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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Mm11

Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Regist10
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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Mm11

Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Regist10

Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by aiyoyo 29.09.14 19:58

jeanmonroe wrote:I bet they also wish they could 'whoosh' their book 'sales' data! winkwink

And .....the one star reviews on Amazon!

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by margaret 01.10.14 18:12

Angelique wrote:jeanmonroe wrote:



S&S 'book' TIMED to 'TIE IN' with OG/Met Police 'END RESULT'"

But forgive if I am wrong but if it is to tie in with the Met's end result then the Met's end result must be the same as S&S

Snip: "In their book, Summers & Swan write, in July 2014:

The authors wish to make clear at the outset that, after more than two years studying this controversial case, they have seen not a shred of evidence to indicate that Gerry and Kate McCann, any member of their holiday group, or Robert Murat were at any stage – in May 2007 or subsequently – guilty of malfeasance of any kind in connection with Madeleine McCann’s disappearance or the repercussions that followed."

Does this mean Met will say "not a shred of evidence etc." if so, then it confirms a whitewash or am I reading this wrong?

Tbh it could be open to interpretation but the fact that SY told S&S to go read the files, refused to give them any info and refused to give them an end date tells me they basically told them to f-off.

I still say the Mcs are involved in this book in some way and sent S&S to fish from SY and l think SY knew exactly who they were dealing with.

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by Guest 01.10.14 18:20

It doesn't take a transatlantic trip to say "sorry we can't help".


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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by Hobs 01.10.14 22:06

PeterMac wrote:"They were politely advised that all the information is in the public domain via the PJ files on the internet, and whilst we understood the interest and value in such a book that would extend to telling the story of this investigative review, their time would be best spent getting up to speed on the available files and forming their own opinion on it."

Interesting choice of words.
It suggests that Grange have got nothing other than what is on the internet.
We know know this is not correct as various people have sent them stuff which has not ben released - yet  !
Basically they were told bugger off and do your own research using the publicly available files and come to your own conclusions.
We are not talking since it is probable you will contact the parents, their family and friends and divulge information to them about anything we may or may not have found and our conclusions thereof.

No cop is going to let the suspects know or suspect what the cops have got on them since it could cause them to run. conceal evidence, threaten or intimidate witnesses or self harm

What is clear is the mccanns and their supporters are desperate to know what the cops have found, both in Portugal and the UK and also what is in the files that have not been publicly released.

I would like to know what deal they made with the mccanns that let them write this book that showed them in a positive light. ( if it hadn't they would have been shut down fast)

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.14 23:09

Hobs wrote:

I would like to know what deal they made with the mccanns that let them write this book that showed them in a positive light. ( if it hadn't they would have been shut down fast)

An undertaking not to portray them in bad lights perhaps?
And a promise to exculpate them of any malfeasance throw in for good measure .

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by jeanmonroe 02.10.14 0:08

Hobs wrote:
PeterMac wrote:"They were politely advised that all the information is in the public domain via the PJ files on the internet, and whilst we understood the interest and value in such a book that would extend to telling the story of this investigative review, their time would be best spent getting up to speed on the available files and forming their own opinion on it."

Interesting choice of words.
It suggests that Grange have got nothing other than what is on the internet.
We know know this is not correct as various people have sent them stuff which has not ben released - yet  !
Basically they were told bugger off and do your own research using the publicly available files and come to your own conclusions.
We are not talking since it is probable you will contact the parents, their family and friends and divulge information to them about anything we may or may not have found and our conclusions thereof.

No cop is going to let the suspects know or suspect what the cops have got on them since it could cause them to run. conceal evidence, threaten or intimidate witnesses or self harm

What is clear is the mccanns and their supporters are desperate to know what the cops have found, both in Portugal and the UK and also what is in the files that have not been publicly released.

I would like to know what deal they made with the mccanns that let them write this book that showed them in a positive light. ( if it hadn't they would have been shut down fast)

THX Hobs. That's what i thought.

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by Doubter 07.10.14 21:54

Perhaps S & S just wanted the soundbite of 'we met AR of OG' to make themselves sound far more important and 'in the know' than they actually are .

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Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S - Page 2 Empty Re: Aha! What Operation 'Strange' really 'said' to S&S

Post by Gillyspot 07.10.14 22:10

Doubter wrote:Perhaps S & S just wanted the soundbite of 'we met AR of OG' to make themselves sound far more important and 'in the know' than they actually are .
Who knows you could be right Doubter & welcome2 to the forum.

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