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Another photograph...? Mm11

Another photograph...? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Another photograph...? Mm11

Another photograph...? Regist10

Another photograph...?

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Another photograph...? Empty Another photograph...?

Post by missbeetle 18.04.15 23:02

I've come across this picture, which I don't think I've seen before :

Another photograph...? <a href=Another photograph...? Sand_zpsmqewv7el

It's from a site - which is Dutch -

- is anyone able to translate the gist of the words accompanying it please?

Many thanks.

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Another photograph...? Empty Re: Another photograph...?

Post by Guest 18.04.15 23:15

"Something like: this picture was taken in the Ocean Club by a German Crew one month after the disappearance of MBM
Striking similarities"

Isn't the second picture, the one of only the girl, the one of 'Maddie' in the playhouse?
If so, 'our' Maddie cannot have been the one in the playhouse

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Another photograph...? Empty Re: Another photograph...?

Post by Guest 18.04.15 23:21

Google translate.

The picture of the little girl in the sand with her brother was taken by an
German TV crew a month after the disappearance of Maddie also in the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz

The similarity in size and views between the two girl is curious
Right, one of the last pictures of Maddie on vacation.

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Another photograph...? Empty Little girl in pink...

Post by missbeetle 18.04.15 23:33

Cheers, Portia and WMD -

- it looks like a still from a piece of filming... interesting to track it down -

- those trousers and jacket look well nigh identical.


'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
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Another photograph...? Empty Re: Another photograph...?

Post by Angelique 18.04.15 23:42

I have seen this photo before - it may have been on MM site. I can't recall what the discussion concluded but possible the caption information was just accepted as read.

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Another photograph...? Empty Re: Another photograph...?

Post by plebgate 19.04.15 11:15

Pretty sure there's a thread somewhere on this site about this pic.

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Another photograph...? Empty Re: Another photograph...?

Post by Milo 10.01.25 1:26

I believe these photos were taken on the afternoon of the Saturday the McCanns arrived at Ocean Club.

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