Jeremy Corbyn's take on this issue

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