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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 16:19

HelenMeg wrote:

Guardian reports :

A dossier of online abuse directed at the parents of Madeleine McCann is being examined by police.
Members of the public have handed to Scotland Yard a file stretching to more than 80 pages of tweets, Facebook posts and forum messages aimed at Kate and Gerry McCann, according to Sky News.

This dossier has been attributed to the McCanns at least twice...even if by mistake or a careless comment. This collection of online posts suggests to me that our cards are marked. Mr McCannn was warming up to this just before the tragic death of Brenda Leyland. I do wonder if these abusive posts will include those who simultaneously threaten death yet pray fervently for the tragic parents.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Guest 19.10.14 16:23

HelenMeg wrote:I wonder if we can find direct reference to when Gerry possible denied handing over dossier or having anything to do with it. Someone evidently wishes to make it clear that he / they did.
Was it an interview or report - i'm trying to find it but having no success.

Humphrys: Let me just talk to you, briefly, if I may, about something else; this
business of the woman who was trolling' - to use that expression, on
Twitter. Some pretty vile abuse against you. What do you think should happen to
people like her, who do that sort of thing?

McCann: Well the first thing to say is I think some of the internet trolling is
fuelled partly by the newspaper reporting. And if that was more responsible I'm
sure we would have less of the former. Clearly something needs to be done about
the abuse on the internet and I'm glad to see that there have been a number of
people who have either been taken action by the police. I think we probably need
more people charged. we should

Humphrys: Should this woman be charged? The woman who's been ..

McCann: I haven't read her tweets, John. And I think that is an issue that our
behaviour is modified by this. We do not have any significant presence on social
media online. And I've got grave concerns about our children, as they grow up
and start to access the internet in an unsupervised capacity.

Humphrys: In this particular case this woman was, as I say, pretty vile about
you and your wife and I mean it's er ..

McCann: Well there have been other instances where, you know, people are
threatening to kidnap our children, people are threatening violence against Kate
and myself. And of course, it's not just us. It's many other people who happen
to find themselves in rather tragic circumstances

Humphrys: So do you think the police should be more willing to prosecute? Or
should that be ..

McCann: Yes, and I'm glad to see that the law around this area has been
reviewed, but I do think we need to make examples of people who are causing

Humphrys: This particular woman, well you say you haven't read what she's
written yet, but do you think perhaps ..

McCann: And I'm not going to.

Humphrys: You're not going to?

McCann: No, because it is upsetting. It causes us severe distress. There is so
much vile nonsense written on the internet.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by HelenMeg 19.10.14 16:25

What is an abusive post / tweet? 

I dont tweet or post abusively. I discuss the case of the disappearance of Madeleine. I dont wish harm for anyone, not Team Mc Cann or anyone . I feel sorry for all involved. Sorry that people havent told the truth from the beginning. If they had this would have been finished and dealt with 7 years ago.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by HelenMeg 19.10.14 16:29

WMD wrote:
HelenMeg wrote:I wonder if we can find direct reference to when Gerry possible denied handing over dossier or having anything to do with it. Someone evidently wishes to make it clear that he / they did.
Was it an interview or report - i'm trying to find it but having no success.

Humphrys: Let me just talk to you, briefly, if I may, about something else; this
business of the woman who was trolling' - to use that expression, on
Twitter. Some pretty vile abuse against you. What do you think should happen to
people like her, who do that sort of thing?

McCann: Well the first thing to say is I think some of the internet trolling is
fuelled partly by the newspaper reporting. And if that was more responsible I'm
sure we would have less of the former. Clearly something needs to be done about
the abuse on the internet and I'm glad to see that there have been a number of
people who have either been taken action by the police. I think we probably need
more people charged. we should

Humphrys: Should this woman be charged? The woman who's been ..

McCann: I haven't read her tweets, John. And I think that is an issue that our
behaviour is modified by this. We do not have any significant presence on social
media online. And I've got grave concerns about our children, as they grow up
and start to access the internet in an unsupervised capacity.

Humphrys: In this particular case this woman was, as I say, pretty vile about
you and your wife and I mean it's er ..

McCann: Well there have been other instances where, you know, people are
threatening to kidnap our children, people are threatening violence against Kate
and myself. And of course, it's not just us. It's many other people who happen
to find themselves in rather tragic circumstances

Humphrys: So do you think the police should be more willing to prosecute? Or
should that be ..

McCann: Yes, and I'm glad to see that the law around this area has been
reviewed, but I do think we need to make examples of people who are causing

Humphrys: This particular woman, well you say you haven't read what she's
written yet, but do you think perhaps ..

McCann: And I'm not going to.

Humphrys: You're not going to?

McCann: No, because it is upsetting. It causes us severe distress. There is so
much vile nonsense written on the internet.

Thanks for posting this. So the family passed an 80 page dossier to SY - but from what Gerry says, they didn't read it - just handed it over according to Bernard Hogan -Howe and Sunday Times.
Someone must be lying surely, IMO, either Gerry did read the tweets of Brenda and they were included in the 80 -page dossier which he handed to SY - or he did not hand it over and didnt read the tweets either.
Who is confusing the truth with a fairy tale? Most odd titter

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 16:43

The McCanns have a media monitoring unit...admitted at a hearing in Portugal. It doesn't stretch my thinking to surmise that posts (anti-McCann) were harvested, collated and eventual dossiered. . To what end? Will they pursue everyone who doesn't buy their ""thesis".

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 16:59

This article in the ST mentions the McC's handed the Dossier to police:

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 17:20

Geowoo wrote:The McCanns have a media monitoring unit...admitted at a hearing in Portugal. It doesn't stretch my thinking to surmise that posts (anti-McCann) were harvested, collated and eventual dossiered. . To what end? Will they pursue everyone who doesn't buy their ""thesis".

Yeah, it's very irrational thinking really. Why the heck would they care about what people say about them after placing themselves in the spotlight? Why doesn't someone send the McC's the results of polls as to how many people think they are Guilty in their child's disappearance, that says it all really. I think it's somewhere close to 90%. They are not viewed by the public as exonerated in the court of public opinion, and whether they like that or not, it is what it is, and they can't force people to feel differently.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 17:23


Last month McCann and her husband Gerry handed police an 80-page dossier containing hundreds of tweets, Facebook messages and posts from online forums abusing them and accusing them of being involved in the disappearance of their daughter.

This not about trolling..this is to quell the ever rising voices who just don't believe this spoon fed crap!


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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 17:43

Geowoo wrote:This:

Last month McCann and her husband Gerry handed police an 80-page dossier containing hundreds of tweets, Facebook messages and posts from online forums abusing them and accusing them of being involved in the disappearance of their daughter.

This not about trolling..this is to quell the ever rising voices who just don't believe this spoon fed crap!

Exactly, and they don't like it one bit.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by lufc50337 19.10.14 17:51

I have never understood their obsession with what people are writing on social media.  Surely if your daughter had been abducted finding her would be your obsession.  As to people poring over the files I would be delighted because even if they were of the opinion that I had done something I would know I had nothing to hide and would think they could uncover the truth.  It would be like having an army of free helpers.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by SixMillionQuid 19.10.14 17:55

The period in which prosecutions can be brought against people for using the internet, social media or mobile phones to send menacing messages will be increased from six months to three years.

“The sending of abusive messages or material online can cause absolute misery for victims and we need to make sure that people who commit these awful crimes are properly punished,” Grayling said.

So there will people sitting around gathering evidence for years, not saying a word to anyone, then running to the police like some spoiled brat complaining that someone hurt their feelings online?  

"It is my belief that Scotland Yard was set out on a mission, not one to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann but to rewrite the history of the case in such a way that the majority of the public simply forgets the past." - The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 17:57

sally66 wrote:I have never understood their obsession with what people are writing on social media.  Surely if your daughter had been abducted finding her would be your obsession.  As to people poring over the files I would be delighted because even if they were of the opinion that I had done something I would know I had nothing to hide and would think they could uncover the truth.  It would be like having an army of free helpers.

I agree, but i think there is more of an underlying agenda to all of this case than a missing child, IMO.

Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 EdgarMitchell-320x276

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 17:59

Just so everyone knows... I fit the profile of Brenda... And would have you know that just like Brenda I am not nutty, strange, dispossessed, isolated or eccentric. I have a deep misgiving about the tale being told about Madeleine. I am not alone. I am very concerned that there are people sued, or even dying for the sake of truth.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 18:01

SixMillionQuid wrote:The period in which prosecutions can be brought against people for using the internet, social media or mobile phones to send menacing messages will be increased from six months to three years.

“The sending of abusive messages or material online can cause absolute misery for victims and we need to make sure that people who commit these awful crimes are properly punished,” Grayling said.

So there will people sitting around gathering evidence for years, not saying a word to anyone, then running to the police like some spoiled brat complaining that someone hurt their feelings online?  

That is what i posted earlier, who is going to monitor all of the thousands of online messages ??

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Joss 19.10.14 18:05

They will also need to be more specific in what they are proposing to prosecute people on. What about the laws for cyber crimes that already exist? How is this going to be any different to those laws?

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 18:10

Joss wrote:
SixMillionQuid wrote:The period in which prosecutions can be brought against people for using the internet, social media or mobile phones to send menacing messages will be increased from six months to three years.

“The sending of abusive messages or material online can cause absolute misery for victims and we need to make sure that people who commit these awful crimes are properly punished,” Grayling said.

So there will people sitting around gathering evidence for years, not saying a word to anyone, then running to the police like some spoiled brat complaining that someone hurt their feelings online?  

That is what i posted earlier, who is going to monitor all of the thousands of online messages ??

They won't. The mere suggestion will ward off the most timid of posters! For hardened commenters it will take a more brutal hand. It's coming.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by lufc50337 19.10.14 18:12

Joss wrote:
sally66 wrote:I have never understood their obsession with what people are writing on social media.  Surely if your daughter had been abducted finding her would be your obsession.  As to people poring over the files I would be delighted because even if they were of the opinion that I had done something I would know I had nothing to hide and would think they could uncover the truth.  It would be like having an army of free helpers.

I agree, but i think there is more of an underlying agenda to all of this case than a missing child, IMO.
So do I but you'd think they'd at least try and act like it was a genuine abudction.

The only way they will stop speculation is to ban the Internet and that isn't going to happen

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by sharonl 19.10.14 18:14

What do we know about this new law? Has it been passed through parliament or is it still at the proposal stage?

Most of us only get the hear about the basis of a new laws but there is usually pages of detail written up and available to us but are rarely read. There must be some official information relating to this somewhere.
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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 18:28

sharonl wrote:What do we know about this new law?  Has it been passed through parliament or is it still at the proposal stage?

Most of us only get the hear about the basis of a new laws but there is usually pages of detail written up and available to us but are rarely read.  There must be some official information relating to this somewhere.

It may be think tank stuff... Put the feelers out and gauge public perception.. then draw up a white paper.. Kick a few wobbly boys (WHIPS) and carry the idea into HoC ... Democracy? . Not at all.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Guest 19.10.14 18:39

I doubt it will become law this side of a general election.  Whoever's in power next May will not regard it as a priority, IMO.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Lance De Boils 19.10.14 18:41

sharonl wrote:What do we know about this new law?  Has it been passed through parliament or is it still at the proposal stage?

Most of us only get the hear about the basis of a new laws but there is usually pages of detail written up and available to us but are rarely read.  There must be some official information relating to this somewhere.

From The Times article:

"The Communications Act 2003 bans online messages that threaten violence or cause stress or alarm to their targets. But the harshest sentence that magistrates can impose is six months in prison.

The government is to introduce amendments to the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill, which will be debated in the House of Lords this week, to allow a maximum penalty on conviction of two years in prison.

The period in which prosecutions can be brought against people for using the internet, social media or mobile phones to send menacing messages will be increased from six months to three years."

[My bold/red]
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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Guest 19.10.14 18:42

If they bring out a law against asking questions, giving reasoned arguments and discussing theories we (all people) are in big trouble.

I think they are working on it though.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Guest 19.10.14 18:45

Lance De Boils wrote:"The Communications Act 2003 bans online messages that threaten violence or cause stress or alarm to their targets. But the harshest sentence that magistrates can impose is six months in prison.


Sometimes stress and alarm to targets is necessary.

Who decides.


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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 18:50

[quote="Ladyinred"]I doubt it will become law this side of a general election.  Whoever's in power next May will not regard it as a priority, IMO.[/quote

We have seen changes of Government throughout this debacle...and not a hope in hell for Madeleine. Don't rely on this or any other g'ment to resolve this..They are up to their necks in it.. My opinion only.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 18:53

BlueBag wrote:
Lance De Boils wrote:"The Communications Act 2003 bans online messages that threaten violence or cause stress or alarm to their targets. But the harshest sentence that magistrates can impose is six months in prison.


Sometimes stress and alarm to targets is necessary.

Who decides.


Orwellian and scary.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by plebgate 19.10.14 18:58

If anyone complains to the police about internet comments causing them stress or harm, they will have to show it.   People wont just be able to complain and expect people to be prosecuted.

Will they have to consult  a  doctor, will they have had to have had sick notes covering any period of time off because of the stress or harm.   Will they have to show that during the alleged stress and harm caused there have been no tv interviews, charity events, mixing with celebs etc. etc.

Stress and harm will have effects, effects which alter peoples lifestyle.   They will have to show this is the case surely before anyone can be prosecuted and wouldn't they have to bring documentary evidence of stress and harm to court?

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Lance De Boils 19.10.14 19:07

That's probably why Gerry made a point of slipping in that line about how they've had to 'modify their behaviour'.
Although if they never used eg Twitter before, then not using it now could hardly be considered modification.
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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by plebgate 19.10.14 19:14

I can understand the police fairly easily being able to prosecute violent threats against a person and rightly so imo, but for readily available, online police files I think it would be difficult to claim stress and harm caused through questions and discussion of said files.

Didn't S&S say The Met told them to read the online files before publishing their book.  What's good for the goose and all that imo.

Anyways, there are very well documented appearances on tv and running events, etc. during the last 7 years to show that (IMO), nothing posted here seems to have affected Mr. & Mrs.

Heck they didn't even produce documentary evidence to go to civil court in Portugal.

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by Geowoo 19.10.14 19:27

plebgate wrote:If anyone complains to the police about internet comments causing them stress or harm, they will have to show it.   People wont just be able to complain and expect people to be prosecuted.

Will they have to consult  a  doctor, will they have had to have had sick notes covering any period of time off because of the stress or harm.   Will they have to show that during the alleged stress and harm caused there have been no tv interviews, charity events, mixing with celebs etc. etc.

Stress and harm will have effects, effects which alter peoples lifestyle.   They will have to show this is the case surely before anyone can be prosecuted and wouldn't they have to bring documentary evidence of stress and harm to court?

Erm ... Was it not the case that the McCanns had to show the same? They brought forth a miserable and unconvincing team who just stuttered their way through the process. A limp wrist!

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Two year sentences for Trolls - Page 3 Empty Re: Two year sentences for Trolls

Post by plebgate 19.10.14 19:30

Where's that photo when you want it of Mrs. sitting on Mr's lap at the friends house.    Didn't look very stressed in that one imo.

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