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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Post by Searcgforthetruth 09.10.14 21:07

In my opinion legal action against the Publishers would be entirely justified here.

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Plagiarism  Empty Re: Plagiarism

Post by PeterMac 09.10.14 22:46

Searcgforthetruth wrote:
In my opinion legal action against the Publishers would be entirely justified here.

Very probably. But who could be bothered ?
The authors are finished as 'investigative journalists'. I bought the book in good faith hoping for some investigative journalism.
I had never heard of them, but was led to believe that they had some status in the rarefied field of reproducing "stuff' in another format, and commenting on it
Now they don't.
They are finished.
The Curse of the McCanns has struck, yet again, with deadly effect.

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Post by Brian Griffin 10.10.14 0:48

Hi Peter, you say 'Who could be bothered?', and to a certain extent I agree with you, but on the other hand, the McCanns and their ilk really can be bothered to sue whenever they can (and it's profitable) and to doorstep individuals when it will (so they think) score them points in this thing that has turned into a bizarre cyber-war of information.

A while ago I asked why the Eddie and Keela dog handler (sorry - forget the name and don't want to seach for it because everyone knows who I am talking about) didn't sure the McCanns for the defamatory and libelous comments made against him by the McCanns. You said that for policemen/women it isn't about the suing, but the justice and pride of a job well done, or words to that effect. I understand that, and respect it, as I respect the hard work done by the real cops out there.

However, every time someone wronged by the McCanns, directly or indirectly as a result of this case, chooses not to sue, for whatever reason, it makes the McCanns stronger and makes them look more invincible as they sue anyone they see fit. It's all one-sided. If people have a case, they need to start taking legal steps, however trivial, because for every inch of ground given, it's a mile taken by the 'other' side.

Normal people don't sue over trivialities, but these are not necessarily trivialities and this is no normal case.

In my opinion.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin

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Plagiarism  Empty Re: Plagiarism

Post by Okeydokey 10.10.14 2:04

PeterMac wrote:
Searcgforthetruth wrote:
In my opinion legal action against the Publishers would be entirely justified here.

Very probably.  But who could be bothered ?
The authors are finished as 'investigative journalists'. I bought the book in good faith hoping for some investigative journalism.
I had never heard of them, but was led to believe that they had some status in the rarefied field of reproducing "stuff' in another format, and commenting on it
Now they don't.
They are finished.
The Curse of the McCanns has struck, yet again, with deadly effect.

It's a double curse isn't it? A curse on anyone who opposes them and a curse on anyone who supports them.

A very nihilistic sort of curse.

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