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Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs Mm11

Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs Mm11

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Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs

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Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs Empty Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs

Post by sharonl 31.07.15 16:28

Is our dear Prime Minister really so gullible as to dismiss the evidence of two top UK sniffer dogs and set up a multi million pound fund to assist the parents of a missing child even after the dogs alerted to no less than eleven areas related to the parents but nowhere else in the area.

Does David Cameron really feel that these dogs are unreliable?  Obviously not

You can't have it both ways David, those dogs are either reliable or they are not.

Calais Crisis: UK To Send Extra Sniffer Dogs

David Cameron says military land will be used to park lorries, and sniffer dogs will be sent to France to deal with the crisis.

13:54, UK, Friday 31 July 2015
Extra sniffer dogs and fencing will be sent to France to help deal with the Calais migrant crisis, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

Mr Cameron made the announcement after chairing a meeting of the Government's emergency Cobra committee, to discuss the problem.
He also confirmed plans to use military land in the South East to park lorries and ease congestion caused by the ongoing migrant

"I will have a team of senior ministers who will be working to deal with it, and we rule nothing out in taking action to deal with this very serious problem.
"We are absolutely on it. We know it needs more work."
Mr Cameron said Britain would work "hand in glove" with the French to tackle the problem.
"The situation is not acceptable and it is absolutely this government's priority to deal with it in every way we can.
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Calais crisis - Dave Cameron sends in those unreliable dogs Empty Calais crisis, Cameron sends in the unrelieble dogs

Post by willowthewisp 31.07.15 18:15

Hi sharonl,
Part of the solution to the migrant /immigration problem would require the EU Ministers to revoke"Freedom between Borders" and they will not do that, it is thought that at least 160,000 people have entered into Europe through Italy and Greece, thousands more through serbia,Hungarian borders?
It is a farce to believe that each migrant/immigrant is enforced to return back to the Country in Europe that they first gained entrance into,it clearly is not working and before long, the EU will have a mighty problem containing civil unrest due to a large influx of people within their boundaries?
A big part of the problem has been the EU agreeing to pass treaties of support for action against the Country's now Dead leaders of Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan?  
George W Bush and Tony Blair wreaked havoc in these places, that is why people are fleeing their borders due to illegal wars declared for what,Oil and big contracts handed out by the new leaders installed by the creators of the problem to the USA contractors!!
The immigrant, migrant problem has been created by various Countries throughout the World by fighting Wars to over throw Leaders and rape the peoples assets fro them by installing their "Tin Pot" leaders to do their dirty work,Ker Ching!!?
David Cameron now see's it as a problem that we in the UK have a Twenty Two mile plus Tunnel conduit, that is breechable at any time it would seem?
The solution may be to now rebuild the effected countries with proper homes,hospitals, water treatment plants, offering hopes of employment to their own people other than being dispersed throughout different continents, put down the guns first though and give them prospects of hope?

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