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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Mm11

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Mm11

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Tony Bennett 16.01.15 20:15

The launch by the forum-owner of a CMOMM Facebook group earlier this week has had one good result already.

Its members - 400-odd already - have been signing the petition and posting the petition details across other Facebook groups. 

The net result is that at the latest couht, 1,762 have now signed it  ( ), placing it at No. 153 in a list of over 6,000 petitions on the Prime Minister's website.

We have another 11 weeks left to boost the numbers still further.

Here are the details again:


New Madeleine McCann Petition on Prime Minister’s website, 29 September 2014 by Hentie

Today I was told by the Prime Minister’s office that my petition calling for a full, independent public inquiry into the official and private investigations into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been accepted and is now live.

I started another one with identical wording on the Care2 Petition site.

Here are the links:


(You need to give your name and address for this petition but names are NOT published. You will be sent an e-mail by the Prime Minister’s office; click on the link given – and as soon as you’ve done that, you have signed the petition)

Care2 Petition:

(You do NOT have to give your name for this petition. IF you choose to do so, your name will be published. You can also add your personal comments to this petition).

I would invite you all here to SIGN it, PASS ON to your friends and contact and USE SOCIAL MEDIA such as Twitter & Facebook to promote these petitions.


More details:

Petition wording (identical for both)

To set up an independent public enquiry into the conduct of the various investigations into the reported disappearance of Madeleine McCann


Despite seven years of investigation, Madeleine’s disappearance remains a mystery. There are numerous concerns about the conduct of Leicestershire Police, Scotland Yard & government officials who became involved in the case. There are also major concerns about the investigation by Madeleine's Fund, a private company regulated by the Department of Business. The combined efforts of these organisations have yielded no answers about what really happened to her, nor who was responsible for her disappearance, nor where she might be.

The Leicestershire Police and Scotland Yard investigations have cost around £10 million so far. Madeleine’s Fund also spent millions of pounds on private detectives, mostly coming from the generous British public. The Portuguese Police and police forces around the world have also spent millions on various investigations and following up claimed 'sightings' of Madeleine. We need an independent public enquiry with the power to summon relevant witnesses.

Other details: The petition on the Prime Minister’s website will run until 30 March 2015, when all petitions will be closed ahead of the General Election.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Madeleine McCann petition for a full public enquiry breaks into top 150 petitions on PM's website

Post by Tony Bennett 22.01.15 9:53

Petition now signed by 1,802 people and has climbed to 149th position on the Prime Minister's website.

I've just posted this on CMOMM's Facebook group page - I notice the group already has 499 members:


MADELEINE PETITION UPDATE >>>>>>  I am delighted to report that - thanks to the help of members here and on other FB groups - the petition on the Prime Minister's website (calling for a judge-led public enquiry into the conduct of the official AND private investigations into Madeleine's disappearance) has broken into the TOP 150 of petitions on the PM's website.

That's out of over 6,000 petitions.

This morning it had 1,802 signatures placing it at 149th.

Can we push it higher, and get the number of signers over the 2,000 mark?

Please sign if you've not yet done so, and forward everywhere you can think of -


>>> Tony Bennett


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Tony Bennett 30.01.15 16:55

Tony Bennett wrote:Petition now signed by 1,802 people and has climbed to 149th position on the Prime Minister's website.

1,828 signers now, and 148th:


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by The Rooster 30.01.15 21:59

Nice one Tony. I hope it goes viral.

F J Leghorn
"DOO-Dah! DOO-Dah-Day!"
The Rooster
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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Guest 08.03.15 20:57

CMOMM facebook group reached 1,000 members today - just 8 weeks after I set it up on 15 January clown 

Tony or Hentie, please feel free to bump your petition thread and see if we can get some more people signing it.

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Lands_end 09.03.15 11:05

I've looked at this facebook page but I am a little bit afraid of getting a solicitors letter. How do I guarantee anonimity?

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 09.03.15 11:20

Lands_end wrote:I've looked at this facebook page but I am a little bit afraid of getting a solicitors letter. How do I guarantee anonimity?
Why would you get a solicitors letter for looking at this facebook page?

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Lands_end 09.03.15 14:01

Google.Gaspar.Statements wrote:
Lands_end wrote:I've looked at this facebook page but I am a little bit afraid of getting a solicitors letter. How do I guarantee anonimity?
Why would you get a solicitors letter for looking at this facebook page?
As I said I've looked at it. Placing comments or voting is a different matter. The media sees anything related to this couple as trolling true or not. I don't want to go down the route that might expose my true identity but I also would rather not use an alias as that indeed is being a troll. Since when has justice been decided upon what others think outside of a court that is.

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Guest 09.03.15 14:42

I don't do FB.  How does it differ from the forum?

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 11.03.15 9:28

After a little more than 12 hours since the 'news' broke, 200,000 people sign a petition for a non-entity loud mouth, who's not even been sacked, to be re-instated. Yet less than 2,000 care about the true fate of a lovely little, but apparently expendable, girl. My country stinks. sad1

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Guest 11.03.15 9:44

Rogue-a-Tory wrote:After a little more than 12 hours since the 'news' broke, 200,000 people sign a petition for a non-entity loud mouth, who's not even been sacked, to be re-instated. Yet less than 2,000 care about the true fate of a lovely little, but apparently expendable, girl. My country stinks. sad1
Bread and circuses.

People never change.

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Doug D 11.03.15 10:14

Has any ‘facebook’ person tried a link to the young lad who posted on the Mc’s last year and received 300k odd ‘likes’ & ‘shares’ or whatever in a couple of days?
Doug D

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by Lands_end 11.03.15 11:29

Rogue-a-Tory wrote:After a little more than 12 hours since the 'news' broke, 200,000 people sign a petition for a non-entity loud mouth, who's not even been sacked, to be re-instated. Yet less than 2,000 care about the true fate of a lovely little, but apparently expendable, girl. My country stinks. sad1
I think people are just too afraid to knock the party line. Madeleine was ABDUCTED thats all there is to it. Now lets concentrate on the likely fate of the three schoolgirls who went to enjoy the life of a ISIS extremist.

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by katie_mc 11.03.15 19:44

Spend even more millions on an enquiry to look into an investigation that hasn't even reached a conclusion. That's just silly and why I'm not signing it. Wait and see first.

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Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry Empty Re: Launch of new CMOMM Facebook group helps boost numbers signing Madeleine petition for a full public enquiry

Post by mad world 12.03.15 8:10

Neither will i. All i know about the case comes from the pj files...but as we only have a portion of these files to see its like trying to do a jigsaw with half the pieces missing. I'd rather campaign to see the complete files becoming public imo
mad world

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